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Posts posted by FunnyGirl

  1. como andbube viendo, al cerrar el hb de otros server te lleva directamente al foro y al entrar te aparece un cartel diciendo que ventajas te trae votar el server, estaria copado que se haga aca lo mismo y que apretando click en el link te lleve a la pag para votar, aver si le pasamos al hb jabon(Lux jajajaja)


    IPB Image


    esto vi en hb lux



  2. si eh estado todo el dia aqui apoyandolos de esta forma aunque sea jeje! la verdad me pone nervioso aveces no poder jugar cuando tengo el tiempo jaja!

    ohh lol si no soy asi! jaja tan vicioso no soy por Dios!!! jaja bueno calu te llaman no? o no eres tu? suerte y exitos para el server! la verdad todavia no entiendo el por que de que no entra mas gente Dios si es buenisimo server!!

    me meto a messenger un rato y me duermo! o sigo aca xq estoy fumando y no quiero dormir sin cenar lol!! ja


    If pe state all day here apoyandolos thus even jeje! Truth makes me nervous sometimes not being able to play when I have the time jaja!

    Ohh lol if I am not so! Jaja so vicious am not God! Jaja good calu you call? Or are you not? Luck and success for the server! Truth still do not understand why that does not fit more people if God is buenisimo server!

    I get a messenger for a while and I fall asleep! Or am I still here xq smoking and I do not want to sleep without dinner lol! Yes


    parece que le gusta la fruta a la gente, no entiendo xq jugena hb ux x ejmplo

  3. ' date='Apr 10 2008, 07:37 AM' post='210619']

    Tell us:


    1- the BEST EK you ever got and why it was the best


    2- Whose EK do you really want to get in nem 2 and why


    - no stupidity or insults....just answer the questions or dont post

    spam.insults,retarded comments will result in suspension+1 for you


    Best EK I ever got was 1 on 1 I killed, on nemesis 1, GM1's fh elvine mage...I forget his name because im old as dirt...started with an M I think. That was my best EK and it was done with bs bbh and dk set...I had 0 items at the time and he had lotssss...and lotssssssss and lots of rares. :rolleyes:


    The one I want to get in nem 2....I dont know..doesnt matter. The EKs I value are the ones where I respect the skills and the person I got the EK from. I guess Lagartija's EK would be nice :P



    you talk about Matuk??? or PitBull? nais ek


    My best ek was in a crusade, I was alone against Hisoka, 1 and 2 mage more wars from otoko, and I play in my elv, and what kills it, I choose this as the best ek because it is one of what is most I had cost over 4 hiting me


    I found the picture on the topic of old photos ek grosos, which unfortunately i delet all eks = (

    IPB Image


  4. yes its still down. And i cant say for how long.

    I was making a setup and some filesystem of windows get screwed. Game data is safe and entire, problem is windows got messed and the host never comes up. I am waiting for the planet to fix. This guys use not to take long, but i cant really dunno. It can be like a 10 minutes or 12 hours thing.

    I am bored also and when somebody is bored always find a newb (sry king):


    IPB Image



    Jjajajajajajajaja Nando pt DOWN!!!!!! , encima no perdio abandono que es distinto!!!!!


    ek+1 para calu


    Trade numero de cell de la hermana de Mendicrim



    che pongan foto de la hermana de luzbe jajajaja se va a re enojar pero tenemos que apsar el tiempo

  5. To be honest King, I've been bored of you for a long time. I don't know what has happened to you. I've said this already, but I'll say it again: I used to agree you earlier more but nowadays you really aren't thinking out side the box anymore.

    You are almost the only one here posting that dkset endurance 10k is bad. To compliment you, yes BBH strip is high and should be reduced little but, no way we should upgrade the endurance back to 30k. There is no point of having practically unbreakable armors, because as they are breaking it makes good for the phase of the game. It increases the action, gives more reason to tgt some1 and makes both wars and mages more vulnerable to paras (no more mages tanking 5 warriors that easily what it was in neme1).


    I could care less of what u think of me skyas, the truth is u just try to find solutions for things that don't need to be solved... and I try to make useless ideas that try to change the game even more. If u don't like the game, that ur constantly trying to modify it, then it would be better if u played other game.


    The problem is u don't really think outside of the box, u just not thinking about the box :wacko: , just think what would make most of people happy, wich that is not always the right thing.


    I'm almost the only one here. Wait, that means I am not the only one. So there are people that agree with me. So if there are people that agree with me, it means I do have a valid argument. And its possible that all the people that disagree with me, do so, because they use bbh.


    dimora....for the 7th time, I'm not talking about Mage vs War, but War vs before posting plz... :wacko:

    And I'm not talking about mage vs war here, Im talking war vs war too geezeeeeeee- :wacko: :wacko: :wacko:

    because as far as I know you only play mage (trinny doesn't count). Overall for me it seems that you are here only for the sake of your build 200int 200mag 157vit and 30str and because you are weaker than what you were in nemesis1. I'm sorry to say it, but I bet I'm pretty close to be right, aren't I?


    I play both dk war and bbh war.


    And no ur not right...go ask my guild who spent hours playing on triny...Triny is my char too, I don't just use it, I build it (just like triny uses king). I also use gaucho, a lot, who is a bbh war. Ah, and I have my former war from nemesis 1 King, wich as far as I remember did have hero berk and hoses, making it proof I did pvp a lot with a bbh war...oh and princess my bmage....yea I've pretty much played with every possible build ;)


    I could actually care less for the endu of the chain mail, I don't really see a change there. I still get the same lvl of battles with mage.


    And just as I see it: u prolly use bbh, so u don't really know about dk why do u try to talk about somethign u don't know about?


    Plz mind ur own buisness when u talk about characters. Specially if u don't know what I do play. Not all my characters are called King or variations of the name.


    For example:


    When some1 gives you example that some other servers have even lower endurances and say that they can do it all good in there too you just post:

    what does that have to do with anything?

    When I say that dkset should not be upgraded back to 30k it doesn not mean that I'm supporting BBH.

    I'm not asking to change something, just to get it back to its original form, on how it should be. U talk about cheating death, yet u support a weapon that makes people get easier eks. :mellow:


    You have been ignorant and also had very bad arguments by just writing your message with the same old content every time again, including your last post. It's not about buffing the bbh, its about finding the overall balance.


    Just to point you couple fallacies, you:

    -Do faulty generalization

    -Try to destroying the possibility exception

    -Presume that every1 here who does want dkset to stay 10k end is doing it because of their own motive (ad hominem motivum)

    -Try to say that everything should stay like they are cause its the original way (argumentum ad traditionem)

    -Write nonsense (Argumentum verbosium)

    -Repeat yourself (Argumentum ad nauseam)

    -Do irrelevant conclusion (Ignoratio elenchi)

    -Suggesting that some change will culminating in an undesirable event later (slippery slope)


    Sorry for braggish terms, but those are if you don't understand from my poor :blush: explanation. I hope that you don't take this too serious.





    Some servers sell xelima blade at shop. So yea, that doesn't make a valid point


    I'm writting my message about the subject. All u've been saying is how wrong I am, and just make either a useless suggestion (like safe upgrades) or an explanation about "how the bbh war needs to be better".

    For example, according to u, its easier now to get eks because mage gets stripped. Well, if u actually knew a bit of the game, mage would die faster if he gets hit by dk15, since it hits much more...


    I'm not taking it to seriously, I just like replying to people that argue my point. Sepcially when all they can say is:


    "Hey, its more fun this way!" --- yea for u....cause its easier to have bbh....


    Oh and, when I say that something might end up in an undesirable event later: during nemesis 1 I was against rising the dmg of bbh, yet, most people were in favor. But hey, that ended up being a scenario for disaster. So i wasn't THAT wrong.



    PS: It wasn't that long of a post, I just got caught up on the phone while writting this :mellow:




    Honest truth. This last post u said, actually didn't even talk about the subject. U just made it to tell me I "don't explain my topic properly, and that my idea is not good."


    So basikly u are writting the same thing ur accusing me off.


    Es muy simple si queres un char con 130str no pretendas pegar mas que con 200str eks se hacen igual con la dk15 pero tampoco pidan pegar lo mismo y el dk se stripea facil por quesino es un embole.


    pero man nadie quiere pegar mas :lol: :lol:


    y el dk no se tiene q stripear facil, si eso es lo q quieren, se ekivocaron de juego :blink:


    La unica arma pa usar no tiene q ser el bbh.



    pero nando no usas bbh y no matas nada , que pretendes que se mate con b axe??? o con GS o flam????Gis safa hasta ahy nomas, es bh special o bbh o temple, no tenes chance si no


    estaria bueno que suban la endu de los armours de war y lo de mago a 12 k como mucho, xq si no se le da mas ventaja a al mago , mas de la que ya tiene

  6. chuky se pasa de 1 carpincho tmb aiacos, pero no creo que farjat les de bola

    va a ser la misma cagada de siempre, Argenlandia vs el server como era en nemesis I, ya que no esta Damnation y las demas guild medio que no hacen nada, y en argen varios de los viejos jugadores e fueron, otros vinieron pero ya no es lo mismo


    5 vs 5 contra quienes?????


    no voy a dar mi pensamiento de cada guild cada uno puede pensar que es DIOS si quiere mientras le haga feliz y no perjudique a los demas

  7. te cansaste de romper las pelotas en general con spam, insultando a hunter, te pedimos de mil maneras que dejes de romper las pelotas con spam y seguiste jodiendo igual diciendo pone toof callate no sos nadie, te creaste 10 mil char apra bardearlo

    cuando Kb ban kb , bancatela, cada accion tiene una consecuencia, y te digo esto por que hasta a mi me rompiste las pelotas




    We ask lots of times to stop dammit, insultaste a hunter, you creabas many as you change the char ip to dammit


  8. pero nando agarrame la que me cuelga, me habras matado son 3 a?os de server, acordate que un tiempo fuimos 2 user en funny pero 43 chupame esta 8====D jajaja

    el unico ek que nunca tube era el de elguason char, capas lo abre matado a el en otro char pero de ese nop




    sap para mi de Oldies solo un par safan(Assain Noc Nell) Nadie mas



    Ni una res que safe Rast te la vive dando al igual que todos los yankies se la viven dando a ustedes



  9. pero pero con funny no mori todabia, habre muerto cuando era exp low jjaja pete


    pasa que no da limar denuevo como la limamos en nemesis 1 ni a garrotes, por mas que queramos no nos da el tiempo

    wand dk +15 tenian muchos angeles full hero set y eso lleva tiempo no es que tenes de un dia apra el otro pero bue


    PD:siendo ares me los culee a todos ustedes jajaajaja

  10. si fuese parte del juego como algunos votaron (y esto teoricamente es un bug) el dup tmb tendria que ser parte del juego, lamear tendria que ser parte del juego??


    no todo lo que en el juego se puede hacer o se permita esta bien


    para mi es algo que se deberia arreglar pero nose de que forma



    If part of the game as some voted (and this is a bug teoricamente) dup tmb has to be part of the game, lamear has to be part of the game?


    Not everything in the game can do this well or be allowed


    For me it is something that should fix but not that way


    It is one thing to block but summon the character to do this for my bad

  11. Es estupido lo que decis king por que en los server oficiales no tenian Dk el 90% del server.


    Obvio q no, x q les daba paja entrenar. Pero a los flacos q si tenian dk15, encima hecha en exp baja, los van a cagar asi? NO, x q por algo se mataron entrenando. Es logico q un arma q cuesta 137 magestic points tiene q poder ganarle una pelea a un arma q compras en el blacksmith.


    Es la misma historia aca, a la gente le da paja entrenar, entonces usa el bbh q es la mejor arma de bs. Pero no da cagar a la gente q se pasa semanas haciendo la dk15 (aunque sea exp25, cuesta igual), nomas por q la mayoria sean pajeros.


    Aparte yo no digo q se modifique el BBH. Solo pido que se ponga la endurance de los items dk en 30k.


    PS: por mi hablen en castellano, o en ingles, total yo entiendo ambos, pero bueno, traten de mantener en un solo idoma asi participan todos. :wacko:



    a las armours de wars que le pongan 30 k, a los de mage 10 o 15 a lo sumo, si no se le sigue dando mas ventaja de lo que ya tiene el war


    armours of wars put 30 k, to mages 10 or 15 to max, because continue give more Advantage