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Posts posted by MeRcY-Rast

  1. IPB Image

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    So?u show a pic where im pfm yes was 2 vs1 i pfm 2 vs1 and he say "negro va de onda" or "ok negro todo bien" he is not insulting u stop making stupid post, and he say it so stop making stupid post btw i was full pots too



    DUDE STOP MAKE EXCUSES ALL KNOW NEGRO IS INSULT .. DOnt try to say is NOT !! he all the time insult and u too !! SO CLOSE UR MOUTH U ARE WRONG NOW !

  2. Well, I would like everybody to see how lame 'La Tribu' Guild is, they asked me and my friend to 2v2 and well the PVP went on for awhile, then we Paraed BRAVO and he ran away after we used our crits to repot then he started to insult us, he used racial slurs and I'm deeply offended, Please take action to this GuildMaster of this guild and GameMaster of the server.

    I really think he don't know BR country.. or he think all brs is Nigger? omfg .. u show ur pro skill dude.. so lammer..


    ill post now!


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  3. Msn Log from the chat between Raciel And Meteora:


    Raciel: "ohhhh please, go to the ScreenSection and tell to everyone that was you in that pvp"

    Meteora:"wich pvp?"

    Raciel: "The one that Trulala killed me with full pots"

    Meteora: "But i dont like to lie -.-" "

    Raciel: "Do it, or i well tell to everyone that you help me to lamme my full herno set"







    Raciela is lammer ek .. meteora else


    meteora = fat person skin in the game ! irl too :wub:



  4. ok the one who post the most original ss of me dieing wins a zem :o there might be prizes for second and third place!



    any one can post if you have my ek you could win!



    and i am willing 2 give the prize 2 any one who wins and i mean any one!



    how many zems u have?


    i'm not J/K .. just tell me !

  5. I'm pretty sure that InnerKnight's Main rule is to fight as dirty and cheaply as possible.


    Rule #2. is probably to annoy everyone they can.


    Just an observation that seems to fit most of their members.



    haoehae i'm agree..


    Inner Sanctum ftw!

    i don't like now the new Inner.. got many members.. i like play 2/5 playres no more .. but nvm HOHaowfhi


    '' dirty and cheaply as possible'' AHuaUHUAh

  6. what u scared? ur guild is not a '' hunt'' guild.. What the *censored* u scare?


    PVp = Skill = BAG Itens



    is that Players vs PLayers





    players = Itens dude


    its rpg ! don't cry about itens jesus!


    Make 5 x 5

    or 10 x 10 Full ITENS BAG ! i don't care if u dont have.. ask for friends lend somes.. ty!





    if i dont want watch? u gonna ban me?


    Still wait .. ban me stupid newb!

    Yes, and its multiplayer online game. Dont cry if you got pwned by 10 elvines against you.


    Ps. watch your language if you dont want to get bans for it again.

    :o :wub: :wub: :wub: :huh:




    Guys , this is GameMultiplayer "helbreath". City VS City - Guild VS Guils , Players VS Players.


    Guilds = 1? Team Work


    PVP = Bag + Skill + Lucky VS Bag + Skill + Lucky.


    Este post fue sobre un pull. Gente q siempre desvirtua los post termino arreglando un arena "cualkiera".


    lo repito , PARA MI ESO FUE PULL.


    Si tengo para elegir esos 2 guild , me kedo con el Elvine.




    Survivors -> Team Work InnerKnigth -> no

    Survivors -> got bakups InnerKnigth -> he no

    Survivors -> use ie and xb in moment exact. InnerKnigth -> only wasted.



    seamos realistas , el guild q ownea de los 2, sabemos todos cual es.


    Thx , Jorge.


    InnerKnight = pwned u all the time hako

    ur *censored* guild = never

    innerknight = can go 2 x 1

    ur guild? = no

    Hakobune = got pwend all the time by me Shmee

    Me = never owned by hako


    that is the fact..



    i dont like Guild.. i like play alone.. that is me ! so stfu and play the *censored* game..


    hako u are nothing to me. only one poor guy!

  7. what u scared? ur guild is not a '' hunt'' guild.. What the *censored* u scare?


    PVp = Skill = BAG Itens



    is that Players vs PLayers





    players = Itens dude


    its rpg ! don't cry about itens jesus!


    Make 5 x 5

    or 10 x 10 Full ITENS BAG ! i don't care if u dont have.. ask for friends lend somes.. ty!