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Posts posted by SexyBitch

  1. Ok the irc chat channel is now back working :) so you can once again chat when the server is down and get help and updates there from the GMs


    Sorry this has taken me a while to get everything back running its been a nightmare as we lost all the lastest files etc and database as the webserver i was useing the hard drive went down.


    this has caused me alot of problems and on top of that the lastest database from the forum had an error and this just caused me days of work to try and sort it and in the end i had to go back to the database before that so thats why we lost so many posts :(


    but i am getting there and nearly everything is back to normal.



  2. Yes i really sorry there was nothing that couold be done here i really tried i will add lews and xCoLoOox accounts back today and yes you have to do all the guilds again sorry,


    i think you should make back a post asking for the info again this way it will be faster to add the guild sections back,



  3. Ok as you all may have noticed i have had alot of problems with the forum a website i been working on this days to get it back online with as little lost as possable.


    I know we lost some posts etc but there was nothing i could do we had a proble on the webserver and this caused all these problems


    If you find any errors with forum can you please let me know by making a post here i hope its all working right but only time will tell.



  4. Ok the auto updater is now fully online and working

    so all you need to do is make sure you have the newest auto updater in you HB folder you can download this from here


    Nemesis auto Updater


    UNZIP it to you hb folder and then run it and it will update all the files thats changed on the client and start the game



    Account maker is working so to make account go to this link


    New Account Signup



    i need sleep now tomorrow i will upload full client to website and update the website info


    and do forum


    Please help with testing the new server and then we can get it out of test mode asap



    Thanks so much for being good and waiting


    Sexy, Farjat, and the GM team

  5. 14 hours lol :P



    Plz don't del forum, has too many different pieces of nemesis history, sort of of the nemesis chronicles :)

    OMG you think i would del Nemesis history no way and after spebnding 2 days fixing the database omg noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


    Ok this is what happens to forum

    i make new section and add all the posts for the old nemesis to theer so you can all read then whenever you want and they will be looked after its nemesis history it have to have a place on this forum always.


    then i make new section for the new nemesis this way we dont get mixed up with bugs etc and other things in old posts etc.


    dont worry sexy love her forum




    PS yes im am going to sleep just drinking a nice tea before hand i love my tea....... :DDDDDD

  6. Athos is just stupid, leave the poor retarded kid alone, he knows, he was probably abused as a child.

    Kay0 i thought better of you then this i have just seen this post and my son was 100% not abused as a child he just likes to have some fun and play around a bit whats the harm in that yes he is the son of the owner of this server and it has always been said he was edited but saying my son was abused as a child is really going to far



  7. Nope i saw as well as Kefka and others it was 2 GuessWHO. it was really just to much as i think 1 GuessWHO is to much :( so seeing 2 of them was like wtf i have SS also. but when me and Kefka went out of church and come back in it was Mercy and GuessWHO then i went shop summon Mercy and guess what he still stayed in church also i did this 2 times so something was really up i think we have a hunted church



  8. no sexy.. he used to Insult.. look radamantys saiyng in the ss





    negro = nigger = preto = nigga



    is that in BR or SPanish is the same SEXY !!


    Well i have said now this needs to stop right now if they want to get banned they will keep it up if they want to stay playing with this server they need to stop right now





    Negro means "black" in the Spanish and Portuguese, being derived from the Latin word niger of the same meaning. It came in the English tongue through the portuguese and spanish slave trade. Prior to the 1970s, it was the dominant term for Black people of African origin; in the great majority of English-language contexts (except its inclusion in the names of some organizations founded when the term had currency, e.g. the United Negro College Fund), it is now considered either archaic or a slur in most contexts (see also nigger).


    In English

    Around 1442, the Portuguese began to enslave Africans in Portugal. The term negro, literally "black", was used by the Spanish and Portuguese to refer to dark-skinned people, especially indigenous Africans.


    From the 18th century to the mid-20th century, "negro" (later capitalized) was considered the correct and proper English word for slaves and freed slaves of sub-Saharan African origin. It fell out of favor by the 1970s in the United States. In current English language usage, "Negro" generally is considered acceptable in a historical context or in the name of older organizations, as in the United Negro College Fund, and is used more commonly by those born before the post World War II baby boom.


    Lyndon B. Johnson was the last American president to publicly refer to the African American population as Negroes, which, for much of his life, he pronounced "nig-ruhs", widely considered an insult by African Americans. Johnson learned, while running for president, to use a more generally acceptable pronunciation of the word and before he left office, he had begun to employ the word blacks, too.


    The related word Negroid was used by 19th and 20th century anthropologists (ending variously in the mid-to-late 20th century) to refer to a race from some parts of Africa.


    A specifically female form of the word?negress (sometimes capitalized) ?was sometimes used; but, like another gender-specific word "Jewess", it has all but completely fallen from use. (An exception is its extremely unusual use in the titles of paintings, drawings[1] and sculptures,[2] largely as an allusion to the formerly common occurrence of the word in such titles, but such usage has dropped off dramatically.) Both are considered racist and sexist, although as with other racial, ethnic, and sexual words that are seen as pejoratives, some individuals have tried "reclaiming" the word. An example of this is artist Kara Walker. [3]




    [edit] In other languages

    The word has had a similar history in languages such as Italian. Neger in German had the same meaning.


    In French, n?gre was the word generally used in the 19th century and earlier times to describe black persons of African origin, or, sometimes, more specifically African slaves. However, it now considered as a racist word, and the word noir (literally, "black") is always used instead, except occasionally when specifically discussing slavery or colonialism, or when n?gre is used as slang for ghost writer. Black (pronounced according to French rules, an instance of Franglais) is used colloquially.


    In Spain, negro (note that ethnonyms are generally not capitalized in Romance languages) means "black person" in colloquial situations, but it can be considered derogatory in other situations. However, in Spanish language countries such as Argentina, Chile and Cuba, negro (negra for females) is commonly used to refer to friends or people in general, and does not have a racist connotation. For example, one may say to a friend, "Oye, negrito. ?Como est?s?" Literally, that translates as, "Hey, black man, how are you doin'?" Here, negro is used in its diminutive form negrito, as a term of endearment meaning "pal", or "buddy" or "friend." Negrito has come to be used to refer to a person of any ethnicity or color, and also can have a sentimental or romantic connotation similar to "sweetheart," or "dear" in English. (In the Philippines, Negrito was used for a local dark-skinned short person, living in the Negros islands among other places) In other Spanish-speaking South American countries, the word negro can also be employed in a roughly equivalent form, though it is not usually considered to be as widespread as in Argentina or Cuba (except perhaps in a limited regional and/or social context). In Cuba, moreno is used for a black person. In other parts of the world, like the Philippines, it just means "tanned" or "brunette".


    In contemporary Portuguese, negro is the preferred polite term for black person. Preto has a similar meaning, but is less respectful. Each of the two words can designate the color black, or a black person. However, some Portuguese people and Portuguese-speaking Africans prefer the latter, possibly because preto is the most common antonym of branco (white), while negro can sound condescending, since it is a word generally associated with higher registers.


    In the CIS countries the word негр (pronounced negr and derived from negro) commonly refers to somebody with the African ethnic roots. Because the majority of the population has seen such people only on television or in films, the word negr does not have any negative connotation. The direct translation of "black" (чёрный, pronounced chjornyj) can also refer nowadays to darker-skinned people from the southern regions of the former Soviet Union (Armenia, Georgia, Tajikistan, etc.); it is considered a racist insult in all cases. The word "colored" (цветной, pronounced cvetnoj) is also socially unacceptable in most layers of society. See also: Anti-national sentiment in Russia: Hostility towards Africans.


    Controversy around the word "Negro" has spread to many languages, to a greater or lesser extent, because many have come to perceive the usage of any word similar to "Negro" with respect to black people in any language as an insult. Internationally, there is no definite consensus. While some argue that prevailing attitudes in English-speaking countries need not be taken into account when deciding what words people should use in other languages, others try to avoid using the cognates of English "Negro", having come to consider that they could be possibly offensive. Implementing this decision is not always easy, because in some languages the word for "black" is not considered to be a better alternative at all (in Russian чёрный (chornyi)) is a name for minorities like Chechens, in Estonian must also means "dirty", etc.) Other options are "dark skinned" or "African". However, many languages presently do not have any widely accepted alternatives to "Negro" that are more neutral or positive in its associations. Some Spanish-speaking people have adopted the term negrito or even azulito (the diminutive of azul, the color blue) instead of negro, to avoid the negative connotation of the word in English, especially around English speakers who do not speak Spanish.



    Ok my lookup of the word so now it stops right here or i will ban





  9. ok

    now yes in diff country Negro may mean alot of things but its like eveything its how you say the word


    and yes in the UK this is bad word Negro means black man and its not nice to call them that i think you would be on the floor in the uk if you called someone this name and you can be taken to court for it


    and not being funny i dont want it used in game or on forum, i am going to be looking up what it means in spanish i really hate this and not being funny if i see anyone from this point on useing it they will be banned my kids are from a black man so you can see why and they play this server all the time so does my other half and he is full black so lets just stop the shit here you all no what you doing you are not silly and talking like this is not nice


    and from what i see the name is being used for not nice by the way its being said.




  10. well Ok


    i will be handing out gold helms hats on



    SUNDAY at 1PM server time



    if you cant get online at this time please leave msg on here giveing me a time and day whats best for you and i will try and get in game for that time to give you


    i would have liked to give out all together but i know there will be a few players that will not be able to make it



  11. Hi all sorry its been longer but with the new exe problems and the roll back i could not make any sooner


    ok heres there SS for you to see what ones you want


    IPB Image




    i want to get this given out over this weekend i think weekend will be better for all as not work or school :D

  12. Ok could all the people that Donated to the server and was told they would get a gold helm or hat Please MSG me i want to sort these out now gold dye work its been to long.


    What i want to try and do is get all the players together and give out so all the server can see i am going to be making the hats and helms today 25/04/06 so within the next few days i want you to all have them so i want to try and get you all together at some point on server.


    Please MSG me for this How thats a good thing hmmmm ok if you can go to the irc channel from main website this will be so cool.

    if you cant see if you can see a gm in game and get them to msg me or if you are added to my msn msg me there.


    or post me something in the forum i will open the same post in general so you can reply





    PS i will keep this post updated over next few days

  13. lexus dyes will still be rare you will be able to buy the normals ones still at shop but rare ones will stay rare and i am trying to add 4 new colours in game. well i have added them but there is a problem with it so it will take me a while and the new ones will be rare also if i ever get them added :P


    and yes i know the lights are chrismas lights letting you know there are working for next dec :D


    and yes i am back how could i stay away from all my friends


    i want to have some fun in game before i really get back into work but i am back doing things


