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Posts posted by PUCHO

  1. Do you even know what the word hypocrit means? Learn to grasp simple english before you go around brandishing big words. If i was a hypocrit, I would log in game right now and start screaming "recall +1" like a silly little cretin.


    This topic isnt about people recalling, its about the morons who constantly fill global chat with moronic, unintelligent and down right annoying text.


    ...strangely enough, youre one of the morons I speak of.

    you are the person less suited to talk about it

    lol lame

    its a game, get a life


    you can call me noob 10x, but atleast i have a personal life




    ok now i have to post too.

    all ppl argue that ppl take it too serious if they write RECALL+1 or sth like that

    in my oppinion the guy that recalls takes it too serious. If its only a game for him why cant he just die? no it s so serious to him that has to run safe pull recall or what ever just not to get the shame of dieing.

    like dEz said he fights to end and thats what i do.

    i dont wanna waste someone else time in fighting 1 hour and not give him ek if i loose.

    so u smart teacher, well if u would be smart u wouldnt be a teacher but thats a different topic.

    so get ur *censored* off safe and stop waste others time

    die if u are supposed to die.

    if not.... who takes it too serious?


    die to learn is the way :) but well, anyone want die, so anyone never learn how to play.

  2. Vamp you can't win with PUCHO/Toilet here, at least not in any kind of constructive conversation.


    I see your point.


    I just enjoy watching PUCHO make a fool of himself.


    Seems the topic of this thread has completely flown over the top of some peoples heads. Again.


    asslicker go want mod


    This has nothing to do with *censored* kissing, vamp doesn't want mod either. It's just him asking for people to stop the poor thought out comments, like the ones you repeatedly make both ingame and out.


    Just try to listen to the point rather than get all defensive.

    look at u 1st.

    "im the best mage in the server"

    and u use long boots and cape violet.

  3. Do you even know what the word hypocrit means? Learn to grasp simple english before you go around brandishing big words. If i was a hypocrit, I would log in game right now and start screaming "recall +1" like a silly little cretin.


    This topic isnt about people recalling, its about the morons who constantly fill global chat with moronic, unintelligent and down right annoying text.


    ...strangely enough, youre one of the morons I speak of.

    you are the person less suited to talk about it


  4. Good for you Dez. You dont recall. It still doesnt change the fact everytime someone screams "RECALL+1" over global they look like complete and utter morons.


    Just because you dont recall, doesnt mean that other people cant. Just because the players on HBPL scream RECALL at every given chance doesnt make it any less stupid.


    The same people who say "safe+1" "recall+1" and "run+1" are the same idiots who continually start all those "OMFG HE RAN IN PVP" threads in the screenshot section.

    u need learn how to play.. dez never recall, and he learn more than u because he dont recall, and he fight to the end, this is HB, not like u, run all day like a girl...

    stop post stupids things vampyr, u sux so hard guy... i dont know what are u doing here in this topic posting...

    what a hypocrit

  5. lol.. i quitted 3 months ago and ppls are still opening this kind of topics :)


    man its okay u opend it and i guess it will be the last 1 u will open.


    because its POINLESS.. no1 will listen to u.. i dont want to get u offended but no1 give a *censored*ING shit about what u say..


    well maybe someday ill be back :) maybe when i get my old items and naggs back :D hehe then ill show u guys what SKILLS IS :)

    and this day u will pvp me :D

  6. "Your pretty simple"


    Call me a grammar nazi if you like, but it hurts to see someone insulting another persons intelligence when they fail to distinguish between your and you're.


    Off-topic sorry, but needs to be said.

    nice, thats the problem...

    u always said what u are pro, but u arent pro ._.

    anyways, i saw u playing.. remember Ariadna and u , 1 vs 1.

  7. i was there runin Argen part.. Eldon, u couldnt stop my lilt sister's hunt.. u came, and as u came u left, cause Brother logged, Morpheus died, and Medic also 2 times, nobody says u dont know nothing of the game, in fact, i respect your opinion a lot, but stop sayin u r the best mage on HB cause u r not, u always die..


    Hunter dced, so there was no GM there, and Oldies took drop, u cant say anything to them, just know what r they like..



    who said Eld0n the best mage ? if his noob use long boots and cape violet HAHAHAHAH

    if eld0n are the best mage pvp me, and what about the real good mages? who know eld0n man :S

    god.. is amazing... btw, eld0n die all days :S this is THE BEST MAGE? OMG LMAO..

    go hb pl or usa.. zzzz

  8. i have a lot of screenshots of ppl saying "taco" "poor arg" fking arg" "go pesos"

    like Autumn, Rast, Closed, Morpheus, DeSeNhO, and more guys...

    and last days, desenho of guild brothers in blood, said "poor *censored*" "fking arg"

    and white gm dont do nothing.


    See this is what i was talking about on the first page. There was a time 6 months ago, where GM's would baby players. Banning people for STUPID and PETTY insults. Now players have grown used to that and expect GM's to resolve all their issues with their magic wand. It shouldnt happen. I remember when "Banana" was considered a racial insult - I almost fooded my items and left over how pathetic that was.


    "fking arg" - There is a guild in elvine called Argenlandia - you may have heard of it, most players abbrevate that guild to "Arg". Most of the time when "fking arg" is mentioned it is in refernece to the guild name.


    The other reason why GM's probally dont do anything when you complain about insults, is because they know you are one of the two biggest loud mouths in elvine who abuse 24/7 and probally deserve everything you get. Dont dish it if you cant take it.


    Back on to the topic of Feedback.

    i dont care if 1 person tell me "fking arg" "taco" "mexican" "go peso$ poor" and these stupids tings.. u know vampyr, i dont care what they said... but they CARE... if i say "macaco" poor br" "fking br" or "yankee"

    gms bann me, mute me, and ALL things...

    thats my point.


  9. i have a lot of screenshots of ppl saying "taco" "poor arg" fking arg" "go pesos"

    like Autumn, Rast, Closed, Morpheus, DeSeNhO, and more guys...

    and last days, desenho of guild brothers in blood, said "poor *censored*" "fking arg"

    and white gm dont do nothing.

  10. Oooo...


    Gm's randomly close your topics and feel they have a certain ammount of authority/power over everyone.


    Higher status? Yeh ok. It's annoying toget smart comments on every post they dont agree with shortly followed by Closed. Theres actually about 5 perfect examples of it in general topics alone at this moment.


    Solution? Move the post some where else if you dont think its relevant and after your thoughts on the topic instead of closing it giving the impression "what i say goes" keep it open for discussion. It's pretty dam rude and annoying to find your post closed when you took the time to write it trying to address an issue you think affects the game. Im sure the highest quantity of respect goes to those who actually listen and take feed back and criticism if there opinion isnt best suited.


    Do you think obama says something then doesnt listen to every reply from whom it concerns? Everything he says carry's responsabilty and he has over 1000 people in connection who give there opinion on the matter.


    And why was skyas actually kicked off the team? He tried to keep people happy he voiced his opinion in a mature and structured mannor and it got shut down with the same attitude ive previously mentioned only to find out later he was 100% right from the start which could not of only prevented a large mess but could of prevented a numerous ammount of weeks lost for those invovled.


    Did he get a formal apology? Did he get thanked for the early warning? Did he get his GM reinstated? Did the community get a say about him being removed? Did he actually do anything wrong or damaging to the server? Did he insult any member of staff during his say on the issue?

    They all share the same answer "NO" the only thing he got in my opinion was an insult. "we cant trust him".


    But nemesis has survived so that deserves applauding.

    and what about banns for racist and these things?

    zzzz when 1 argentine said "maca**" or "fkng br" or "yankee" (sorry for said this) the staff bann us.. but what happens when BRS and ALL THE PPL IN THIS SERVER said "TACO TACO" "FKING ARG" "GO *censored*" "GO WORDCUP" "GO PESOS POOR"


    but well, nemesis is the only server what it never down and it have the better staff.


  11. i am sorry to disappoint you

    argen best mages?


    more like 50 mages


    only1s i seen in argen that i think they are skilled are enjoylife elguason King..


    2 of them never play


    oldies IMO was the best guild

    when i joined this server they owned every1




    more like Kochakoi zoro and 3 more decent guys

    all other are among normal or sux players


    african is by far the best guild i seen in ares


    pretty much they recruited the decent survivors, with crow and josh

    hjahaha all oldies sux, they r only items..

    i pwn them in anothers servers with 10 ping... and i prove it, they sux hard :S

    but ever they re 50 or more...

    if u join argenlandia u can pwn all server with us ._.

    we ever do this...