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Posts posted by Skyas

  1. top computer where u get ur speed from?:o


    Intel d2d e4300 1.82GHz stock both cores => Mine running currently @ 3.1GHz both cores.

    2x1024mb 800MHz memory @ mine somewhere around 900MHz

    Geforce 7900GS stock @ around core 450MHz/memory 650Mhz => Mine 605MHz/808MHz

    Abit ab7-s MB



    Thats where I get my speed from. I favored CRT screen over flat, because during 2007 summer when I bought this the flat screens capable to same resolution and herzes were terribly pricy. The refreshrate and resolution matters for me, not the inches behind the screen ^^


    IPB ImageIPB Image


    Dunno why I blanked clock. I got ss of 1000+ fps from 30.10 too ^^

  2. There is a better option for force recall. We will work on it and give news soon.

    We will try to add a "5 minutes chance" to login in the same spot without being recalled.


    Also if this works, will be added to apocalypse maps also. And to Arenas for Events but with less time.


    Sounds alot better! Especially dc+arena would be very very nice!

  3. Again, how to deal with bbh+4's ETC which looks exactly like the ones in BS, but grants enormous advantage? And also same thing with statted hauberks. You cannot see those under DK plate/chain but high statted mp berk/hp berk helps very very much.


    GMs can check the items via the recent feature they've gotten. If you don't get what I mean, just let me explain :) It should be atleast done to winning guild.


    Yes, ppl can still try to hide those but atleast it won't be that easy.

  4. Love the first one, hate the second one.


    IMO the reason why there is ALOT 140- level characters is that quite alot ppl have mages there ready for wyvern hunts/logged off after wyvern hunts. And also because noobs logs out with their characters immediatly to take a break if some higher level character comes to pit to kill all igs or loggs on only to see if pit is empty. One way to prevent this would be to set ib level requirement to 140+. It's imo alot better choice. And anyways so what if there is noob characters spying/stealing? It's not hard to fight back anyways.



    I love thought the fact that there is active coders in the server.

  5. So, when u are like lvl 83 and some mean big lvl players comes into ur city, and tries to 1 hit kill u....what will u do, ask for mercy?


    Run like hell? B)


    Anyways it wouldnt make diffirence if they 1hitted you.

    We got pots and it takes just couple hours to get to higher lvl. Its just simply annoying that when you fight for long time, then some1 pulls unbelieveble recall there frozen, critted by 5 wars, shot by 5 mages and spawn on his head. Thats what makes it suck the most.

  6. Ogner rings should be easier to get. Dragon rings should be slightly harder to get.


    Nothing else can be done.

    Problem with dragon rings cannot be changed anymore, if you increase demon ring drops => server goes more unbalanced. If you change dragon and demon rings damage => every dragoring owner complains.

  7. You need to kill others Mobs from the map to have a chance to get a Spawn from Ettins...

    If you only go there and kill Ettins or MG there will be a Point where there will not be any single Ettin or MG.




    About Increasing the spawn... i dont know if it is a good idea. Since there is no raid day on week days everyone train at Garden already... Server sometimes become boring because there is no one at ML, IB, Dungeons. They(Elvs and Ares) are trainning and almost hidding xD

    Plus Dragonia, the chance to find a mass fight decrease... and it would decrease even more if we give another map to train in safe when we already have many.


    The problem is there that ettins, wws and mgs spawns more in dv than what they do in sw. And what makes it even more as a problem is that sw map is like a labyrinth compared to dv; dv is clear and easy+fun map to hunt in. There ain't such a spot in sw as you got the upper isle in dv.


    Eather those both should be made as sucky or sw should be made better.

  8. ' date='Nov 6 2008, 06:55 PM' post='238161']

    only DK wand

    DK sword

    Blacksmith weapons, GS, BBH


    no activations because no xel blade, rapier, allowed


    Hmm so blacksmith weapons? How do you control bbh upgrades like +4s?

    Atleast winners needs to be checked: You can try to use statted berks to get hp/mp regen under plates/chain, as those cannot be visually seen.


    Why not just all weapons allowed, but only dksets?


    Otherwise nice rules.

  9. white u r my idol ;P hahah :D


    "Awsome, thanks alot and great job! Thanks Farjat and White! I've been waiting this for so long time, as you know. This should bring some new players around and also make it more intresting for old players.


    I'm so eager to try it out." lmao skyas.. first... as surviror.. u should give me items for mp 42 haub which Ruutu dropped like he himself said..


    Not my fault, ask for ruutu. And mp haub was anyways angeldusts so its between him and Ruutu. Please don't bring this nice topic to offtopic.


    Anyways monday: apoc huntzoR!

  10. No 1 will participate in event without prize. Thats a fact


    If that is a fact, prove it ;) I dare to say you are wrong in this case!


    PS. You could also make the a list of winners: Eternal glory.

    If you need prizes, something small like stones/sex pots/super pots would do it fine.