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Posts posted by FunnyGirl

  1. Bueno nose si se acuerdan de Pls, Pls! de nemesis I, Amigo de v8 y su pandilla, los mimsmo que hackearon el server y se editaban, y no se podia hacer, xq amenazaban con tumbar el server, los mismos que tenian 1 item y dupebaban y asi fue como cagamos en nemesis I, este pete volvio a jugar y tiene merin plate nose de donde la habra sacado y tampoco me incumbe, nose sis e podra tomar alguna medida, por que es preferible prevenir que curar




  2. Hmm as i heard, from both of you talking, then did Tsolis pretend, and you put on MR gear, when you both agreed only dk set..


    PC has no rules in a pvp, so as far as i know it is allowed..



    en pvp se pueden user set si que dejate de defender lo indefendible, y decis que use dk??


    jajajaja osea si queres que el war no use set, que el mage pelee en bolas

    ya que el dk set defeinde de golpes pero no de magias entonces.. saca tus conclusiones pero creo que no te da para eso, sos war y no sabes eso

  3. well korean players just play, i try to talk with them but it seems so few ppl speak english. also idk what means the name of their guild, i think is FunnyGirl sux in jap. but they r nice ppl, never get in trouble, i know some korean players like, cue, piyo, Jsi, elguason, and there good persons


  4. Posted by Elguason regarding how hard being a GM is:


    We are not babysisters, we cant be running behind every player to solve their problems when their problems came for not listening to us.
    How many times did we tell you (players) to not share accounts? to not share items?
    Your Account and items are YOUR responsability.


    If its so annoying and time consuming to be a GM then don't be one. This kind of response only succeeds to explain why HB USA and every other private server in the game of Helbreath is absolute garbage. If GM's took any pride in policing the game they run then they would put in the effort to take obvious cases (such as Omish's) seriously and deal some justice.


    Im not even Omish's friend but i have to agree that with as much evidence as he has their is an obvious conclusion to be made just by looking at a set of screen shots (which takes 5 mins max).


    This isn't only a problem with Nemesis GM's .. this is a problem that makes Helbreath a game that becomes unfun due to the bad deeds of bad people and the general laziness of GM's. Stop blaming it on people that don't "protect their accounts or items" and share or whatever because what fun is it then if you cant do things with people you trust online. If they stab you in the back .. justice should be served.



    perfecto lo que dice elguason tiene 100% de razon PERO, si se hace alucion aeso que el dice y no se toma ningun efecto, se fomenta al robo, van a decir '' voy a robar si total cada uno es responsable de sus acc'' este es un server diferente muy distintos a todos, puedo nombrar muchos ejmplos el mas claro es lmdl que te cobraba 50 pesos apra recuperar y si no pagabas te jodias y muchos no tenian para pagar por enden fomentaban al robo, cuesta el mismo trabajo mirar los logs y dar el item al due?o que solo mirar y banear al que robo



    elguason perfect what he says is 100% of reasons but, if done in this case and said that does not take any effect, encourages the theft, will say''I will steal if each is responsible for their acc ' 'This is a very different server than all, I can appoint many examples is the most clear lmdl you charged 50 pesos to recover and if I do not pay you embromabas and not many had to pay for enden encouraged to theft, it costs the same job look the logs and give the item to the owner only look to that ban and theft

  5. you swear that every time I remember reading a robbery at lmdl, such as e stole in that server

    returning to the subject, that does not ruin the server and the community and would be good if that return the stolen item, otherwise please interacting a GM, either to ban the theft and that devovler the item, which ban the theft devovler without anything, or be intermediaries to take this a happy ending, that is that you return the helm, Omish is an old player, always field to the server and good person

    as I get the ball by those people who give you take your hand and elbow, or worse, betray you


    te juro que cada ves que veo un robo me acuerdo al lmdl, comos e robaban en ese server

    volviendo al tema, no da que arruinen el server y la comunidad asi, estaria bien que el que robo devuelva el item, en caso contrario rogamos que interactue un gm, ya sea para ban al que robo y devovler el item, ban al que robo sin devovler nada, o ser intermediarios para que tenga esto un final feliz, es decir que se devuelva la helm, Omish es un viejo player, siempre field al server y buena persona

    como me da por las pelotas esa gente que le das la mano y te toman el codo, o peor, te cagan



  6. como me odia este pibe ajjaaj tanto te la hago comer traidor??


    i worte in spanish and under the trasladation to english ;),


    tanto que hablas de conocer las reglas, sabete esta: se puede escribir en castellano y poner traduccion en ingles


    Chupate 3



    I can worte in spanish and under in english




    el que se merece ban aca sos vos por postear pelotudeces

  7. ive heard McLuvin's story and took ss of our conversation. anyone who wants it just pm me ill send. If GM needs to get involved im happy to send the Screenshots to help. From my part this case is closed and I'm not going to participate any further.





    is member of your guild, yo can took the helm and pass to Omish


    is case mclovin dont pass the wing he sure get ban but helm can recovery Omish


    pobre pibe no va a pdoer dormir por que le dijo *censored*ING IDIOT =(

    pedile perdon lucas ya!! jajajaja

    siempre tratando de hacer banear al otro juga y callate

    si estas enojado por que te matan no es la solucion intentar perjudicar al otro por que moriste ;)


    poor guy he now cant sleep because you said *censored*ING IDIOT!!!


    NOW said sory tu him jajajaja


    for ever try to make ban other ppl, play and shut up


    your mad because your die, the solution no is try to make ban for you die;)

  9. o mejor


    que se pongan el modo civilician o travellers a los chars 180


    entocnes ahys e pueden cambiar de towm, pero que tenga unos requisitos para pasarte de city, xq si no cada segundos uno se cruzaria todo ml para ir al otro ch, que pida 700 de contri o algo x el estlo, estaria bueno o ahy que te pida los majestic points