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Everything posted by Garch

  1. Garch


    Um, alright then.
  2. Garch


    Itens pls. Just kiddin. Good luck with your life mang. Cya in a week.
  3. Garch

    Recruit Some Friends

    I really think the key here is advertising. There are tons of people who loved classic HB and would kill to be on a 140 max low exp/low drop server. We need to get back on the topsites.
  4. Garch


    You know thers always teh jerk offs that would come to this and ruin it though. People who would attack before we're all assebled and people who would recall etc.
  5. Garch


    You'd need to get a GM to start this up, would be too hard just by this topic alone. Or you need to talk to guildmasters so they can tell their guilds.
  6. Garch

    Idea For Gms

    Does it work on people, as well as monters?
  7. Garch


    Hows this? Edit: Actually this ones better i think
  8. Garch

    Celebrate Your Independence Day

    Trade it, some fool will pay you handsomely i'm sure.
  9. Garch

    Celebrate Your Independence Day

    Too bad no one can tell the difference unless your standing beside someone with a gray cape, which no one wears.
  10. Garch

    Recruit Some Friends

    I dont play USA cause I don't want to start so far down the ladder. Here we're all kinda at the same stage so its good for now.
  11. Garch

    Celebrate Your Independence Day

    You don't make sense.
  12. Garch

    Celebrate Your Independence Day

    Ill be waiting for them to drop their pretty capes!
  13. Garch

    Celebrate Your Independence Day

    Shooter online guild is gonna get F'ed up!
  14. Garch

    Recruit Some Friends

    I was looking at the server toplists and I don't think we are anywhere near the top on any of them anymore. Those are a major way of brining in players and im sure if people saw it we would have alot more new people.
  15. Garch

    White-rose - Wanna Lame Ek !

    Rose has always seemed like a pretty honest player to me, I believe him but we'll see what the logs say.
  16. Garch

    Something Doesnt Smell Too Good...

    No doubt hunter has seen these topics and is getting on it ask we speak! And as other have said I dont believe banning is the answer, deleting all their eks and hero items and giving negative eks (duno if its possible?) or give -5000 rep would be a good punishment....I'm sure they would enjoy getting killed by people with righteous daggars.
  17. Garch

    Something Doesnt Smell Too Good...

    It doesn't matter "how good of a job they do it," they're still going to be found out and punished for it. Thats not quite how i meant it and i thought about that after. I kinda meant the utter disregard for the rules they have is sad. I have a hard time believing that they think they wont get caught when there is an top ek system in effect that tells everyone (players and gms) how many eks you have. I cant believe that someone is that stupid to take the time to level a char to 119 then blatantly lame eks.
  18. Garch

    Something Doesnt Smell Too Good...

    Sad that people are trying to get away with this, and doing such a poor job of it.
  19. Garch

    Hermione Lame Eks

    Haha she had 100 last night, now she has 173? Why waste your time. What a tool.
  20. Garch


    I see your point Jacen and I havnt been hunting enough ettins or anything big to notice this but from what you say i would have to agree with you on raising the droprate. That being said i have to disagree with upping the level max and ek trading. When i see someone with heroes i want it to be because they killed alot of people, not because they have killed alot of monsters.
  21. Garch

    Idea For Gms

    Wasnt this a spell at some point? Or was that only on certain servers?
  22. Garch

    Raise Xp

    Umm i agree with khel....and with hunters idea that he said awhile ago. Increase the exp for certain levels so that people can get to around 100 easily so they can actually play and ek, and that people who work hard are rewarded by having much stronger characters and higher levels. This is the way helbreath used to be, and it was alot better back then I believe. Everyone being different levels and battling and people weaker beating people stronger and groups of low levels taking down one person who thinks they are a god. No one is a god in this server, everyone dies and will die alot and thats what makes it fun for me.
  23. Garch

    The Server Is Going To Be Fine

    Awesome, people will always be around and hardcores will always join the server and stay around. I think around the same time last year the server numbers were about the same and people are just jaded from the growth nemesis experienced at the end of last year/beginning of this year. Admins can take as much time as they want, I don't think anyone has any real serious issues with the server (barring exp and cast bug) and we can live with those.
  24. Garch


    Im virtually lag free, almost the best helbreath connection of my life.