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Everything posted by porterbates

  1. porterbates

    *Title edited*

    *Post Edited.* porterbates aka white-rose , feel free to leave, play at that server and lamme there. Dont advertise any server at our forums and ask to our comunity to join there. elguason
  2. Hello everyone im White-Rose Cythinia80 HACKING AND ASKING FOR ACC"S AND SCAMMING...they have been stealing from me, and stealing from LCT and NYMPHY, I have found out who has been doing it, I found out cuz she forced logged me, so then when she was on my acc I forced logged her untill she gave up and went on her acc..and the name was Cythinia80. She wisped me and said Give me an acc: and she said "Im White-Rose".(but really I am) I said" no I lvled him, I made him from scratch its my guy" So then she said give me another acc. I would post the Pictures of it but I dont know how to...PLZ BAN HER FOR THE SAKE OF ALL OF US. TO MAKE IT SAFER SERVER, SO WE KNOW ARE ACC's ARNT GETTING HACKED BY PPL LIKE Cythinia80. By the way if you think I gave her my pass to her, well your wrong. I wouldnt give my Acc And PAss to a Spanish person. That cant understand a word that I say. BAn Her FOR HACKING, ASKING FOR ACC's, AND SCAMMING (She scammed by trying to make a deal like I give you your guy by if you give me a good lvl chara. PLZ BAN HER IP ADDRESS FRO GAME PLZ
  3. Hello everyone. Im White-Rose. I just hate it when people hack your Account, dont you? well I want to make a diffrence about this, becuase I know myself that Ive almost quit becuase my account got hacked. Alot people have said to me before " Ask A GM To Change It". But that what Ive been doing for the last month. So if anyone needs to get the password changed, just sign and reply. I need my Password changed Farjat[GM] or Sexy[GM].!!! Thank you.
  4. porterbates

    Why Cant It Go Back To Old Ways?

    Hello everyone, I made this thread becuase I wish the "Server" would go back to old ways, were there was high exp, good drop rates, max lvl 180, GM's always on for events. You know when like 700 people were on, that kinda thing, I really want those days to come back. After the wipe lots of people left this server. I just think it should go back to old ways, or just update it by like exp higher, max lvl 180 and stuff..Thank-you all
  5. Hello....everyone this subject mainly for [GM]s but this is there choice. I have made new codes and php scripts to make GM's lives alot easer. 1) I made a thing to see who is on the server on forums. 2) coding for backround template instead of black. 3) THE MAIN THING!!!! helping all GM staff by VBA tool effect hack resistants ( wich means. your server log, main log, and everything gets cleaned every day) Wich means no bugs will get in the server AT ALL!!!! your are bug freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and keeps hackers from ever getting in your files...i can show you GM's deminstration...we just have to put a small meeting togather. then I will sow you what it looks like. :)
  6. porterbates

    Why Cant It Go Back To Old Ways?

    ok, thank-you, well when you say So Many Noobs so little time, well im no noob. JAJAJA....ive talked to Farjat just a bit ago about that server...and he's pretty mad about the whole thing.
  7. porterbates

    Cythinia80 Hacking Acc's & Scamming & Asking For Acc's

    Okay Everyone, I do want him BAN!!!, but there is a simpler way of doing this, why doesnt a [GM] ust change my password for me?. and who ever asked me that Question about, how did she get your password, well she hacked it. MMM....Im to lazy to download S.S of her. But I think I should get my password changed. That would seem more easier I think. (For any questions, and me on MSN, prostathb@homail.com )
  8. :( Farjat, I need you to change my password plz. becuase ever time i get some good item, and i log for the night, its gone the next day someone took it. someone has hacked my psw. and they steal everything so i have nothing.
  9. porterbates

    White-rose - Wanna Lame Ek !

    WuttaFreak or what ever your name is when I said " wanna make a deal" , well thats the whole thing about getting you thinking in your head...your woundering should I or shouldnt I right? thats where you u figure out in your head the choice....thats makes it not notice-able that im doing a profile....and anywas hunter[GM] said"no for profiling on ppl gm's are more then capable"...Thank All
  10. porterbates

    White-rose - Wanna Lame Ek !

    Mira when you put tho's pic's up there of me, you just proved that i was doing a profile, when i said" what kinda person are u in this game" then I asked if you lame, then i said myself that I was doing profile on everyone....sosososo lol :)
  11. porterbates

    White-rose - Wanna Lame Ek !

    Alrighty everyone im White-Rose, but Hunter[GM] I understand you now, your more then capable to find things out or, get the job done, so I will stop with that. And Hunter[GM] or Farjat[GM] who ever is checking my logs, I only have 3 eks count and I got those in a sade. 1 ek was a mage(sade, killed in ares), 2nd warrior (sade In elv), 3rd warriors ( same sade diffrent guy in elv)...well if I can name the ppl I killed I think thats pretty good. :) ...but yea I dont lame, and when im "NOT GUILTY" I be get a ipoligey I think??????? :D :D :D
  12. porterbates

    White-rose - Wanna Lame Ek !

    Well Everyone Im White-Rose :) ....And Im not going to say that I didnt ask but, lets be serious here. Ive been playing hb since it stared. I have never lamed....I might have asked....but doesnt mean that I have.....And Im okay with Hunter[GM], or even any [GM] to check my logs :D ....cuz I dont lame at all....And to tell you the truth, if he would have said yes to laming...I still wouldnt have. The reason why I asked was becuase I was doing report on ever person in game...then sending to Bier[GM]. Dont believe me thats your fault :) . But long story short, Hunter[GM] or Bier[GM] I didnt lame, it's not my thing I was just testing ppl and getting a profile on them. The reason I was making a profile on ppl was to try to help the GM's out :D ...I may not be GM but Im sure close to being a GM....thx GM's for reading this and I PROMISE you that I didnt LAME!!!!!Laming is for ppl that cant play, and I can play. And for ppl out there that say im not close to GM at all, I was recommended by Bier[GM] to Sexy[GM].....Thank-All I LOVE YOU ALL.....P.S ALL HB STAFF YOUR THE BEST. :D :D :D