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Everything posted by Garch

  1. Garch


    Moving to Argentina was a bad idea!
  2. Garch

    Meats And Baguettes

    I always eat food to regen mp...
  3. Garch

    All The Talk On Changeing Towns

    I think full ek and hero wipe should be the cost. And the million gold. People claim they dont wanna change town cause they dont wanna level new chars, fine then take their eks.
  4. Garch

    Wanna Join Ares City

    Tru Dat. Shes the frontrunner for the DJ Black award of most annoying person on server. Nem 2 edition.
  5. Garch

    Wanna Join Ares City

    You are a shit talking idiot, you complain about pfm not stop when you're with 4 other blizz mages and then when i, a 90+ mage has you on the run you yourself PFM. Please shut your face.
  6. Garch

    Wanna Join Ares City

    This is one of the dumbest things ive ever read on here.
  7. Garch

    Full Hero Blizz Mage In Elv

    The fact that she has gotten over 850 eks in less than 2 months, on a server where there are like 30 different people active during the whole day proves that she lamed them.
  8. Garch

    I M Back To ... For Awhile I Guess Lol

    You made some stupid posts in the past...complaining about survivors chasing you around when you went raiding and basically you just said alot of stupid shit. Not your finest moment.
  9. Garch

    General For Rayn

    This post took you like an hour to write, then you quit to go find a dictionary, then you came back and rewrote it. And Dan gave you his bbh+4 dm4 ogre and SB to use. But i'll bet those were yours from before right?! WRONG. DUUUUUH looks like i do know, feel free to make some more shit up though. You smoke too much pot you idiot. Your memory has deteriorated. Everyone hates you. The anti-you petition has been signed by many players on this forum so i suggest you stop trying to insult me, doom, or boogy because despite what you may think, what you say is not clever or insulting in the least you only make yourself look like more of a jerk. Even elguason is on our side and he is easily one of the most respectful AND repected players nemesis has ever seen. Closing arguments : *censored* off, I win.
  10. Garch

    I M Back To ... For Awhile I Guess Lol

    Haha wow. I remember this idiot. Here are some ss's Azn took back in the day...kiss had xelima and didnt know what it did. Welcome back, you fit right in with your guilds.
  11. Garch

    I M Back To ... For Awhile I Guess Lol

    3rd tier unknown damnation member.
  12. Garch

    Full Hero Blizz Mage In Elv

    What the *censored*, she was already proven to be a lamer by 2 topics. *censored* that shit.
  13. Garch


    Who else is excited to see which one of Gargazol's split personalities return?!
  14. Garch

    Leaving For Now

    Nuts, why are you such a jerk-off now? Thers obviously something wrong when 3 of your former guildmates and friends hate your guts and think your an idiot now. This isnt about how you play the game anymore, its how you conduct yourself and whether you like this or not this game is social and you know thats one of the reasons you play it. I mean, look how fast you turned on boogy. He disagrees with you so you go on and call him Doom's lover boy. Is that maturity? Thats what little kids do man. You even thought it was Rayne and was ready to turn on her too. Your sad man. Sometimes you have to swallow your pride and admit your wrong. But whatever, you arent going to read this, your just gonna call me a kid, tell me to come ingame, probably call me stupid with Doom and Boogy, say im crying, then smile and pat yourself on the back for being so much more mature and all of us.
  15. Garch

    Why Most Ares Are Sooo Noob?

    Do you fking know what does JOKE means dude? or IRONIE?? or SARCASM?? I dont think u r that retard to not knowing... so dont try to be smart and STFU if u dont understand someones joke... Man why are you freaking out, it seems like your misunderstanding him. How is he supposed to know you were joking when you say /ban someone....seems like he was just telling you a rule.
  16. Garch

    Why Most Ares Are Sooo Noob?

    Dumb topic. Not funny.
  17. Garch


    That should be a guaranteed EK with any weapon above claymore, maybe he pulled mshield and chugged like mad?
  18. Garch

    Leaving For Now

    Gargazol will save you! With his unmatched skills of persuasion and deceit, and unknown sexual orientation!
  19. Garch

    In Case You Were Wondering....

    You playing again Kefka?
  20. Garch

    Leaving For Now

    Just when I forget how stupid you are, you have to go and refresh my memory with shit like this.
  21. Garch

    Leaving For Now
  22. Garch

    Leaving For Now

    Giggles said something about a book? Maybe mass fire strike or bloody shockwave? I can't see cancel, ice storm, esw etc being given out yet.
  23. Garch


    Play, and tell all your friends to play.