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Posts posted by MeRcY-Rast

  1. ' date='Nov 25 2006, 02:48 PM' post='151536']

    It's not a point for debate.

    It's not a point of he did it first! He started it!


    Sexy said to STOP IT!!! STOP IT ALL NOW! She said the VERY next players caught talking with any racial overtones or insults would be dealt with severely. She didnt say, if you insulted in the past I'll get you too! She said the NEXT PLAYERS who DONT listen to me and my request.


    Her words were not obeyed. Her request was not followed. There's nothing to argue.



    101% agree because of that i post it hun..


    i hope that need end..


    ALL IS HUMAN ! :excl: :wub:

  2. Yeah chuky speak the true, Schmee also curse a lot,, he also racism whit Arg ppl, so that is common, arg ppl and braz ppl dun like very much, but he always menace ppl whit ban hes msn ........ lol thats is a thing that not should be permited on this server, he abuse of his position.

    Maybe chuky spynal and anuscorp get a little mad, he say a lot of curse but u must understand Schmee is a detestable person who all the time is cursing, and he do racism 2.

    I think maybe they deserve mute, but no! more than that, the rules are clear, insult in global chat = mute, but u must consider then Schmee also insult a lot and if u consider mute they, go ahead, but no get this stupid 3 on 1 discusion 2 another lvl




    1- i never insult arg like that...

    2- post it if u got..

    3- yes im admin of msn.. but never banned because one game!! ok?



    ty hunter to post ! <3


    Lol u lie about thats 3 things.

    U insult argentinian ppl very much, U insult me (Omarcho) and of course i insult u back, so thats we all keeps, im not a little baby cring and go post.

    I looking but im sure dont have ss, coz i say it back, im not try 2 get u muted, just try 2 get u mad in game, if im liucky kill u.

    I c u menacing ppl about get theis msn account banned!!!!! dam i have no ss, but a lot of ppl knows is true, if u wouldnt do is one thing, but u menace whit that a lot of ppl, so plz dont be a liar.



    u are wrong about that..


    i never curse for arg.. or insult one arg.. NEVER ..

    u dont got ss but server got LOGS ask farjat or sexy to check Shmee Logs!!

    its clear about insult ARGS.. just ask sexy !


    aheoaheo im not lier dear friend :)

  3. por que yo insulto?

    todo el dia me insulta y dicen cosas de los arg

    y todo el server esta de testigo

    que no rompa las pelotas

    todo el mundo se queja de como juega shmme, hace la vida imposible a todo el server. si me mutean o algo dejo de jugar y ensima amenaza que va a baneaar a todos del msn porque es gm del msn



    1- i never insult arg like that...

    2- post it if u got..

    3- yes im admin of msn.. but never banned because one game!! ok?



    ty hunter to post ! <3

  4. ok .. i hope one day that will end..


    Why i hate La Tribu members? why i'm stop play ares? because all think have one GM in guild and never will ban!

    that is true?


    i never gonna end post about RAcism. i really dont like racism.. and that guys i think like so much..


    what to do ?

    close the mouth and play? :glare: <_<


    Well.. many people think Br hate Arg all the time.. but that is a one big bullshit

    i have a nice Friend Args, Raciela, Eowyn, FunnyGirl etc.. and no one say that shits.. respect first!


    i hope now one gm do annything.. bye! or that never will end!



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  5. thax for kill zaeta_grim i hate him. jajaja lol.


    bueno ahora a funny girl eso te pasa por meter pts q bardean en el guild y encima que no saben ni jugar por dios, encima se mete con Shmee que es la persona que mas bardea en el server y lo peor que le dan los motivos para que lo bardeen, aunq no me gusta que bardee a todo el guild por que odia a un par, por mas que yo no sea mas de la guild, bueno chau les sigo deseando suerte en el guild y que no se dejen ownear con una persona como mercy



    thanks pri i love you =** :wub:


    funnygirl i don't hate all la tribus.. its really i hate a fell members..


    i like Eowyn he my friend very etc.,. teiki and i think u are my friend too.. dunno..

    but is that =)



    ' date='Nov 24 2006, 08:08 AM' post='151197']

    It's just a game...



    yes hun.. i know that . :P its just a one topic to post ss's :P hehehehehe


    cya =P

  6. la tribu uga buga wtf mercy latter no no cry when any insult to u or u guild


    i intent talk to u for friend back but u want ok



    lmao he say yankes..


    what problems to say uga buga? u crazy ? lmao !!

    omfg insult my guild? mine guild is only me and me !! haeoaehoae u can insult members now !!


    TiyaD runners :P runners :) so if u insult like that u need prove it ! i wanna see the ss ok? :P

  7. farjat said no more this topic pls he bored see this


    chicos ya son grandes para pelearse haci con racismo y eso .... para que se los diga yo q soy lo mas shit talker que ahy es grave :lol:


    mercy negro in argentina said to ppl i cant explain wiht me english suck i talk to ohter ohh yes i said to nando expalin to u ow use is like che puto or ehh negro que haces


    yes sexy u right



    just read what sexy post..


    NEgro is NEGRO Don't say more shits about that.. this is end..

    So u all know BR don't like word negro and he say that so many times..

    ITs always the same of '"" arg Indio or arg PRETO ''"" i never use that word..


    u like that? i don't ! ty

  8. I Am Agree whit Shmee because i say so many times " La Tribu " guild play racist languaje whit Br ppl they talk alot shit ..if co2 get ban for say "negro" i will wait what GM do :) I trust on u all GMs ;) ..


    pd: La Tribu stop cock of Br ppl or any 1 all ppl have play HB are Human like u u dont have nothing to do about them see u all and good luck! ^_^


    AGREE 101%

  9. OMFG DUDE .. STOP SAY SHITS .. u really shit..


    Negro in all word is Racism all know that. and the ss prove what i say .. he run away like one ( la tribu ) and start say shits


    ok let see.. if i say


    '' Arg negro indio de merda '' not insult?

    is the same so stfu..


    And why u say : Radamantys: Shhh no insulties '' ahh i think u talk for one Rabbit right? Aggot!



    ill sleep and i hope one GM see that..


    Co2 Banned because say '' negro '' for one ppl.. lets wait what gm gonna do about that too..

    No one here are too stupid for don't know one insult like racism.. or one J/k whit friends... ok ?

    Bravo not my friend so he can't say '' HI dude, Hi Bro , Hi NEGRO '' or everthing else...


    Have a nice day bye!

  10. Banana + negro is what?? stop make excuses ok ?

    so if i say go drink some cocacola is that an insult too? :lol: i dint say negro btw



    get out here dude.. let see what gm gonna talk ok ?

    u got nothing i didnt insult u u are just making an stupid topic and bravo didnt say negro eather in form of insult.



    OMFG dude.. How many more times u gonna say shits?? NO ONE here ares stupid..

    i understand perffectly what he say .. its a insult so close ur mouth ok?



    jesus ^_^


    So?u show a pic where im pfm yes was 2 vs1 i pfm 2 vs1 and he say "negro va de onda" or "ok negro todo bien" he is not insulting u stop making stupid post, and he say it so stop making stupid post btw i was full pots too, the funny thing is that when u log out to "post the ss" sani run away hahahaha

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    yes log out for post .. u are so stupid to understand? look in my F9 Chat box..


    dude .. what a fool u are .. u think im logged because im afraid to fight? HAUHAUHUAHUah


    i can own u easy 1 x 1 wanna try.. or u gonna use mshield+ shield like BRAVO?