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Everything posted by Garch

  1. Garch


    As soon as i see a topic that turns into spanish i stop reading and never come back to it.
  2. Garch

    Hunter/sexy Pm In Game

    Sounds great pal! P.S. Sard that was a good one! Takes me back to when I was about 8 years old. Thanks for the memories!
  3. Garch

    Hunter/sexy Pm In Game

    Man, you've been ousted. Just say "Yeah I've been pretending to be 3 different people to escape the mistakes ive made pretending to be one. I'm sorry and i'll be normal from now on." Then we'll all forgive you and go on being pals. How does that sound?
  4. Garch

    Hunter/sexy Pm In Game

    On another note : Fantastic detective work AzN! I'm pretty impressed.
  5. Garch

    Hunter/sexy Pm In Game

    Haha i didnt know who it was. Gargazol seems like a pretty normal person...until you know that he/she is a gender confused homo that takes us all for idiots. Funny how your opinion of someone can change once you know who they are. As AzN said, if you didnt come here and lie about a bunch of shit people wouldnt hate you.
  6. Garch

    Armor Drops

    Not everyone is supposed to have good items. Thats why we call them "rares"
  7. Garch

    Hunter/sexy Pm In Game

    Mirai is gargazol? What?
  8. Garch


    No problem!
  9. Garch


    1. No 2. No 3. No, ML 4. Both 1x 5. USA...wait maybe Int...just follow the links.
  10. Garch

    About Events And Items

    If a SBH n/s is the best thing that has been given out, then im proud of the server for sticking to its guns and limiting the rares in the game. If one special n/s bs is given out every few months then this server is going to stay even for a very long time. As for the free exp/items event Hunter has been doing this forever and its always a favorite among players and has never unbalanced anything up till now so why worry about it. If someone gets something free for being more skilled in 10 minute event than EVERY other person there then he deserves a reward, this has always been a part of the game. Good job Hunter.
  11. Garch

    Bbh This Destroying To The Server

    Doom knows what hes talking about funnygirl, shut the *censored* up and quit thinking you're so high and mighty just cause you've been around here for a long time...if you wanna call yourself a veteran act like you have some class rather than trying to belittle people who havnt been around for as long as you.
  12. Garch

    Party Sux...

    Things are heating up on the helbreah nemesis forums!
  13. Garch

    General Suggestion

    Great ideas. Love the event idea.
  14. Garch

    Where Is Everyone?

    This is kinda what was expected to happen, all the older players are too burned out to constantly play and there arent enough new people to compensate. Don't worry though, i'm sure more new people will come...they always do...or the server dies....
  15. Garch

    This Is Completely Idiotic!

    Whatever, let people make bbh warrs and have a max of like 300 hp, easy eks for the rest of us.
  16. Garch

    Mr 42% W Hose

    Duping is already back?
  17. I agree completely, this is ridiculous.