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Posts posted by SexyBitch

  1. I know i not been around for a while but thats going to change now. so yes i am back in some ways i will mostly be helpping in some thing but i will try and login game an maybe do a few events like i used to do if farjat dont kill me :)


    I got alot to get up to date with as alot has gone on since i was around full time. so give me some time to get up to date with how white and farjats been doing things. By the way they both been doing a great job but i dont want that to go to there heads to much (opps i said that out when i was only meant to be thinking it)

  2. I know i not been around for a while but thats going to change now. so yes i am back in some ways i will mostly be helpping in some thing but i will try and login game an maybe do a few events like i used to do if farjat dont kill me :)


    I got alot to get up to date with as alot has gone on since i was around full time. so give me some time to get up to date with how white and farjats been doing things. By the way they both been doing a great job but i dont want that to go to there heads to much (opps i said that out when i was only meant to be thinking it)

  3. if i used slyone ares wouldnt exist




    IF you was useing tyrones char the char would not be no more in game, dont you all think we keep close eye on tyrones char and check IPs on the chars and yes i put chars as there not just SLYONE but Boy also.


    it would not even come to the fact that there would not be aresden anymore. there would not be no chars anymore.


    trust me when i say this tyrone dont only have the rule in this house that noone else is allowed on the chars, if he does anything and i mean anything wrong that i dont like i would have no problem in del them both and i told him a few times his chars will be del. i sit right behide the 2 computers they play on and trust me my eyes are always opened.





  4. there is some ideas i was thinking about like raid 2 hours on 2 hours off 2 hours on which in a day give each set 12 hours raid time.


    but these sort of things would need work done on the src code.


    and one thing we dont want is to make the code buggy.


    i have alot of ideas i would love to do but helbreath is the game and i think in some ways needs to stay the way it was meant to be played.


    but saying that there is things we can do which would make the game better for players, what i dont want is to make it unfair on on a group of players which right now the middle sections on players its unfair.


    from 1 to 140 they have the dummies, 18o they have there armor and skills to protect them, but from 140 to 180 there nothing but alot of hard work to lvl and stay alive.


    maybe we could do 2 days raid and 2 days no raid, i dont know with this one i really lost.


    and making it so they can get to 140 in 2 to 4 hours at dummies they are missing the whole game and PL maps so new players will not even see that side of the game.


    we have to keep it real helbreathnemesis has been around a long time and we always kept it the way in which it was meant to be, thats why players and the name helbreathnemesis has alot of love on it side.


    there is so many posts about adding new things and if you look back at them posts you would see how players feel,


    i mean look when we added dragonia the feed back on some of the post was it should not be done so in that way if we do things that does not make it helbreath the old system we would lose players there.


    right now we need a good balance for all players and i think i jumped to fast in changing some things.


    i just dont want to mess up INT server to how its always been.



    things like changing the spawn rate are easy


    we would not do anything with making EKs easiers to get and i am telling you that right from the start of this topic.







  5. I think some of you are misunderstanding what farjat was asking.


    let me point facts out here





    3.. what we need is a way in which will make players happy



    some options are


    ok we need to make better for lower players to be able to train as raid is set to full time (RIGHT NOW NOT SAYING WE WILL KEEP THIS WAY)


    so what we are asking is


    how we keep both section happy higher lvls and lower lvl and middle based players


    i think once we have a way to keep all happy will make alot better for server.


    i seen alot of really old time players come back which is good to see and some new ones


    i am not happy with how the server is now i dont like full time raid i dont like making it so easy for players to get to 140 but there was a need for it.


    so now what we are asking players is what you will like..






  6. looking into this right now.



    UPDATED: ok as you can see i closed the server down while i look into this.


    I think what may be needed is after i del the LOG file today the sql has not seen its got space to save. this is why i turned the server off today to fix this before it come to this as the drive had become full with a big SQL LOG file.


    But after i did this i just restarted the server and did not do a full reboot, so after i reboot sever i will do a little test to see if its saving give me little time to check all please.



  7. Sorry it took me so long had a very large sql file that needed sorting but it done now and all sorted so should not have to do anything for a long while with it now and no worries. just the normal backups each week now.


    once again sorry it took so long




  8. Nope, I'm not talking about that bug. I'm saying he made an angel that added 37 stat points.


    Angel STR+37


    It might have been a different number however, as it's been years since I've seen it.



    If i remember right when we added angles you could go up alot higher in the + of them thats how nimda gm did it but that was a bug which was fixed :)

  9. Yes Hunter and maggie have been around a long time thoygh good and bad, Maggie is great i love her to bits she is so cute, big hugs :)


    and as for Hunter he is a great GM always has been, and i hope he will always be part of nemesis, Nemesis would never be the same without him :: better stop now his head wont go though the door (joke hunter) :)


    and i would like to take this time to thank all the other GMs that keep this game going if was not for the great staff it would be really hard doing all this and i myself would like to say thank you to all of them.


    and thank you to all the players thats stayed playing this server you are the greatest, :)




  10. whats this guys deal? he have something against me????



    today i am raiding elvine... he tells me to stop attacking so he can do event for elvines ... i suggest " maybe do event inside because we have many ares raiding"



    anyways we move to the shop and raid there instead while he does event.... next thing i know elvines are targetting me... and he BI bans me /mutes me for fighting back....... i dont really care because my char is 90% of the time banned or muted... but god when will this gm abuse stop?



    surely u can tell eventGM is someone who doesnt like me... and has something out for me... but i just want to be treated like other players , ty.


    OK i was watching this and this 1st off is the wrong forum so i will move it after i have posted this.


    event[GM] was doing an event in aresden and elvine town


    when he was doing the event in elvine you come and started killing players he asked you to stop which you did not.


    he did not just ask you once to stop but many time which you did not.


    I was the one that told to summon you to BI and mute you so if you have a problem with this please put a abuse ticket in under my name.


    and the gm does not have anything agaist you at all and never has had a problem with you in game.


    and its Sexy[GM] the abuse ticket should be for

  11. this is only Temp as new players and lower lvl players and the raid time was a problem so we had to come up with something for new players and low lvls.


    we are also going to update the spawn rate of Ettins, we was thinking of putting back pit but that beings problems with itself.


    so ettin will have more spawn rate.




    PS you have to understand raid time and barracks wont stay like this, this is only a temp fix for a while.


    What you could do for the ettin pit, chuck 3 or 4 on the far left hand island of ML, along with annoying monsters like Ogres just a whole bunch of crap. People will obviously just lure the crap out but it will make it an annoying task. On top of that you will get some fights to control the pit. If you put a low number of ettins in there, with perhaps a timed spawn rate (much like the HC's in TOH3 which has a 1 hour spawn rate) which slows their spawn rate down you can control how many get killed.


    Lets say put 2 ettins in the pit, both with a respawn timer of 5-10 mins. Thats only 12 ettins per hour that are killed. There would be more than that killed around the river every hour so it wouldnt mess with the drops THAT MUCH. It would still provide people an extra place to fight over as well.




    Not a bad idea



  12. this is only Temp as new players and lower lvl players and the raid time was a problem so we had to come up with something for new players and low lvls.


    we are also going to update the spawn rate of Ettins, we was thinking of putting back pit but that beings problems with itself.


    so ettin will have more spawn rate.




    PS you have to understand raid time and barracks wont stay like this, this is only a temp fix for a while.



  13. Shhhhh Dont tell anyone i stay at INT also ^^ so INT will have best sweety female GM well to think about it i am the only female gm. only other female was Dream Hmmmm i just think about that MORE Females needed i say we need famale power ^^ Shhhhh dont tell farjat :)

  14. 100+ ppl today ;)



    Yes i know :) and thats not arg coming back to INT as they are still playing there.


    INT will never die and players need to put trust into the staff thats doing this.


    you dont know everything thats going on behide the reason for this but we would never kill INT.





  15. HB Nemesis switched to Raid Mode!

    60 Minutes Raid Time Setted Everyday!


    Also Dummys Experience was increased and Barracks Higher level increased to 140 for a safer training because permanent Raid Days.



    Should be able to lvl to 140 within a few hours at Barracks and train to 140 which will then make alot easyer in main towns with raid time.


    If any higher lvls in game see new players or low lvl please past this msg on to them to help them out.




  16. Yea, dont make me firewall outside IPs on arg server PLEASE!!!


    you would block non args from playing hb nem arg? oO



    Its not part of our plan but if it come down to it there would be no problem in doing it. but thats not what we want we have bigger things in mind will just take time to put all in place and this is the start of it.


    so give us time to make things work and stop thinking INT will die as that wont happen



  17. Actually i've been raiding all day since i got home from work. It has been so much fun! So much activity even though there was events at the same time.


    23 EKs in 1 day ;)


    well i hope you all had fun today i done alot of hours of events i think 3 events total and the last one was 4 hour event so i think you should have all walked away with something nice well i hope so and i had my little helpper with me.




  18. Hi all


    OK for this week only raid time is set for 60 mins so you have a full week to have some fun


    and i will try to do event each day, Now as you all know i very busy so i cant make a time if i have time i will just login and do event which could be day time or night night for me.


    yesterday i did one day time today i did one night time so its at the time how busy i am,



    and please dont think that this means will be event each day i will try as much as possable to do something fun this does not mean i will be able to.




    If someone can translate i will be greatful


    sexy u r back =)



    Now see this is what i cant understand i have always been here i never left but time playing is very hard thats why you not see me in game alot, but i have always been around and helpping you just dont see it.

