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Posts posted by SexyBitch

  1. ok this is to all the players that play my game as you all know my son plays and has always played and loved this game.


    as part of his christmas i told him i would give him 2 items he has now said what items he wants and i have agreeed to them and also told farjat.


    i will give him these 2 items and 3 zems only after that if you kill him and the items drops and you get they are yours,


    i wont need to say the items as you will all see them, all i will say they are not a medusa or xbade items.


    so good luck to you all.. and good luck to my son keeping the items..



  2. One thing I request though, can we PLEASE get rid of the snow? I'm dropping 30-40 FPS every time I run out of wh. :o


    I know its possible to switch the rain with snow, so if you and farjat know how, Sexy, could you do it please? ^_^


    Thats one hell of an idea i should have thought of that i look at the code now and see how easy it is to do.


    Thank you




  3. ok i adding the chrismas ;lights and music while the server is down please give me a few mins so i can upload and i will start the server back up and you will just have to use the auto updater again,


    i will add the pits to the town later as this is server side thats need changing




  4. hi


    ok yes 1 Xelima Rapier dropped and Dream took that away and as far as i know still has it but after the fight with me and Hunter he said he would give it back, i told him to do what he wanted as i wont do any more events or anything. Hunter was useing Dream GMs when the Xelima Rapier was taken away so it was Hunter that had it not dream


    i have now fixed Hunters GM


    as for 2 of them being in game i dont know anything about that and as i just said the one that dropped Hunter has it unless he give it back i dont know..


    If there is any more in game i dont know anything about it and it must have been in game before the update thats all i can say and i not going thought the logs to see if a next ones in game i must say out of how this game is run.



  5. OK all thats having trouble yes the server is back online has been for hours was just doing some little things in database.


    ok you all need to download the NEW auto updater here:





    Once you ahve downloaded you UNZIP it and then add to your main HBNEMESIS files once this is done you run it and leave it for a little bit it should start updating



    Hope this helps


    also i am in the IRC channel if you need help




  6. Ok


    I will be doing the update to game tomorrow or next day lastest i just need to do few more little things and i will be ready. and they will not take long now to do. but we still have problem with the change pass. but i work on that afyter update maybe update will fix it as there should be not reason it dont work...


    and yes after update it will be max lvl 180



  7. Sooooo, exp and level max have been changed? Or just auto updater?


    Just the auto updated i wanted to get it all done so you all have the file because we update i dont want a mad rush doing all in one day when the update goes ahead.


    also i fixed the irc server from the website so if you need me i will be in the irc channel. if i dont answer you i am busy but will get round to you at some point in the day, i will keep checking in the channel for anyone thats need help.


    there a last few bits to add to the code and it should all be ready once thats done we will do the update..



    hope this helps..



  8. ok i just updated the auto updater ready for the update so now is all working.


    you will need to download a new auto updater file from the website i just uploaded the new file for downloading today 22/11/07


    But to make it easy on you here is the link for it.


    Auto Updater Link to download


    once you download it unzip it and add to your helbreath files and run it if any problems please make post here.


    Many Thanks



  9. There will be a next update within the next week or so farjats got ready some new bug fixes and also the lvl will be made up to lvl 180 and the exp will be rised a little. work is also being done to try and fix the passwords.



  10. Ok at some point today i will be shutting down the server for around an hour this is to look at the SQL and to see if i can sort the passwords out


    I not saying i will fix it today i just need to test something out to make sure its nott hat before do anything else



  11. WTF????????

    i click on the webs and then thats happen!!!!!!

    :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

    IPB Image



    i will get this looked into thank you



















































    :lol: :P :P


    Done B)