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Posts posted by MeRcY-Rast

  1. my membs dont have pvp chr... here pvp is fight with items and stats ;D and whats wrong ask ppl help? elvines do same. i dont care if elvs come 10vs me and use xb and ie.... its hb pls why all whine all the time??? cant play quiet???? and shout general in game zzzz... and pvp is time waste better get eks with team... and why elvs recall all the time? better give ek and drop zem than recall harapekos whine all the time and still recall and they r "best players" never do wrong....





    why u say owned? 99% u dont understand annything about milk talk.. so stfu!


    Mercy.. how are u? have u won any pvps in real life? :D


    i don't understand it.. can u explain?

  2. why u post those ss:s ;D;D;D i dont care if run if dont want fight then dont want ;D if want have fun in pvp like my guild its ok ;D;D;D dude this is just game ;D



    sorry but that its not a one nice excuses..


    Try to make other ... :)

  3. log out is sad and pull ;DDD

    but guys pls dont post crap and whine ;D just relax and have fun ;D



    Its not a crap.. u like runners in pvp .. or Puller?

    i think no one old player here like it.. or i' m wrong?

  4. my membs dont have pvp chr... here pvp is fight with items and stats ;D and whats wrong ask ppl help? elvines do same. i dont care if elvs come 10vs me and use xb and ie.... its hb pls why all whine all the time??? cant play quiet???? and shout general in game zzzz...



    Don't come here for say shits ..


    ur *censored* member ask 1 v 1 .. and later run like chicken stfu !

  5. IPB Image

    IPB Image

    IPB Image

    IPB Image


    '' u loser '' so that guy think i need stay in paralyse for die to xb? LAWL


    :lol: :lol: Survivors alone is nothing.. Yesterday i was fight whit Sylvia forgot the real name in ares.. she call help guild .. 5 survivors whit xb coming . AhuHUauh...


    I HATe runners pvp !! really hate !


    Why ask ? DOn't ask pvp if u can't win !

  6. aehaeieaiohoaeihoaeihoiaehoiheaohiae




    aheohoae.. nice topic..



    omg can-opener u small!!

  7. Yuris don't come here to say thats shits..


    Hako all the time in global chat talk whit me.. Brazuca and if he say negro.. say in 2nd word.. i think he talk in Guild chat


    '' Yuris i will say negro in global but if shmee say shits .. said negro is u ok?



    its easy dude to make excuses..



    Mute ftw :)