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Everything posted by J-Power

  1. J-Power

    Allow Upgrading Angelic Pandents To +20 ?

    i think its hard enough for a new player to come PvP on this server "solo wise" Becouse the older players have got their "Biib" together. :D So i voted no for more upgrades. I know they deserve the items they have becouse they worked their "biib" off to get them. But let the new players do aswell and lets be even :D
  2. J-Power

    Idea For Pl

    will kinda make ML's pvp useless.. all would go PL then. Think its a bad idea, but like to raise the lvl limit to 160 or eve 170
  3. J-Power

    Better Pvp War

    what about 130 for DK 200 becouse its nice:) 59 for zerk 25 for 50% magic and 100% casting on circle 6 and rest in vit ? sounds good to me
  4. J-Power

    Trade Dk Sword?

    can it drop ?
  5. J-Power

    Something About Exp

    Hey Well i just came back from a long break from HB with my mate, but when we level together it happens that, i get the half of the exp hes getting. Im the Mage. Is that becouse hes last hitting everything? if that so, it sucks to lvling with a warrior as a mage. I just remember in the old days, i always just para'd and zerk the warrior through Silent wood or WW pit ect. Lets say WW gives 40k exp then the warrior gets 25/30k and i get the rest 10/15k exp Anyways happend to any of you? - J
  6. J-Power

    Something About Exp

    thanks m8, just me who forgot it i guess.. BUt thanks
  7. J-Power

    No More Dummies At Events

    well loved it while it was here.. But will figure out another way to gain exp then :D