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Posts posted by Skyas

  1. AWSOME Jaapy!


    My ideas for the system:

    -Comment box where you could leave wishes and messages when setting up a trade. Max lenght of 200 characters?

    -Possibility to add forum account under traders name, for contacting ppl.

    -Trade log for keeping up with trades! Could be showing example, succeeded trades, failed trades and cancelations.

    -Verification for trades so that you would avoid accidental clicks/hitting enter, which might cause problems.


    My suggestions to prevent spammers:

    -100lvl limit to be able to do trades online

    -Basic alchemy parts made tradeble for money,zems and stones, and rare alchemy and monster parts no limit.

    -Ability for mods to see traders last 5 ips used ingame and accounts linked to those ips. (Link logs to this)

    -1month ban for abusers and removing the possibility to do trades online.


    Those should be able to null the abusers. Ofc some1 still can spam, but it would be so hard that propably very few would do it.

    IMO NO for Rogues suggestion/Default unit of paying:

    Market will balance itself if you let ppl trade mstones/xstones/zems for stuff. Law of demand and suply rox!


    Money has no real value in helbreath and making a new unit would be almost impossible to balance with ingame issues including droprate balance, item balance and enjoyable gaming experience. That requires lots of developing and testing while only minor advantage would be gained.





  2. my best drop ever which I had forgotten dunno why cuz i laughed 2 hard when i got it

    on Nem 1 I was runnin around Ares lookin for any elvs protecting the goldies training of course when i got to church and I see tyrones char GuessWHO which was massive edited i blizzed and he laughed at me callin me a noob cuz he had an ie neck bla bla then he starts tryin to kill me so we get to goin im LS'n him for awhile then he starts to run away 2 more LS's and bam down so im like well lets see what my drops are cuz u keep what u kill =p

    and low and behold i got me a xel neck and abby ring woot woot of course then i start gettin threats from a GM that i would be banned if i didnt give back..... but w/e best drops ez'ly ive ever gotten


    Haha! This brings out brought out some good memories really. Dm3+ms30 wand and some other stuff gotten from GuessWho/some other tyrones character during neme1, dunno who got those in our guild but anyways :)

  3. what r u talking about having the same IP??? I dont even know where this dude is in the world.


    So you arent whitegreen? What was your ingame name?


    EDIT: Ah sorry, found it: b00ga. Well I know that admins are taking carefull watch for the lammer, its highly undoubtable to get banned without lamming. You though deserve an explanation or prooff so PM White[GM] for it...

  4. u know wat- Maybe u should have talked to me before banning me for somthing i didnt do...


    lots of words in boogas quote...


    So why do you guys have the same ip and how you still know each others just barely? If you guys really whispered eachothers, then the chatlogs can be checked and that might backup yourself, but otherwise its pretty incriminating to kill one character from same ip, especially if its within short time (like days or hours).

  5. we cant use those in most cities in the states skyas

    and btw here in illinois it was -45 or so last week or the week before cant remember now started school again so everything runs in and out :(


    I know, but anyways how stupid is that?


    Ok stud tires are not the best option for the roads conditions, but the softer proper winter tires which have been designed just to increase friction does nothing bad for the roads and actually increases safety dramatically during snowy+icy conditions compared to 'normal' tires. Besides I bet ppl are using functionally worse normal tires than what there is available in winter friction tires.

  6. This way not efficient that would be like saying using a RPG is efficient in killing rabbits. lol


    It gets the job done.


    Something is terribly wrong if it doesnt. Besides the point of efficiency in here is about using it as much as possible as it doesn't deplete after using it like stones: The more you pass it around and use it, the less it is wasted in ppls bags and the more you get to deal dmg with it.

  7. This would dramatically change the gameplay, dunno if its good or not. I'd rather stick with the original form, because I like of beeing able to use the weapons efficiently.


    There is also a risk when you choose to transfere the weapon: You may easily drop it if you are careless. We have seen Luzbelito dropping ie neck here and xel blades in other servers etc. It requires some skill+knowledge to know when and how to transfere it safely. Eldons point about resuwands is good too and anyways you can pretty much avoid getting owned by xr+ie by having 2-3 invispots in bag.


    I could live with that kind of change, but obviously as I got access to activatons wps, ofc I'd like to keep my advantage.


  8. Clap, clap, clap!


    Josh, there is some kind of light inside of you. It's shines the natural charm. It's so delightfull, yet so innocent.

    You really can drop more than just a line. You handle the words, but will there ever be a real warrior inside of you?


    PS. Welcome back, buddy. Your speech almost made me drop a tear. ^_^

  9. I will lower the droprate for the rings a bit.


    I did 50/50 for both rings at first but I agree it's a LITTLE too high, but I will divide it something like 75/25 or 80/20, makes it a little harder to get them, but still doable.




    Sounds cool, thanks for listening. 75/25 or 80/20 means like I guess around 1/20. That wouldnt be that bad.

    I'm not sure about Ring of demon drops, they might be ok or not. Drago is sure ok from hcs if its 50/50 as rogm (rogm never drops B) ).

  10. Is not like what u think should be done Skyas.


    The Staff chooses and players must accept what we add.

    We choosed to add Damage Ring, thats all. If u dont like, just quit.


    Topic Moved to Suggestions.


    You can choose to stay quiet or atleast try to have influence, you know my choice.


    Because, if you don't express yourself, tell your opinnion, you really shouldn't complain eather.

    I will continue to say my opinnions, like I did in crowmaster case, like I did in "hacker case", like I've always done.


    I guess that we can say in this case: Never give advice -- a wise man won't need it, a fool won't heed it.

    Hope you fall in the first category, Farjat, hopefully you and your staff knows better than me what to do. I really do, because I like of this server.


    Cleanser has good opinnions. I still though think that they should start with lower rates, atleast with ogre rings.

    I believe that the truth lies somewhere in free words.

  11. No :wacko:


    you probably already have everything and now want to reduce hmm


    Please read again what I wrote instead of just making stupid arguments.

    Apparently it seems like a poll was a stupid idea, because ppl really are just thinking the best of theirselves instead of the best of the server.


    PS. IF having a ROM+dk12 on a mage is having everything then I guess yes I do.

  12. i voted no because up until now, unless u hunted drags alot and got a ring, if u were a warrior, chances where u wernt using any dmg ring! where as row's are given out free by mules, on blizz thats +1 dmg to 4-5 hits. so closer to +5dmg, which is drag ring dmg for warrior. Which led to some unbalance in lower levels where mages had extra dmg but warrs didnt.


    Comparing warriors physical dmg and mages spell damage is not the smartest thing to do, because they are based on full diffirent things:

    Mage uses mana for spells, warriors just hits with the weapon.

    Mages attack you can prevent by hitting him, warriors attack cannot be prevented.

    Spell releases you from paralize, hitting doesnt.


    My point is, they arent 1x1 comperable.


    Generally mages are supposed to be powerfull in damage wise but weak for physical attacks. Now as they have made pa non-stacking they've made warrior and mage classes far more balanced than they used to be.


    This way is fairer, because even low warriors can has some dmg ring, and is not too powerful to unbalance server.

    The thing is that they are dropped just too often. I support 100% that its better that they are dropped more, but just not this much.


    I'm basically just warning that we are heading to a situation which leads sooner in wipe than its needed. Or in a way where we need to tighten the drops later and make it once again stupid to hunt hcs and tws. We are on the same point where we were with dragon rings.


    Also, ogre ring isnt supposed to be worth more than 1 zem lol, its not supposed to be a rare iten or expensive, its supposed to be a cheap fix to add a bit more dmg for warrior.


    What for is this point info based in? Nemesis is trying to keep the original aspect of the game. In a good and bad way. Ofcourse its good to improve the server, but that should be done without ruining the original balance of the game.


    And therefore its better to do slight changes and then see if we are heading to good direction. Damagerings have never been dropping this often in hb, eventhough they used to drop from tws from int/usa.


    Coding of hb very complicately balanced. I did realize that just after white told me about how hitting propablity and damage is calculated. Therefore you need to be very carefull with the changes.

  13. hmm i voted no because i think its pretty cool new players will start with a ogre ring and demon ring :) and if it really true what u say they will be sell for zem-2 zems? its pretty good for the new players !! im sure 100% new players will pop up with this new drop rate.. 100% sure !




    they always cry about how they have no items :) well now they do :D its pretty nice to do it so i voted no cuz that kthxbai!


    What is the point of low droprate in low exp server if everything good is droppaed fast for new players? Thats what makes the server travell towards item wipe and boreness.Low droprate is for the sake of building your character over time and trading. If you increase all the drops massively, youll just make nemesis one of those fruitservers with all goodies available in 1 day!


    I agree that ogre rings and perhaps even demonrings were too hard to get, yes indeed. But now those are just a joke.


    PS. I'm not sure if ppl are aware of recent droprate change. Go to hunt hcs to see what it really is instead of just voting. I'm already that this poll might really be a mistake as crowd doesnt always know what is the good of the server...

  14. When dragonia was planned I told that we really should be very carefull with drops. Thats a failed thing so don't make the same mistake again please. It's better to have strickt dropping than loose, because the you can easy loosen the droprate, but you cannot get rid of too many rings by lowering it.


    As now Ogrerings drops like row, they will be in 1 month sold for 1 zem. thats not good! So please decrease the droprate of Ogre and Demon rings! (TW/HC)


    * HC will now drop Ogre Ring (50/50 on the place of Wizard Ring).

    * HC will now drop Demon Ring (50/50 on the place of Mage Ring = low chance).

    * HC will now drop Dragon Ring (50/50 on the place of Grand mage Ring = very low chance).

    * HC+TW 1st drops have changed. No longer 10% chance, but now 50% chance to get 1st drop off of them.


    ok u say the balance of the game look how many RoD and RoGM there are i nthe server due to Dragons now the servers going to be flooded with Ogres rings/demon and will soon be worth a zem for one due to hcs droping alot and crap just a input no need to flame me


    PS. IF you answer NO, please tell us why!