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Everything posted by Skyas

  1. Skyas

    Who Remembers...

    Thats probably the abby which gave me the xb during neme1 :) Farjat hid it to toh2 andI found it first, under a pile of cash I think! I snatched it like 2s before some1 else came there. Good old times!
  2. Skyas

    Hey Noobs!

    Hi Jeff!!! I guess its time to come to see you ingame some day :) You fought hard and once again proved why some people really are worth respecting for!
  3. Skyas

    About Hunter[gm]

    Oh damned. I wish all the best for you Jeff! You'd better pull yourself out of this cause we need you. Stay strong mate...
  4. Skyas

    Cast Delay

    Where did I state that It would be an absolute change?
  5. Skyas

    Ice Rapier

    I agree with Synz here, the rapier just has too far of a crit range for something like this. I'm not opposed to the idea of an Ice Axe, however. It has a shorter crit range, so it could slightly more damage to make it more of a balance. Actually ice axe would be just lovely :) I think it would be less usefull than ice sword, but still quite neat item to have! BIG yes for that.
  6. Skyas

    +3 Weapons And Armors Safely?

    Dude I was telling that its not possible if you got plates and 2 sets. 500/30=17 => ABOUT 15, please don't wank the little details.
  7. Skyas

    +3 Weapons And Armors Safely?

    you have exagerated this alot it takes alot more than 15 ab to break a normal set also with just mshield u can hit alot more than 40 .. Armor break takes about 30end away from armors. So Well a single set with leather can be broken with about 15HITS from armor break, but not 2 sets. And anyways if you have plate it takes about 100 armor breaks to make the plate to 0 end and the same or lil less to kill the wings/horns. So yeah set wont be gone with 15 armor break unless you have it stupidly on every time they click ab and you got leather :D
  8. Skyas

    Item Value Compare Tool

    Good idea and also would be pretty lovely if you could see the traderate of items, like how often they are traded. And well when the Online Item Exchange System is made, if there would be wanted rate meter based on how much ppl are wanting some kind of items :) These things can be though quite effortfull to do ^_^
  9. Skyas

    Item Value Compare Tool

    Well, fun to know, but not that usefull really! Anyways good addition. MagicNecklace(DM+3) 1 : 67.1 MagicNecklace(DM+2) 1 : 67.5 THATS FUNNY! DM2 is more rare than DM3 B) Nice detail too: RingofDragonpower 1 : 101 RingofDemonpower 1 : 354.6 Ring of Demonpower is 3.5 times more rate than dragoring, eventhough it does 1 less dmg.
  10. Skyas

    Angels Need To Go.

    It's how the GFX/rendering is dealt with the angels. It still renders they "layer" eventhough there is nothing on it. You can try this by changing the pack to nothing/something else like cats etc. EDIT: Atleast thats what I think. And well, because we got such a talented coders, if it was just minor issue that would be fixed already. White told me a while ago that Helbreath is DirectDraw written and Vista draws desktop with Direct3D, So if you lower or disable the hardware acceleration drawing settings disable Direct3D etc, Vista cannot draw its desktop. Rest is probably, incombablity problems. The 'lagg' is caused most likely in the drawing, because as if it takes time to do it, it also therefore lowers your fps. Perhaps Jaapy/White could explains these things better.
  11. Skyas

    Angels Need To Go.

    You cannot fix the fps problem of angels in vist by changing/removing the pack of angels. If I'm correct it has something to do how helbreath renders the grafics and how vista deals with those things. As far as I know its hard or even close to impossible to fix because of vista. So if you want a fix, you need to use diffirent system/alternative OS while playing hb.
  12. Skyas

    Joint Warehouse Or Guild Warehouse

    Pretty lovely. Anyways the it should be clearly stated before accessing the guildwarehouse that you are responsible for the items you put there and also add there that if its some1 clearly steals item from there, he gets banned. Very nice Jaapy, very nice! Any carefull idea when this would be available?
  13. Skyas

    Josh Is Banned.

    I'm delivering message from Josh: African - 1 the end of an era African isn't a guild, its a RACE. A race of expert players who conquer! Although our era has ended the spirit will live on and wont be forgotten Josh has all of his 5 accounts banned so characters JoshCOOL/Toilet/SnowBall/HAIRY/JoshCOOL are banned to 2030. He has also been banned from forum, Its a shame. 'I said something they didnt like on the forum, so they ban me ingame for it aswell.' 'Which ever gm thinks they have power over me on helbreath is wrong. I didnt state a gm, so obviously someone took it to heart. Ive not insulted a gm or anything.' - Generally there is no more decent players who would fight and never run or recall. Also Cy(HOOFARTED) is most likely going to stop playing also because of all this combined. Depsite 95% of the server hating him he was a good honest player, who said his opinnion instead of having brown tongues syndrome, which is pretty usual nowadays. PS. If you want to contact Josh just ask me and I can provide his MSN for you. Otherwise Josh says adios and wishes you guys good luck.
  14. Skyas

    Rares Weopans Dmg

    Propably something stripped for example hat or berk(cannot be seen). Anyways with nice items its possible. To the suggestion. Kloneblade hits awsome. Some rare weapons would though definitely deserve damage to be increased, for example lb/dexe could hit slightly better. Ds hits ok and gbh has the strippage which owns, which why dunno if the damage of it should be changed.
  15. Skyas

    Josh Is Banned.

    Well in my opinnion its deserved if GM mixes his player role and GM role. Or acts obnoxious or as to be better and more knowledged, just because of his position. I'm not saying that this last one is what ive felt, but I can easily see why I think Josh felt like that. I definitely still do think that White and even other GMs could've stayed more cool and more objetive in some occasions. (I know we still are humans). And as if you speak on a player you shouldn't take the stuff ment for player as a gm thing and viceversa, like I said earlier. Ofcourse these things doesn't give you the right, but it makes it reasonable and maybe even fair.
  16. Skyas

    Josh Is Banned.

    But if you are a GM and you seem not to be objective, make certain deeds that in his and many others opinnion indicates it, and if you act to be player on a player and GM on a GM, but you bring the stuff flotating around your player as a gm matter and GM matter as a player matter, how could he respect you? I respect you as a pve hunter, talent as a coder and as a friend, but I really think you couldve been more objective sometimes to be honest.
  17. Skyas

    Josh Is Banned.

    Josh was definitely more talk than delivery, BUT he also could deliver it: He always fought even with uneven numbers. He killed many of you guys and killed many of your hunts. I still think he was perhaps the best mage on server. And what you are saiyng that he 'always made it about the GM and not the player, always' is absolutely rubbish. He just loves to smack mouth to any1 gives him the slightest reason. The more you gave him reason, the more he talked, no matter if you were a GM or a player. In that matter he was equal to any1 who asked for it. Static, Danny, Crow, Inevitable, Enjoytry, Argenlandia, White, Hunter, Survivors, me on Zoro basically every1. Thats inarguable.
  18. Skyas

    Josh Is Banned.

    Yeah and the message is right too. Sometimes some decisions can be careless, generally said. If you kind of keep on banning ppl you do not like it can get out of controll, eventhough I guess thats what they can do. At some point farjat said he would prefer server with less,but nice ppl, than alot and total idiots.
  19. Skyas

    Josh Is Banned.

    I don't think it was farjat...
  20. Skyas

    About Recall

    I guess its just too bad to step down from their pride and die when you really should. Mostly ppl who are against this are those who would recall if they are dying or outnumbered. If you are about to die on 180lvl char, then you should also die istead of recalling. Because I'm sure that then you couldve had done something better or you had been just rolled so badly that you should be able to just say 'wow, What was nice, I gave everything but it just wasnt enough'. There is only very few arguments why this would be a bad thing: 1) You could kill noobs easier, which why it should have that 180lvl limit. That is a very nice idea. 2) You would not be able to recall from monsters hitting you. Well this one is just to be lived with and to get used to. OR you could make it so that the cooldown only affects if you have been hit by a player. If this would be implemented, it would be also easier to see who are the guys with balls and skill to fight without recalling. PS. In my opinnion its also stupid to deny the idea straightaway by the gms, especially as this suggestion is an evolved one compared to old ones, because by that way you are only limiting the free speech and hence nice ideas.
  21. Skyas

    About Recall

    5s damage cooldown and making it not to work when you try to recall from para for 180lvls, please :) It benefits every1, because so many times mages recalls straight away whilte getting paralyzed after long fight or warriors pulls incredible recall after taking 12 blizzes from mages 2 paras and is frozen while 3 guys are critting him.
  22. Skyas

    Change Pvp Date- Discuss Pls

    I'm most likely to miss the event if its on saturday, its a party night :mellow:
  23. Skyas

    What To Do After Getting Hero Set?

    Laugh at me then B)
  24. Skyas

    Dk15 Templar's

    2d10+2+15 vs. 2d11+3 Average swing damage by dices in dk15 = 27 Average swing damage by dices in flam+3 = 14 There is your diffirence. Yeah crits indeed suck, but thats what you get when you use 130str weapon. You cannot really expect that youll get awsome crit dmg with high vit. The damage in crits can seem same because the dkswords upgrade bonus is added after all other bonuses, where as the strenght affects on flam+3s dice dmg which is higher than in dksword. And with higher strenght that effect can be even more notable. I haven't tested this but I believe its like that. PS. It's the now balanced so imo there is no reason to change it!
  25. Skyas

    Change Shield Pa Calculation?!?

    Numbers you've given here Ruutu are wrong :) When you hit hat, while tower+mshield is on, the pa is 68%. When you hit while tower+mshield is on, pa with dlchain is 91%, hose 81% and berk 71%. And when you strip you can get hit naked on shield+mshield which gives 53% pa. To hit chain 50%, hose 20%, berk 20% and hat 10%. So basically you 1/2 take 9% dmg in, 1/5 19%, 1/5 29% and 1/10 32%. And when you strip and some1 hits the stripped part you do 47% dmg in. Thats why the strip is so effective and I don't like weapons below 182str. Anyways the pa is fine. 1vs1 mage will have advantage but in bigger fight mage gets owned pretty easily in paras. And for some reason in shields stats pa doesn't seem to work.