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About Dremell

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  1. Dremell

    Max Lvl~!!

    I think it's because they want us to have different builds than just BBH and Blizz mages. And that's quite true, 140 max lvl encouraged me to make a different character than ever before. There are also more reasons for it too. For example there are no perfect characters anymore. You can't swing BH or BBH and learn zerk unless you want to sacrifice many vital statpoints to do so. At 180 lvl warriors can pretty much solo everywhere but now it's more convenient to take a mage with you to even not-so-dangerous places. As I already mentioned, 140 max lvl makes many different builds possible and the most important thing is, they dont suck just like they would in 180 max lvl. So no overpowered characters and that's good ^_^
  2. Dremell

    Suggestions Section

    Yes, I totally agree with kay0 and the rest of the guys, delete the santa costumes. We should be encouraging partying not soloing. The IG pit is "too" easy exp for wars while most mages needs to suffer at the scorp pit, full of other mages and wars. Mages are made for support and massive damage dealing, so why not using them to fulfill their purpose? Some people may agree with me, some people may not but I mention it anyways. The amount of exp gained while partying sucks. Atleast it doesn't encourage me enough to exp with people even if we could kill mobs faster, unless we are looking for some drops. Therefore i suggest to increase the exp bonus of the party a little, just to keep people more interested. Bah... I would even double the hp amount of some mobs (i know im crazy :D), to make it almost impossible to solo them or make solo exp so low and party exp high enough so that would be more reasonable to party. Now that we are in the subject, I would like to see an overhaul of the party system. For example make gold shared equally no matter who of the party members picks it up. Same should be done for the loot. They should be made randomized or get-loot-by-turn basis. Food or alchemic parts shouldn't affect the randomization or by-turn chart so that you can't cheat with food to get the next drop at your turn. This would encourage off-guild party even more. Of course these random/by-turn loot and money sharing should be able to be switched to whichever you like the most or even turned off. And who could control these settings? The party leader who is able to invite people to the party or kick them if needed and change these settings before the first invite has happened. Oh well just a couple of ideas here -.- P.S I like the rare dye idea and the idea to make some of the rare alchemy parts for use but i don't want the zerk time to be increased since it's fine now. It would make some warriors even more stronger...
  3. Dremell

    Couldnt Find A Forum For Bugs

    Drops seems to be fine, atleast I have found an iron shield from cyclops. Only bug i have found is that ettins drops light axes. I recommend you to check this link--> Drop list I think that list should be quite accurate so no blonde or lagi is dropped by rudolphs and cyclops.