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Everything posted by Jaapy

  1. Jaapy

    Creature List

    Obviously I'm only talking about Helbreath Nemesis. The creature list is not a compiled list of ALL creatures in every private server... that would be crazy. The fact that you played some fruit server is completely irrelevant and doesn't make it more right for a statted Hat or Cap to make sense. I'd also like to speculate why there isn't any hats or caps in the offical version of Helbreath: I believe that mages are already quite powerful as-is already. Additional statted items would definately make them even stronger. I think that if we add such statted Hats and Caps, then we should also add something for warriors. The argument "warriors gets statted headgear, so mages should get them too" has no bearing to me. To answer you: No, not at all. You're opinion... but you're definately missing something here!
  2. Jaapy

    Creature List

    Yes the list is (almost) 100% correct. Actually, I find this a silly question because have you ever seen a statted hat or cap ingame? I certainly didn't... so why doubt that the creature list is incorrect? Anyway, it's true that no statted hats or caps are dropped.
  3. Jaapy

    Guild Section On Main Page

    Of course it can! When I set this up I didn't expect these synchronization problems. I have to make some changes to accomodate for this behaviour. It's definately something that can be perfected.
  4. Jaapy

    Ban Please?

    I was online when this happened. I issued a mute to EnjoyLife. Next time, don't report people in General section guys. Please use the ticket system (more private), or PM one of us, or post in the Server Help section instead.
  5. Jaapy

    Guild Section On Main Page

    Yea I already know there are some synchronization problems. I fetch the data from 2 different places. They can both be outdated or show different information. Problems arise when ppl are kicked out the guild and/or the guild is dismissed entirely.
  6. Jaapy


    Your case was handled before the rules were changed to reflect our decision about real money trades. At the time you conducted the scam, there were no rules regarding the processing of real money trade scams. You don't understand. We have a rules section on our website that clearly describes the following regarding this case: The current GM team decided not to handle these cases as it is alot of additional work. Once you allow one case then many people will just get careless with an "ah whatever, GM will help if my item get scammed so here take it"-attitude. So even though this specific case will take about 15-30 mins of log spitting and 10 mins of DB queries to fix, it will result in ALOT more cases. So... unless you are willing to give up your own free time to handle these cases, you shouldn't need to complain.
  7. Jaapy

    Can Excalibur Be Fished?!

    Guys, be realistic... Excaliber+2 isn't even in the Item.cfg so how can you fish it? It hasn't been in the Item.cfg since v2.03... unless you guys are talking about some ancient version of Helbreath. But who cares about that? Well. To make things short. It's not really important wether it's possible on OTHER servers. All I can really guarantuee you is that it's not fishable in Nemesis. raMz probably dreamt about it or something, I dunno where else he would get it from... lol Seriously xDD
  8. Jaapy

    Can Excalibur Be Fished?!

    it was fishable (back on int) Was? When? In what version? Was it a bug? Any proof or only a rumour?
  9. Jaapy

    Can Excalibur Be Fished?!

    No you can't fish an Excaliber, Excaliber+1 or Excaliber+2. Also, on official servers you cannot fish these weapons either. There is a *SMALL* chance that USA has changed this recently (they code their own stuff too now appearantly, in my eyes they aren't "official" anymore), but don't get your hopes up. People say crazy stuff and in all my years playing HB I haven't figured out why or how these people make these things up. Maybe it was fishable in official servers because of a bug in the past? Who knows...
  10. Jaapy

    Server Offline

    I don't have physical access to the server. I can't start or stop the gameservers. I can only administrate the database, which would be pretty useless in this case. Only scatterp (Scat[GM]), lorraine (Sexy[GM]) or farjat (farjat[GM]) (or: the owners) can reboot the server. They do live in different timezones though (Argentina and UK, see staff list).
  11. Jaapy

    About My Char

    I don't understand exactly how I've degraded your rep? Zariel has not been banned yet, and has not yet been marked as an EK lamer. We are just looking at the EK list in Staff room right now, as the one that posted the SS asked us to do. It's a long list, so we can't judge it right away... it's borderline case. Hmm maybe I used the wrong word?
  12. Jaapy


    Spam? Closed.
  13. Jaapy

    Helbreath Nemesis Promotional Video

    Dilr0y i going to download it and add it to youtube for you its easier to show on website.. Done so now its showing on the website and on youtube i added it was made by you etc :) Sexy dilroy already put it on youtube :( you didnt see the link he posted?
  14. Jaapy

    Helbreath Nemesis Promotional Video

    You removed it Dilr0y? New link pls xD
  15. Jaapy

    /to Any Gm

    The La_Suegra case was a decision by Lorraine, which is a decision you have to respect. There is no way around it. As for any other case the instructions towards the GMs are very clear. Every player that has lamed EKs is getting a permanent ban from us. It does not matter when it happened or who did it, when we detect you lamed EKs, you get a ban. It's a very simple rule, but unfortunately people still do it. Our sophesticated GM tools WILL detect you eventually. However, farjat and I are working on a system where players can request "amnesty". Once amnesty is given, the character gets a reset and the ban is removed. I'm not exactly sure what gets reset anymore. And I don't know when you can expect this amnesty stuff to be released. To answer your question, Bto: At this time we will not unban your friend. Maybe in the near future he can get an unban through the amnesty program, MAYBE. Otherwise, he will remain permanently banned.
  16. Jaapy

    New Guild Section

    Added top 25 based on total EK and on EK-to-member ratio. I already saw it isn't working 100% correctly yet, because the guild isn't always updated regarding kicked members or disbanned guilds... I'll fix later.
  17. Jaapy

    Helbreath Nemesis Promotional Video

    Added a video section to the website. Your video is on top :-) Nice work
  18. Jaapy

    New Guild Section

    Yes I will add more stuff to the guilds page soon. A ranking based on total of EK of the guild sounds excellent. The list doesn't show skill. It says "Top 50 BIGGEST guilds" why do you see this a ranking in skill at all?
  19. Jaapy

    Hblux Ripping Off Our Ideas

    At least didn't copy our site literally... like they did with the HBPortal stuff... look at the right side of the website hehe, they even making the raid timer and crusade countdown xD but he didn't figure out how to do it yet. Perhaps they'll make an event calendar too?
  20. Jaapy

    For Farjat Only

    Yea just send them to me! I'm the one that place them on the website. You can PM me the guides (can be any format, like .doc or .odf, or just in the form of a forum post, I don't care). Tnx.
  21. Jaapy

    New Guild Section

  22. Jaapy

    Japy Bday Colo

    wohooo japy bday!!! xD
  23. Jaapy

    Many Dutch Ppl?

    Er zijn er wel een paar ja, ik bijvoorbeeld! White[GM] is Belgisch en hij spreekt ook Nederlands.
  24. Jaapy

    Some Incidents.

    Klopt. Ik had de vertaling ff snel gedaan, maar hier is de goeie vertaling: Sky GM is achter de rug van de admins met de hacker bezig geweest en dat heeft ertoe geleidt dat de hacker meer accounts is gaan hacken. En ja, een GM mag dan wel goed zijn, maar als de admins er geen vertrouwen meer in hebben, dan is het helaas afgelopen. Wij vinden het ook zonde.
  25. Jaapy

    Some Incidents.

    Er zijn dit weekend een paar incidenten geweest die te maken hebben met account hacking. Farjat was er niet, maar scatterp en Lorraine hebben dit prima afgehandeld. Een paar mensen zijn gehackt en hun items zijn weggeven en/of verkocht aan de shop, omdat ze dezelfde wachtwoord gebruikten als in andere servers/plekken. Dit is niet de schuld van de server. Elke speler is verantwoordelijk voor zijn eigen account. De admins hebben de gewone GMs erop aangedrongen zich er niet mee te bemoeien, want farjat moest een goed geformuleerd eensgezind antwoord opstellen. Sky GM went on his own, messing with the lammer, and causing him ungry to get into more accounts Sky GM is achter de rug van de admins met de hacker bezig geweest en dat heeft ertoe geleidt dat de hacker meer accounts is gaan hacken. Lorraine sprak met de hacker om hem tot stoppen te dwingen en Sky heeft dat verknald. De admins hebben ervoor gekozen om Sky[GM] te deactiveren omdat hij de direct aanwijzing van de admin niet heeft opgevolgd. Hij heeft onze vertrouwen verloren. Farjat voelt zich persoonlijk rot door hetgeen voorgevallen, maar hij is het met alles eens. Heel veel dank richting Sky[GM] voor alle hulp en ondersteuning die hij ons heeft gegeven. We verwachten dat hij een rustig spelersleven gaat leiden en hij is natuurlijk altijd welkom om te helpen als een speler. We denken erover om de getroffen spelers te helpen met het teruggeven van hun items als een uitzondering, omdat de helft van deze mensen beschadigd zijn door de tussenkomst van een GM. Hierover valt niet te discussieren, onze beslissing staat vast. Ook is onze nieuwe ticket systeem beschikbaar op de website. Gebruik het om hulp van ons te krijgen. Het systeem is nodig om meer organisatie in het geheel te krijgen. We verwachten dat mensen het vanaf heden gaan gebruiken zonder het te misbruiken. Wees duidelijk en gedetailleerd met de tickets. Bedankt. Helbreath Nemesis Admins. ps: Vertaal alsjeblieft voor iedereen als je kunt, dit is een topic voor meerdere talen.