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Posts posted by FunnyGirl

  1. crit bh hp 21

    wood shield mr91

    chain hoses M mr 21

    leather M mr 21

    rm10 neck

    m shield


    df10 neck

    ms0 cp33 hp91

    crit rapier hp63

    light horned W (str135) pa12

    sharp flam rep 1

    flam pd 40 hp 35

    pa 12 hauberk M





    esta es tu lista de items paratradear, y capas tenes mas q notradeas, para mi esto es mucho en un server low drop rate, baja exp.Por mas que te limes mucho tiempo es mucho y decis que esta low y pedis mas, para mi es una tonteria

  2. i still out of home and i will be back on sunday, hope this is not much messed, but anything can fe fixed so see u guys next week.



    che farjat de onda no hagan eso del evento de rare item porque se desvirtua todo, es un server low exp no da para q aparezcan cosas gr0x porque si no seria cualkier cosa, ademas q un 140 es matable dentro de todo, no es un 180 con dk set q no podes matar y tenes q sacar una xelima baxe o algo por el estilo, encima q la hp es baja ya q no esta el bonus de lvl q incrementa el hp, o sea dentro de todo lo q estaria bueno es q mas adelante suban el lvl a 180 como hicieron en el int y bue a seguir con todo. No se esa es mi opinion, grax...

    Encima esta el drop rare rate muy alto, o sea hace poco esta este server y ya hay merien neck, merien plate, 2 ice elemental y un cancel manual, ademas de los items gruesos q hay... Lo de la merien no es wow cosa, ya q miles de personas entrenaron en cg y sg y era obvio despues de matar tanto bicherio es comun q caiga, ademas q es un item q no desvirtua el juego al igual q las 2 ice elemental, pero un merien neck y un cancel? JODEME...





    creo q un sbh no hace nada, si hacen evento es para q la gente se ponga las pilas en ganarlos , y para ganarlo tenes q ser bueno o tener suerte, aparte en todos los server es comun eventos, aparte todos ven sieempre lo negativo, jugegan aca gratis y todoel dia son quejas nunk un ESTA MUY BUENO


    aparte aparte aparte :P se me pego el aparte


    bienvenido calu

  3. no es ese solo el problema, mira de chiquito le descriminaban todo , sabes lo feo que debe ser? anga pobre ni me imagino y sin embargo siguio adelante, se caso y no podia tener hijos, entonces adopto :o es un grande


    cuando x ejmplo si x ejmplo te pasa algo de eso ya te das por vecido




    - Full Swing whit Staff (Wand) is available at 10 str, when it should be 39 str.

    - Anti Cast Hack: is imposible to support a war in party or even pvp whit one cuz you can die if your speel didnt works. 1 of 2 spell miss when cast repetdly. Maybe you should give some more seconds to cast.

    - Contents problems: Wizard Cap show higher price than his cost, Knight Weapons and Wizard Magic Staff ask for lvl 100 to use at blacksmith, but u can equip them at lvl 95.

    - Wyv/Abaddon Sprites: Ugly sprites with black edge.


    Added 27/04/07:

    - Password Change: Dosnt work.

    Added 16/05/07:

    - Party Bug: Party get bugged at map change (like elv/ml)

    - PA dosnt work: PA isnt working, shields, armors or gems, no1 works


    - HP Forumla: at hbportal we can see that the HP Forumla is VIT*3 + Level*2 + STR/2, so a war lvl 104, whit 149 STR and 130 DEX, should have 492 HP (u can check it on char simulator) but on Nemesis that war have 440 HP. Mana, Stamina and Max Load are perfect. * Fixed: HPFormula was changed on version 3.7 *

    - Summon on IB: If you summon any creature on Ice Golem pit, Golems didnt hit them...

    - Santa Costume: Santa Costume should be a Rare item, and here you can buy it at Shop, HunterGM told me that is legal to use it, but the problem is that in official contents theres no Santa Costume at shop, so every1 whit Santa has modified his contents to buy it. Something is not ok here :S

    - Ice Golems vs AMP: I know that Helbreath USA have the same pit and AMP thing, but theres no logic there, maybe you should think about it, no1 is training in others pits, ww pits and all that is always empty.


    Maybe some bugs like Cast problem and that were mentioned before but this is like a quick list of bugs, sorry if im giving you any problem, just trying to help.


    Exuse me for my english.




    thx Uiman





    I copi topic uiman to here

  5. mi opinion es y siempre fue jugemos callados y punto , incocientemente esto es una envidia de xq el tiene


    o cuando aparece algo groso todos saltan edit edit :wacko: :wacko: .Ya somos grandes dejemonos de romper las pelotas ya con esto

  6. un olor a boca tienen


    encima se creen que son re vivos x bardear en un foro


    que conste nando ni la hora le da a la gordita ptera de siny y jode dps le dicen algo y llora la gorda





    pensar q yo era redemption, todos no son garcas , pero la gran mayoria si

  7. sorry for make lost time to gms, I no play much, but i read all the days the forum and see 1 topic for Uiman and see he posted some bugs and i copi and put in this section






    - Full Swing whit Staff (Wand) is available at 10 str, when it should be 39 str.

    - Anti Cast Hack: is imposible to support a war in party or even pvp whit one cuz you can die if your speel didnt works. 1 of 2 spell miss when cast repetdly. Maybe you should give some more seconds to cast.

    - Contents problems: Wizard Cap show higher price than his cost, Knight Weapons and Wizard Magic Staff ask for lvl 100 to use at blacksmith, but u can equip them at lvl 95.

    - Wyv/Abaddon Sprites: Ugly sprites with black edge.


    Added 27/04/07:

    - Password Change: Dosnt work.

    Added 16/05/07:

    - Party Bug: Party get bugged at map change (like elv/ml)

    - PA dosnt work: PA isnt working, shields, armors or gems, no1 works


    - HP Forumla: at hbportal we can see that the HP Forumla is VIT*3 + Level*2 + STR/2, so a war lvl 104, whit 149 STR and 130 DEX, should have 492 HP (u can check it on char simulator) but on Nemesis that war have 440 HP. Mana, Stamina and Max Load are perfect. * Fixed: HPFormula was changed on version 3.7 *

    - Summon on IB: If you summon any creature on Ice Golem pit, Golems didnt hit them...

    - Santa Costume: Santa Costume should be a Rare item, and here you can buy it at Shop, HunterGM told me that is legal to use it, but the problem is that in official contents theres no Santa Costume at shop, so every1 whit Santa has modified his contents to buy it. Something is not ok here :S

    - Ice Golems vs AMP: I know that Helbreath USA have the same pit and AMP thing, but theres no logic there, maybe you should think about it, no1 is training in others pits, ww pits and all that is always empty.


    Maybe some bugs like Cast problem and that were mentioned before but this is like a quick list of bugs, sorry if im giving you any problem, just trying to help.


    Exuse me for my english.




    thx Uiman