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Posts posted by -Arg-

  1. If they're that pathetically soft then they get what they get. Seriously what is with the world these days? Don't like it? Stiff shit. When you leave the computer and go out into the real world I'll call you Korean if you're Korean. Going to cry? I don't care. Would you rather I refer to them as that "stupid gook" over there? Even if i did to what purpose does it serve to get worked up about it? People need to grow some balls and just ignore insolent people (ie. me). This goes just as much for real life as it does for the game.. by creating a big deal about it you're actually doing the opposite of what you supposedly wish to achieve.


    EG. Do you care if i call you that argentinian? Your name is Arg ffs. If you call me that "wanker from Australia" i won't find it offensive because after all.... its probably true. :)


    But if you call me argentinian the contex is different, because it is not normaly used in a despectiv manner, it is different if i call some one mexican in usa. its realy a thin line its easyer to just avoid it, much easyer...

  2. ' date='Jul 15 2008, 09:00 AM' post='223978']

    I tried explaining to you guys that there are individual players in that guild...they are people not a country.


    People dont advertise in chat when the Brazlilians are in town or the Argentinians or americans.


    And they dont yell the Swedes are here, etc etc.


    When you are commenting about a certain member of the guild do so with that players name.


    "Player X pulled on me, etc etc" not... " that Korean did this or that"


    It's a very fine point and difficult to explain. I dont expect everyone to "get it" but just be aware of


    what youre saying that's all. We dont want any group of people to ever feel singled out or discriminated


    against for any reason. The Korean guild is large and they do raid and hunt as a unit. I understand that.


    Just use the same consideration for them as you would anyone else. Thanks


    Clearly you lack any form of intelligence. Anyone offended by such drivel is a moron, why should people not be referred to as they are - they are koreans are they not? - and even if they aren't its racist in itself if you're offended being called something you're not anyway? I don't see how its difficult to explain at all; this is political correctness at its most stupid and you seem to be its leader. You lack every single form of logic possible. None of your ideas are practical and this server would be better off without your rigid silly ideals that have no basis for the REAL world. People need to learn how to cope with such things - imagine if i got offended being called an Australian in real life? What would i do after about 3 days - probably shoot myself or everyone around me - you first preferably. It might be 'your' server but I have to deal with every single idiot that gets moronic ideas from this server and then steps outside.


    Racism should be and is defined as a negatively orientated word/sentence given to an individual not a description. By saying that this is infact a form of racism you are being racist yourself as you are suggesting that this race is lesser than another - what other reason could there be? Not being 'marginalised' as you supposedly refer to. Now do you "get it" you condescending prat.


    As im sure you're already reaching for that nice delete/ban combo. A nice way to avoid any criticism and no doubt further those little ideas in your head.


    Have a nice day :)


    PS: Of course you can delete my post on the basis of spam as well! (just helping you out)

    Also you could do something completely original and change my wording in the post :)


    So with your line of thinking you could go 4 example in the unites states and say "hey the blacks are here" cause you know,.. they have dark skin....


    Problem here is that most ppl in this topic are from.. usa, australia, dutch, ect... and non of your nationalitys are racialy insulted... And yea many ppl might hate some ppl from usa but thats just political it has nothing to do with race. Thats because you live in firts world countrys, they dont get discriminated! They are the ones that discriminate!!! (by this, dosent mean you do, but its true) So i would think you guys dont know anything about racisim, and you cant uderstand what a delicate thing it is. You know its that kind of thing you say put your self in the others shoes, But no you never do your just so full of your self.


    Any whay whats the problem whith adding the word "guild" so that you dont offend someone? what you loose like 1 sec of your precious time? in that time you are writing guild you could....blink? May be its a realy tough word to spell? so if you goona be sitting in front of the pc all day, it might actualy be good 4 you! more exercise since tiping is so hard, you might loose some calories.


    All this discussion just because of lazy ppl that cant spare time to whrite guild..... so here ill give a solution you will all love! Insted of saying: Korean Guild cause its realy hard to do... Just call out KG (4 thoes of you that still dont get it, KG stands for Korean Guild) And problem solved! koreans dont get offended and you guys have 9 letters less 2 whrite, so you have now like 2 more seconds of life............. enjoy!!!! :lol: ^_^

  3. Fine, along with this rule, you are no longer allowed to associate the name of any player with the following countries in fear of racism:


    Africa, American, Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, India, Japan, Malayasia, Mexico, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Russia, Spain, Sweden or the United Kingdom.


    This is what its getting to. If this is going to be a rule, lets include my rule, it works on the same principle.


    Whats the next rule going to be? Im sorry but this is just stupid.


    How is saying "Korean guild recalled" racist. What they ashamed to be a guild with members from Korea? Or would you prefer i say "The Stupid Sqaure and other Symbols Guild Recall"


    People need to grow a skin.


    What you dont get is, that its not about the nationality or about the word... its about feeling ofended. The word korean simply talks about a nationality, thats ok but many ppl use it in a despective manner. And koreans such as in the case of many other nationalitys are discriminated so when you say "koreans blablabla" they feel ofenden, because its normaly used in a despective way. But that dosent mean that you are trying to offend them, or that they are stupid 4 thinking that every time some one says koreans is to insult them.


    I'll give an example: In argentina we use the words negro=Black or gordo=Fat to call each other in a frendly way, and no one gets offended. But if i so happen to 4 example that I go to the united states and call some one black or fat I would certenly end up beat up in some dark alley. But thats just because certain ppl get ofended by certain words or phrases its a culturarl thing.


    So its easyer to just dont call ppl what they may get offended by, and be polite and save everyone a bunch of truble.



    Still many people dont get this... thats just because they have never felt real descrimination.


    and this isnt something new, its been like this since day one of this server, its allways the same ppl.




    Everyone knows that racism was thought up by man to control poeple right?


    In other words : Racism does not exist.


    <_< yea try going to a public hospital and dont get attended because of your nationality and then come and tell me racisim dosent exist...

  4. Ahi esta, asi quedamos 2 post cada uno ;), seguila por pm si queres ;) bobis


    Primero que nada, te la estas reee dando de capo.

    Te paso a explicar asi entendes un poco mas de las relaciones entre personas y te aprendes a ubicar.

    Vos no sos mi amigo ni te conozco, entonces si vas a hablar y opinar sobre algo hacelo con respeto capo, sino te va a ir bastante mal.

    Y si te parezco un boludo aprende a tratar a los "boludos" con respeto, porque alguna vez te va a tocar un jefe boludo y si lo puteas te van a echar y te va a caber bastante.


    Lo de dj es un chiste entre amigos, pero me parece que no hace falta explicarlo, aunquea veces hay gente estupida o "boluditos" como vos que se creen mas que todos que hay que explicarle las cosas de todo.


    Punchi es punchi capo, a ver si te dejas de tomar todo a la defensiva y todo tan "literal y pro".

    Osea pensamiento de nene bobo = "No sabes las raices de esta banda, ni tenes idea de quienes la forman entonces no te mereces escucharla".

    pero anda man, que tenes 12 a?os xD? osea capo a ver si nos entendemos, la cosa es el sentimiento, no tanto lo que sepas :).


    Cualquier boludo puede hacer lo que yo hago? vos sos un boludo, porque no lo haces?.

    No me interesa averiguar porque la verdad la "electronica", el "trance", el blah blah blah ni me interesa. Ami me gusta hacer mi musica y punto y me gusta denominarla como ami se me canta, te cae mal? bueh, no escuches entonces.


    Disculpame que YO SEPA, Industrial es un genero de musica que se abre en varias ramas.

    Como vos mismo dijiste Industrial es una estructura musical, sabes donde esta el industrial? en los beats, en el latigazo, eso es industrial. (y de industrial ami no me hables porque se mucho mas que vos seguro)

    Y en el caso de las bases lo Metal esta en ellas, los "doble bombos" esas son "baterias" metaleras con sonidos electronicos.

    Y puse electronica, porque obviamente la musica es electronica capo, hacete un my space y fijate que cosas hay que poner. Las que puse yo, tratan de resumir el "estilo".


    Yo no soy dj ni productor, ni clubber pro ni fana de "esta musica" (ya no se como decirle para que no se te salga la leche de los ojos) solo soy un tipo que le gusta hacerla, si te molesta ubicate y mas respeto flaco.


    Y aprende a ubicarte, si vas a hablar con alguien que no conoces.


    EDIT: Me puse a pensar, otra cosa por la cual sos taaaaan bobito es porque te crees mejor que los demas por saber un poco mas de algo tan efimero como un "estilo musical" un encasillamiento. Se ve que te falta maduracion, cuando alguien para vos "no sabe" lo tratas con respeto no como un boludo que sos vos.



    te lo respondo aca gil, http://helbreathnemesis.com/forum/index.ph...mp;#entry203206

  5. No me la doy de dj capo, antes de "bardear" pregunta viste capo ;).

    Si sos tan piola porque no pones tus temis capo?

    Todo bien, pero primero mostra y despues hacete el groso.

    Y una cosa mas "punchi" se le dice a muchas cosas.

    No hay un genero que se denomine punchi.

    Inclusive la musica que yo hago no tiene un estilo definido, sino que es una combinacion de muchos estilos musicales.

    Si vamos con tecnisismo la musica que yo hago la denomine "Melodeath Eurodance" y no creo que se le parezca a nada.

    Pero aca como nos la damos de capos en todo, hay que se mas humilde che ;).





    Yo, no me doy de capo, solo no me gusta cuando la gente se la da de algo y en realidad no sabe nada de lo que dice.


    primero si, te la das de dj, ya que tenes tu propio myspace que dice: djwild. eso es darte la de dj.


    Segundo: punchi no es nada, es solo un termino que la gente que no sabe nada sobre musica electronica hace para denominar. Osea cuando alguien dice punchi ya de entrada sabes que esa persona no sabe nada sobre la musica electronica, yo lo que me quejo es que si vos que sos supuesto dj (ya que asi lo dice en tu space) por que decis punchi? ahi llego a la conclucion que no sabes nada.


    Despues esta el echo que no sabes la diferencia entre un dj y un productor... vos decis que sos dj pero en realidad lo que qeures decir es que sos productor, ya que los dj no necesariamente hacen temas, otro indicio que no sabes ni de lo que estas hablando.


    Despues, ya que entre a tu space y escuche lo que haces...te comento que lo que haces es simplemente un trance melodico y se le parece a muchos otros temas....DE TRANCE MELODICO!!! cualquier boludo puede hacerlo ejemplo numero uno: Tiesto. O si queres lo que haces mas bien seria GOSPEL TRANCE (que se traduce en hevys y darkys que les gusta el trance) pero que no deja de ser trance. No te preocupes no inventaste nada nuevo, solo como no sabes mucho sobre lo que haces no te preocupaste en averiguar si ya habian sonidos como ese. Asi que tu "Melodeath Eurodance" es un chamuyo barato, que es mas si segun vos es "Eurodance" te comento que el dance (esto incluye tu spuesto "Melodeath Eurodance") no es musica electronica, no es un genero dentro de la musica electronica es otra cosa (para que aprendas un poquito che).


    ha otra cosa en tu space dice: Industrial / Electr?nica / Metal, te paso a explicar asi lo cambias un poco por que tu space lo lee alguien que sabe y va apensar: "este pibe es un boludo" empesemos; Industrial no es un genero en si, es una estructura que se le aplica a los generos, asi que si decis que tu musica es "industrial" lo estas expresando mal te doy un ejemplo de como se aplica bien : por ejemplo esta Industrial-techno ya que el industrial solo no es un genero, despues pones Electronica, esta aclaracion te la hago x si lo quiciste expresar asi... electronica, no es un genero de la musica electronica.. electronica no es nada hay gente que se confunde y piensa que electronica es un genero dentro de la musica electronica. Asi si pusiste electronica refiriendote a la musica electronica te sugiero que directamente pongas musica electronica asi la gente no piensa que sos un boludo, y si pusiste electronica pensando que era un genero dentro de la musica electronica, si sos un boludo.


    Te acalro, yo no tengo nada contra tu musica, solo que no hablas con propiedad y si sos dj o productor (no c como queres que te digan) eso esta mal.


    No quiero desvirtuar mas asi que si queres seguir esta discucion (mas bien una leccion) podemo s hacerlo en otro thread.



    pd: no es x darmela de capo, solo te explico ya que veo que no sabes mucho.

  6. Voy a ser claro, si un personaje no quiere morir es valido que haga ?pull cable?, que haga recoll, que se tome un ticket a BI, que se meta en un edificio, que haga TP, que se tome 50 invi pots y haga DC mientras corre... Por que?, porque son cosas que el mismo juego te permite, y si el juego te permite entonces no debemos sancionarlas, si se quiere cambiar el TP para que solo se haga dentro de los edificios esta bien, pero en mi opini?n perder?a esa gracia de hacer TP apunto de morir o la calentura de que te lo hagan en la cara, este juego se vuelve aburrido cuando todas estas cositas que hacen de este un gran juego se van perdiendo, personalmente estoy totalmente en contra que se sancionen a los jugadores por tomar un rol de ?robar drops, meterse en supuestos ?PVP? 1 vs 1, matar gente de tu propia ciudad cuando entrena, etc.? porque justamente toman esos ROLES en un juego de ROL y las mismas reglas del juego te permiten estas cosas, como sigamos quit?ndole formas de jugar, pronto vamos a tener que estar pidiendo permiso para atacar a alguien o tirarnos AMP y la ?nica forma de atacar a un contrario va a ser en 1 vs 1 pidiendo permiso, en mi opini?n si este chico se quiere quejar o quiere hacer un berrinche y patalear porque le hacen TP en la cara esta bien, pero que venga a un foro a exigir que se le sancione a un personaje por tomar "las ventajas" que el mismo juego le da es un capricho sin sentido, si bien muchas veces es desalentador que te tiren un TP en la cara no tienen derecho a sancionar a alguien que lo haga, como tampoco si ?pullea? o hace DC en tanto no este usando ning?n HACK que le permita romper las reglas que el juego tiene.





    amen hermano!!!!


    pasa que ultimamente los players aca estan un poco gays y se sienten tocadas.

  7. if they put dk back, i think there should be a differance between mages dk and war dk. Mage's dk should saty the same (or perhaps a bit lower) and war dk should be much much lower! in nem 1 war vs war was practicaly impossible or it would take like 2 houres so that any one would die. so if you lower war's dk it should solve that. the point of mage's dk being better is so that they last longer against wars (since in mage vs mage action its useles) that is because wars dont need to have a dk to protect them selfs from mages, but mages do need it to protect them selfs from wars. also its much easyer to get a ma set or an mr set than a pa set (if it works). this should give a more balance fighting chance for every one. In nem 1 i remember mages at some point were practicaly gone because wars were so immortal

  8. Arg attention +4.... maybe u leave server 4th time in weekend... hope so.. pls do not log in forums to say Bye Bye nemore... uve made that to many times... and PS. hope that Jasper comes to play on ur charr when u cant...


    Lmao, over the years here iv been as polite as possible.... but i dont need 2 any more so listen to this *censored* face.


    1. this topic is 4 me and my friends i made it so im gonna check it and reply on it as many times as i give a *censored* to do so. I like taking my time 2 say good bye 2 every one so go 2 hell


    2. I dont know who the *censored* you are so pls follow this advise, mind your own buissnes go get laid or something you fat geek. I think you gonna have 2 pay 4 that lol girls dont eaven give you the time! Get a life you stupid retard! no one gives a *censored* what you have 2 say! so plz grave a stick and shovel it right up your *censored*


    3. i dont have a char, so go tell gasper to do you a handjob!


    Man your such a looser go 2 k mart and buy a life plz! lol you have nothing better 2 do than to go getting in to other ppls buissnes, thinking your important and that your opininon matters lol! i bet when you leave this server (witch probably will never happen since you dont have a life) no one will notice or care! so you can say whatever you want 2 defend your self but you know the truth! i aint lieing. you probably will start saying how you have the best life and have a super hot gf do lots of sports and have many friends lol bullshit! you know this so i save you the shame of doing it, go lvl up in a game make and ek call him n00b so you can feel good about your self then go and jerckoff watching pokemon and thinking how cool would it be that real life would be like hb!


    nice, it feels good 2 finaly be able 2 reply to one of does many retards that we have in forums and not all ways having 2 be politicaly correct! al tho this post is probably gonna get edited i dont care.





    CHicos la verdad me tienta mucho pero ya para mi termino, los que lso tengo en msn hablanme de vez en cuando no sean pts y los que no, les deseo una buena vida!



    PD: capas loguee para ver si este pt me responde a mis post bardero :P





    CHAU CHE! -Arg- se despide

  9. andate virgen


    no soy virgen :P


    Es verdad, yo conozco al novio.


    todos conocemos al primer amor de marian


    ps: como me rompe cuando haces un topic de despedida, y la gente con la q no te llevas te entra a spamear el topic....


    es lo justo ya que yo les habre espameado mil topics a ustedes XD


    Me refiero principalmente a los yankis, mas q nada los boluditos de siempre, como los q postearon arriba, sabes q cualkier argentino (almenos q te lleves mal) te da un saludo de despedida. Rompe las bolas por q hacen 34 post diciendo sarta de pelotudeces, pero cuando alguien hace un topic para los amigos te vienen a romper las bolas.




    Pero claro, les cerras un topic estupido, e inmediatamente se ponen a llorar con los Admin amigos...o te hacen un abuse en el foro...


    claro son restrasados, por eso amo hablar en castellano en sus topics sin poner traduccion XD


    se ponen como lakas

  10. andate virgen


    no soy virgen :P


    Es verdad, yo conozco al novio.


    todos conocemos al primer amor de marian


    ps: como me rompe cuando haces un topic de despedida, y la gente con la q no te llevas te entra a spamear el topic....


    es lo justo ya que yo les habre espameado mil topics a ustedes XD

  11. LMAO !!! didnt u make this post 3 or 4 times before too? AHUHUAHA some ppl just need some eyes on em... like Gargazol :lol: :lol:


    well, frist time was long ago, when the server was about 2 go down because some hackers that where banned were allowed to come back, I remember that lots off ppl got pissed of at scat (including me) and in the heat of the moment me and a cumple more said we wherw gonna quit. But later the situation was explained and it was just something of the moment.


    Second was when i thought i was gonna star university and wasnt gonna have time for hb but in the end i had aproblem so i couldnt go, so there was no real reason 2 quit.


    so this is my third time any wasy go 2 hell who cares about you?


    andate virgen


    no soy virgen :P




    La cosa, es que ya fue... ni el foro ta divertido ya postean poco y cuando postean son boludezes que hasta yo no entiendo :S


    Me pa que es el momendo d irme, pero todos ustedes me tienen en el msn cuando quieran hablar, yo cada tanto les hablo :P y vos amti pt conectate alguna vez en tu vida!!!!

  12. I make this topic 2 say good bye to the best community iv had the honor to be part of. Altho i havent play nem 2 i stayed on forum to help in any way possible. But as i see it server is ok and that's y there is no reason for me 2 stay. I spent some years here and i have lost of memorys its sad to go, but its time.



    so cya around nemesis! gonna miss ya