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Posts posted by Garch

  1. lol me quiet? i never was quiet, i always had items,i quit for 4 months when i was in Extreme. i had the first ie sword in the server ever since the big wipe, i think you were still a goldie back then. Wow way to come back by criticizing my bag :lol: I dont know what your point is? i keep my bag unorganize so what? i still own. Do us a favor and sdfu plz, no one cares who the *censored* you are and what chars you play. LMAO you got kicked out of damnation then cried like a bitch. HAHA


    Um when did i say anything about people caring about who i am and what chars I play? If you'll read your own paragraph you're the one who sounds self-righteous so maybe you should take some of your own advice there and "Do us a favor and sdfu plz, no one cares who the *censored* you are and what chars you play."


    Also maybe if you actually played, you would find out that my dragon ring is legally obtained from Hunter's event which i traded for. I dont even have a dmg+5 or diamond or dragon ring now ;)


    If you had actually read my post I wrote that I do indeed play other chars. The fact that you have the audacity to think that everyone follows your char and knows how and where you got all your items only highlights what an egotistical shithead everyone knows you are.


    That was the worst rebuttal i ever seen. Stop acting all high and mighty, you wanna know why im cocky? because i know im good thats why and i know im better than you thats for sure ;)


    High and mighty? I'm sorry if i intimidated you by writing an entire post without using internet slang OR emoticons. I'll try harder next time to bring it down to your level.


    haha anyways later i got more important things to do, than sit here and argue with someone who doesn't even play the game and still hangs around here tryin to get some attention. KTHXBYE


    Again, as i stated before i do play other chars other than deathplow. I don't know if you just didnt read my post or maybe you have some sort of brain damage where you forgot what i wrote immediately after you read it, either way I would suspect both from a guy who takes pictures of himself wearing sunglasses indoors and ceaselessly brags about how good he is at this game (to get attention). Hopefully this isnt too many words for your tiny brain and you read it all so that you can make a meaningful response this time.

  2. Hey, arent you that guy that used to be quiet but now that he has traded for some duped bbh+7 dm5 and dragon ring is all cocky and says that hes better than everyone in the game in 90% of his posts?


    The truth is I play some other chars from time to time, I just said i didnt play at all in my topic so i wouldnt have to entertain your shitty *censored* offers for my cape in whisp on my chars. I understand your a good trader but you dont get rich my making fair trades do you? Do us all a favour and go back to being a quiet trader who sits and stares at the items he doesnt know how to use.



    By the way nice bag by the way you fuking idiot, shift+click moves all your pots at once you know, oh and ctrl+r makes you run without holding shift. Maybe if your a nice boy i'll PM you how to go to attack mode without clicking on the little sword. Moron.


    IPB Image

  3. Maybe if you werent so cocky all teh time people wouldnt take so much pleasure in killing you, then you wouldnt have to stoop to making ridiculous pictures that only make you look like an idiot.

  4. PvP prooves shit:



    Hello ur a mage, I' m a warrior, lets fight :)


    My stats are: 200 str, 190 dex, 59 int, 50 mag, 98 vit. I have around 750 hp


    - I have ma 30 cape , emmy ring (ma20), 10 super power green potions, Ie neck, Ef neck, Ae neck. :rolleyes: (15 items)


    - And also as backup: small hp set 150% (to quickly recover hp, 4 parts), ma 21 shield (to avoid even more dmg), sp hoses 49%, dk set (10 items)


    - Weapons: bow/dk15/bbh/arrows (4 items)


    - 10 hp pots, 8 mana pots, 4 meats



    Plz mage, kill me ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^




    Now the question is how the hell do u kill this guy? he has magic protection from everything, in wich cape and necks cannot be exausted. Hp set for fast recovery. A 30k endurance weapon + bbh + bow so it wont be exausted, + pots + food. His stats give him mp + hp recovery.


    Are u telling me that a mage can kill a guy like that? specially if the guy aside from having items, has also skills ???? :mellow: :mellow:



    PvP doesn't proove anything



    Ok if you are fighting a person like this in the first place you must have ROAM, hero set, ms18, 364+ Mp set, Hp91 cape+7, magin dia/emmy/ruby 100%, mag angel+10, zwand, medusa neck, resu wand(just for fun), and xrapier. The remainder of your bag is loaded with super blues and super reds. So now who wins?

  5. if i would chug that fast pots as in 2nd pic i would lose my pots very fast i carry 5 hp pot and those are for critical dangerous situation bla bla bla...




  6. This exact same thing happened on another server i played. Everyone thought the guy was a girl and this shit went on for over a year. Same shit too, he "dated" a gm and got all these items and the *censored*ing guy believed he was going to marry the person pretending. Anyways he turned out to be like an 18 year old swede. It was pretty goddam funny.


    You idiots and your internet relationships....


  8. ' date='Sep 17 2006, 12:07 PM' post='134344']

    hahaha, was sooo funny!!. i was afk and when i came back i saw suddenly 3 resu mages in matching D&G clothing :D


    for cindly: the resu wand GargaZol is using is from my private collection (Lexus) and i have it for ages ^_^



    Almost makes me want to have an internet relationship with a lookin at you Hunter! :wub: :wub: