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Posts posted by MeRcY-Rast

  1. Si, soy farjat de incongnito (?), como ya te explique, se te baneo hasta el dia 12 inclusive, es decir que el dia 13 se te desbanea automaticamente. El horario del servidor es de 4 horas menos que nuestra region, por lo tanto 4am hora argentina se te va el ban. OK ?








    the same hours forum is like hours HB server..


    i get unbaned forum..

    why not game??


    I ASK for that..

    if its the same why still banned GAme?

    understand now?



    farjat know what i'm talk about!

    maybe is bug of sqql..

    i dunno

  2. Te banearon hasta el 12-03-08 inclusive, dentro de 8 horas se te va el ban. Deja de llorar lammer.


    i'm talk with farjat..


    if you dont know why rast is banned don't call me a lammer..


    leave topic is to farjat ..


    No me importa con quien hables. Preguntastes algo y te respondi. Encima que te ayudo te pones agresivo, ademas de lammer lloron...

    Y farjat te va a decir lo mismo que yo, 7 horas , 30 min para que te desbaneen.



    Br hour its same Arg hour.

    its now 20:30 here..

    maybe 7:30 is gone?


    let wait farjat answer ..

    you are not farjat right?


  3. Te banearon hasta el 12-03-08 inclusive, dentro de 8 horas se te va el ban. Deja de llorar lammer.


    i'm talk with farjat..


    if you dont know why rast is banned don't call me a lammer..


    leave topic is to farjat ..

  4. Well , u saw the dash to ther air?. Well thats its arg delay.


    Yanki and polish ppl have a lot of fps and 0 delay and they still down, and u think ur good for doing that?.



    yanki yanki yanki..

    why that no one respect your fk faggers



    Si los llamo yankis es problema mio y a vos te digo negro culo roto y?.



    you got 10 years old brain..


    what a kid you are dude..


    i'm not Negro Skin...

    and i don't care if you call me that..


    y're one poor racist guy..


    go die !

  5. Que raro ver a Rast en garden/ef buscando low lvls. Verlo en agite de 180s nunca el fracaso!.




    maybe because you shit guild can't pvp people like man...


    and look.. i always pvp 180's users..


    RAid time is for that.

    to Raid Enemy Maps.

    to found People..


    don't cry dude..


    Oldie's why say shit to others?

    no honor, no balls only Crack bangs newbs.


    Oldies is like Emos, cry to other for help..


    '' omggg rast kick mi *censored*, can i cry or u come help mi? '' :wub: :wub: :wub: I CUTE MY SELF.! :wub: :wub:

  6. wow farjat angry



    one friend tell me what happen in msn....


    because of that i say !!


    OHHHHHH NEMESIS 1 PLAYER'S .. why don't back ?


    the new players of nemesis 2 .. 96% eat shit and talk ..


    no one understand, server got RuLEZ !!!


    respect it !!




    one time i broke it..

    and i get Ban xRastx from N1..

    not only me.. alot players.. Args/USA/CANADIan/BR .. everyyone

  7. farjat.

    Can you check to me about Rast Logs drop?

    Yesterday Rast Wh have alot zems i thik 8+ zems..

    Sunday sold log to play whit out zems at wh, 0 zems.. only 1/3 zem Bag Rast



    i dont think players rast droped it to Elvs blablalba..

    some one steal it ..


    check to mi plx =D

  8. zzzomg larrr nais pics rasta!!!

    u gf is nais!

    dupe for mi plx?thx!

    i dont have a shirt that says BaggyBoyX yet

    but i do haz one that says Baggz(iz me nickname irl)

    i will pr0st on forum when i have pr0 pic





    no dupe mi gf ty........


    i have alot shirt whit mercY nick..

    all about CyberCaffes i play Cs for that lan's ehhehe



    pr0000000? ^_^