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Posts posted by Garch

  1. So basically you have sand in your vagina because Hunter doesnt like you and picks on you? No one else has a problem with him, stop thinking about yourself as such a crusader for justice. You are just a huffy little baby that no one is going to side with. Get lost.

  2. You're a useless turd "Lucanesti" Go take out your 16 year old teenage frustrations elsewhere and stop trying to suck up to the admins. The server has been ruined for about 9 months now, 9 months which hunter has endured endless amounts of bullshit on his own. If he's muting idiots like you then he is still doing his job properly.


    Okay you're a rebel, we get it, you can shut up.

  3. What is it that makes you think anyone cares?



    what makes you think no one care? keep your stupid comments to yourself. being stupid by replying to everyone post



    I'm sure the rest of the ape-brains that you hang around with care but the rest of us, i assure you, do not. If you don't want general people to reply to your posts, don't post in general section. Post in your guild section and I wouldn't have to remind you how much you are disliked.