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Posts posted by MeRcY-Rast

  1. ' date='Jan 20 2007, 08:15 AM' post='166543']

    Chuky those skins are not legal


    You have 24 hours from now, to post a SS on this thread showing that you have changed to the legal Nemesis paks or your account will be closed until such time as you do change them.




    That is a 3 TIME did Him USED THE EDIT PAKs..



    Block him..



    Chupky always run LOG out or cry when see me around..


    he is pathetic..


    if i use WAr to kill his war he put on mshield+shield, so i log MAge to kill him.. log out+ Login mage and talk like

    one retard'' AjaJAjjaajJAJ brazuca nepel'' JjaAJjaJAjaJAJAJa





    no honor .. this guy is nothing..

  2. HI SYNNY .. I CAN'T TEACH THAT.. =(( sorry

    Hai Cakez

    hay graci





    Yes Inner he did that whit me too .. its a fag no honor ..






    thanks Yuris =)) nice that name AUHAUH dontKill AUHauh

  3. why defend?



    Jesus god luck at you..


    What the *censored* are you to open one old Thread..


    if u dont fk know Kay0 is my friend you pathetic dumbshit.


    and a long time ago i play whit 3 peoples in RAST

    one dog know that maybe ur not .. i can fk put that in that small Head ..



    stfu lil Dick.. emo kid sure .. don't talk about u even dont know!



    bye kid im out now of my job and i come to GYm .. cya kid

  4. emo???



    maybe you are front of mirror and think that iZ MI


    i don't fk need prove anything for u baby kid..


    Just ask any one in the server who i pvp"ed and you will see what the peoples are saying..






    You can Back to cry right now..


    hmm belive i still got the ss of u runner later i post...

  5. dont lie mercy!!

    this guy is pr0

    mercy is free ek






    night-mage lost to kaoz in pvp twice in less than 5 min

    PS: kaoz just used his psn gs


    Yea, that gs was so annoying lol.

    And im so rusty right now.

    I sometimes para myself XD :blush:

    And for some reason i got hell lag ingame, donno why, but i do, i didnt use to :S.

    the pvp with Kaoz, yeah, that psn gs ruined...especially the lil lag what caused me to be stuck for like 1 second .

    And yeah, he beat me.

    Hope i get a zwand and mp set, i would duel him again.

    I think the main reason i lost was that i am used to use MIM against warriors.

    Well it wont make much difference but it helps me to finish my casts :D.


    I have to like, warm up or something xD .

    And Kaoz is pretty good :D.

    Respect Kaoz :)


    Rast, dude, you know you lost.

    Tho i don t blame u, cuz u deny/remember it cuz i think we did that in 2005 :D...


    i ve gone through 1000 of pics, this is gunna take forever. im too lazy to find that pic :wacko:



    do you really think i can lost one pvp for one eat shit like you??


    okkk and now Fishs can FLY !!



    ohh its one now flyinggg

  6. this guy is pathetic ( Night-Mare )


    try to say shits on old Topic...


    excuses me but do you have a shit in the small Head?



    maybe you don't know who i am im the game now..

  7. easy to lie..


    but u can prove it in game...


    come 1 v 1 for itens or Char..



    maybe i pwned you in pvp whit rast and u come now to say bullshits in one old topic..


    i remember one noob called Nigh-Mare, Night-Mage, maybe its sounds like YOU ( noob )

    at lml ares.. use tower+mshield in pvp..


    and cry about the Ie neck or Ip neck..

    so you can fk use Mshield ( PA ) and i can't fk use IE ( MA )



    stop cry like one fag dog..



    maybe you try to make one excuses to lost somes pvps..






    obs: still wait one pvp ..

  8. i kill ChuKy



    Every one can kill this fk Guy..


    i need stop kill him, or farjat will think that is a lamming..


    maybe my hero berk is from chuKy ... :sleep: