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Everything posted by Giggles

  1. Giggles

    Lag + Lag+ Lag :\

    yeah I heard about that porn d/ling but think its just a rumor
  2. Giggles

    Lag + Lag+ Lag :\

    I was thinking about reporting the lag too cause I was just walking in WH and lagged or manu and d/ced lagging offline can be frustrating hence me going to my other games after the 4th d/c. I know the admins are extreamly busy in there real lives but could you just do a little reboot of the game to fixy this ty
  3. Giggles

    Admins Where Art Thou?

    O_O who are your drug dealers, I dont have insurance so I have to get over the counter. :D
  4. Giggles

    Admins Where Art Thou?

    Well I was allways told patients is a virtue! ^_^ I guess I will be Virtuous B)
  5. Giggles

    Admins Where Art Thou?

    Well it does look like its back to the long waiting game again :excl: :angry: ( :o Big heavy sigh :blink: ) :excl:
  6. Giggles

    Have You Got A Rare?

    I must admit I have been lucky with getting rares a lot from just food drop game or sweet people that just gave to me or I bought but there is one that I got when I was killing ruddies in RH that I treasure the most ahhhhhhh fond memeorys,,,,,,,I was killing everything in my site running here and running there picking up everything with no care if it was 1 gold a slime or bones or even lucky anough to get 68 gold. Then it happend when I was runing back to where I had just killed a spawn of ruddy and some other monsters there was a shinny somthing on the ground low and behold it was a necky to put around me neck OH the Joy I felt when I put that lovly rare item around my neck. RM10 necky :D
  7. Giggles

    Happy Birthdayz Cakes

    :D Happy B-Day Cakes have a good one!
  8. Giggles

    "i'm Staying...

    instead of fishing I was trying to figure out the math how many ores needed to get to next % MY HEAD HURTS :(
  9. Giggles

    "i'm Staying...

    hmmm well I manu'ed to 64% today with 1 char another worked on shield another mined. Guess I should fish some as long as im at it
  10. Giggles

    Happy Birthday Sexy!!

    Happy B-Day hopes its a great one
  11. Giggles

    Wtf Fix This Damn Sade Bug I Mean Look At Thiss

    I got snotty when I saw the super bug in sade so I just went mining to chill out :P
  12. Giggles

    Is The Server Any Good Nowdays?

    I'm still running around :D
  13. Giggles

    Im Back

    Wellcome back Farjat I have to admit I did miss you O_o and hope to see you on more often. I look forward to see what happens now and hope that people come back its too long server is quiet.
  14. Giggles

    Server Update

    Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh Great :D Ty Hunter for letting us know :D
  15. Giggles

    Ronnel Lammer?

    :( Ronnel why do you get drunk you do such foolish things :( I know you did this when your drunk I cant imagine my sweet ronnel doing such a thing sober :( oh why ronnel did you do it! Just to get on the top ten list for EK'ing? a hero outfit? WTF :(
  16. Giggles

    Welcome All Ye New Folks And Those Returning

    LOL Yes wellcome all new and returning players. :D Be nice having some new blood on the field! ;)
  17. Giggles

    Wow No Current Drama Thread?

    I say we have an all out war against Bunnies and Cats I heard they all are edited and cause massive lag needless to say they keep on tripping me and block building enterances O_o
  18. Giggles

    Another One Lame Eking

    I will be the first to say that I hate laming and if I find out for a fact he is I will report to Hunter and will request he be kicked out of the guild! I hope that Farjat will take this out of our hands and check logs about how many times he killed and was killed by this EK char.
  19. Giggles

    Another One Lame Eking

    so your saying cause he was away from his computer he was there to get lamed? if that is all that makes you a lamer than I must be one too cause I have fallen asleep at my computer or checked forums while I was down in that very dungeon or just went to the potty to take a dump. :P errrrrrrrr excuse my pottymouth but I hate all this name calling without reall proof.
  20. Giggles

    Another One Lame Eking

    Please dont disrepect my intire guild just because you dont like a few people in the guild, when you disrepect my guild you disrepect me, and the rest of the guild that are good people if you have issues with 1 person either fight them in a pvp or just ignore them and move on ty thats all I have to say about that as for the laming I did'nt see it nor any proof so I cant make an opinion on it sorry.
  21. Giggles

    Happy B-day Cid !!!!

    Weeeeeeeeeee Cidnly happy B-Day Girl come in game soon we miss you
  22. Giggles

    M A S S L A G ! ! !

    Well looks like its going to be a long one some one IM me when its back up
  23. Giggles

    M A S S L A G ! ! !

    LOL server totaly offline now lol farjat has to stop d/ling that porn :lol:
  24. Giggles

    Who Are You?

    Deff more quests right now Giggselv is at a stand still cant do anymore till lvled more stuck with just doing spy on enimy base Blah! boring
  25. Giggles


    Weeeeeeeeeeeeee! :D