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Posts posted by FunnyGirl

  1. Si queres items raros anda de hunt magicjoker frik.

    xq siemrpe tan pendejos, no sos mas que nadie , no te da el derecho a bardear, si queres deja tu opinion dejala pero no vengas a bardear el friki aca sos vos

  2. en mi opinion no, xq si no todos con tener gold ya tendrian items, items x ejmplo xb y demas cosas, xq en el luck te peude salir cualqueir item existente en el juego de a hy a q ''tengas suerte'' ya es otra cosa



    no entendi bien q paso con el oro? lo bajaron subieron, como esta ahora?


    el que quiere celeste que le cueste asi nomas es,

  3. Holas amigos. Me llamo Juan y tengo 20 anos. Soy de Mexico. Me gusta llevar sombreros de pr0.


    Translation: Hi friends. My name is Juan and I'm 20 years old. I'm from Mexico. I like to wear pr0 hats.



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    Hola amigos, Me llamo Carlo y tengo 40 a?os. Vivo en Argentina!, el de alado mio es mi hermano GEMELO, si GEMELO :wub: , te gustaria ir a un viaje a los EEUU en avion?, estas invitado, te dejo mi msn Carlo_F9/


    Hello friends, my name is Carlo and i got 40 yeards old, I live in argentina!, the winged mine is my TWIN brother :wub:,would you like to go travel to EEUU in plane, you are guest, i give to you my msn Carlo_F9/




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    <3 cakez

  4. as time goes by, if we think a little, and step 4 years since I game, which is nice to remember the past jajajaja


    sexy congratulations and thanks the work of all, never forget where you helped me:)


    como pasa el tiempo che....


    How can i forget you you have been around a long time :)


    hahaha <3 lorraine


    Yess make the best event!!!!!!!! fri itenx to funnygirl:P hahahahahah

    Miss ur GBH?


    Miss abh=(=(=(

  5. I have walked the earth, always searching for that which will make me strong. I have traveled mountains of Rocky Highlands deep in Middleland must lie that thing. I do not tremble, I shall not fail. Once I will find what I?m looking for, I shall be unchallenged. Yes!!! I will stop this tyranny, YES!!! I will put an end to their reign. I will not rest till every mage on this planet will be dead. There will be NO more magic !!! No more, no more?


    The legend says that this magnificent sword is kept in an ancient mana stone which sometimes appears at Middleland. There are always three, but the one I seek is different, it doesn?t emanate mana cause the sword drains it. Yes? the sword is always hungry, it needs to be fed, not with blood oh no? It always seeks for mana, for pure magic. Some say that with only one hit it can burn whole mana, some say that only half. No one really knows. Yes.. The Sword of a Thousand Names: Mana Burner, Magic Stealer, Mage Ripper, Azure Thief? but I simply call it My Destiny. So when the time is right, locals call it Crusade time, I will find it and crash the mana stone, it won?t be easy but I shall not fail, cause I need this sword as much as it needs mana. And then? you shall see for yourself.



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    Required lvl : LLF

    Weapon Wright : 120 max load

    Str to carry : 104

    Str to full swing 156

    Weapon speed : 12

    S/M dmg : 4d7+2

    L dmg : 4d7

    Dash bonus 10 %

    Critical bonus 20 %

    Stan 20 %

    Combo +1/+3/+5

    Each hit decreases enemy mana by 30

    When activated it burns down whole mana with just one hit.



    the best, like blood sword but for mana

  6. as time goes by, if we think a little, and step 4 years since I game, which is nice to remember the past jajajaja


    sexy congratulations and thanks the work of all, never forget where you helped me:)


    como pasa el tiempo che....


    How can i forget you you have been around a long time :)


    hahaha <3 lorraine


    Yess make the best event!!!!!!!! fri itenx to funnygirl:P hahahahahah

  7. no es algo que vos puedas resolver eso es obvio pero me extra?a que no lo resuelvan los del staff que algo saben.


    y vos como sabes que yo no podria resolverlo? enes la bola de cristal o que??, y si sos tan capo xq no le sugeris, por que x lo visto no pudieron pescado

  8. bueee Ultima alianza en una sola ma?ana tubo 1500 votos??? dejate de joder, si alguien sabe como denunciar que lo haga pr favor, yo vote anoche y estaban cuartos y nostros primeros, pero resulta que subieron 4 lugares anaaaaaaaaaa