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Everything posted by Sengirs

  1. Sengirs

    Santa[gm] Christmas Wish List

    Dear Santa, Please give me for this xmas a nice neck of ice elemental =) thx Santa Char name: Carpincha
  2. Sengirs

    Archer Espa?ol

    july, yo creo q lo q quiso decir whiteangel es q el war pega poco.. o sea un war 180 con bs items y dk contra un mago bs 180... ? vos quien decis q gana? bolu el primer dia q fui 180 fui de raid con carp a elv y a los magos goldies tirando crits le pegaba re bajo bolu.. o ponele, agarra un bbh bs sin dm neck y sin nada... y ponete a pelear contra otro bbh war... te juego lo q quieras q van a estar horas pegandose... El dmg del war tiene q ser un poco mas alto... el mago al tener 50 dex o algo asi deberia ligar casi siempre, sin importar cuanto DK armor tenga ensima... no es escusa el dk armor cuando tenes 50 dex... y a eso sumale el deelay q tenemos q no cortamos un pu** casting.. y listo... se te complica mucho mas aun la cosa. yo tbn tengo bbh3 y dm3... pero a lo q va white es q ahora "te los tenes q conseguir" para pegar mas o menos bien.. bah.. creo q eso quiso decir =)
  3. Sengirs

    More Liches

    He genius, if I want to do frost quest for contribution points, I will. Right now I wanna kill liches to get contribution and perhaps drops. So if it's possible staffmembers please let me know. btw thanks Sengirs -_- maybe in dungeon L4 u find more lyches, but.. u will find more demons too.. and its a very complicated place to go alone by the way.. Carpincha here, if u want to go with a war, whispme in game
  4. Sengirs

    More Liches

    i think the idea of quests is to do it.. but everyone takes frost quest cos its more easy... and yes.. i agree about lyches, and also ettin quest on silent woods.. u can spend all day on silent woods and no acomplished the quest... Sry man.. i think u must kill frost if u want contri points.. and if u want drops from liches, go find them in another maps where they respawn more often
  5. Sengirs

    Good Bye Nemesis

    c vemo, buena suerte
  6. Sengirs

    Nemesis 1 Players

    a Sengir_Arg tampoco lo ocupaste nunca en el neme 1.. y estuvo toda la vida en Argenlandia... u never play in Sengir_Arg, and he was since the beggining on Argenlandia
  7. Sengirs

    Nemesis 1 Players

    Nemesis 1 Carpincho Sengir_Arg (my cousin) Nemesis 2 Carpincha Mis_Sengir (my cousin)
  8. Sengirs

    Bounded Stuff

    belongs to JOE so anyone cant use it.. its like hero armor Good question by the way Carpincha
  9. Sengirs

    Armor Break

    lo q tambien estaria bueno es poder ponerle PARALIZE a un crimi en tu propia city, xq sino los pendejos se hacen crimis, se compran 40 pots rojas y rompne los huevos todo el dia aufera dle shop, en cambio si se los pudiese paralizar para despacharlos, se termina la historia ahi..
  10. Sengirs

    Demon And Ogre Rings

    6 rounds of tw and we get DF?s almost every drop =( i WANT abby ring!!! =)
  11. Sengirs

    Facebook Users.

    JAJAJAJJAJA que hdp este guazon!! jajajaja che yo no se q corno es el feisbuk pero voy a entrar al link q pusieron mas arriba a ver q onda, nabrazo
  12. Sengirs


    pero ese tiene muchos fps porq fuma cascara de banana
  13. Sengirs


    its fair enough for me
  14. Sengirs

    Happy Birthday Farjat

    no importa xq tom? una power green y pel? sp set :P
  15. Sengirs


    Juli como va escuchame hace esto anda a Inicio --- Ejecutar --- (escribi) dxdiag y cuando te aparece la ventana con las propiedades del direct X anda a la tercer solapa, que se llama Pantalla vas a ver 3 botones uno arriba del otro q dicen DESHABILITAR, dale al de arriba de todo para DESHABILITAR y te tiene q desactivar los otros 2... entonces van a desaparecer los 2 de abajo.. se van a desmarcar digamos y el de arriba te tiene q quedar como HABILITAR, cerras la ventana, entra al hb y contame si te sale bien, regalame el ogre ring virgen
  16. Sengirs

    Dammage Settings

    NO, nemesis never had it, prolly will never have it... Strength does not affect the amount of damage you deal. it only affects the amount of damage dealt when using your hands (str / 12) on the other hand... DEX increases your HP (hitting proability). how does it do it? your HP increases by DEX - 50 if your dex is higher than 50. so 200 dex = 150 HP (200 - 50) so if a 130 str war uses dk+15 he will hit the same than a 200 str war with dk+15?? and the 200 str war is sacrificing so much points on str just to hit the same? unfair +1
  17. Sengirs

    A Query For Players And Stuff

    lol? you stfu i explained the kid it was lag CRITICAL hits dont interrupt casting... if hes flying only.. but if u para him and crit.. even if u hit for 100 u dont cut the casting.. only can cut the cast if u hit normally BUT even doing that i have troubles with cuting casting too.. and i dont think its lag, maybe sometimes but not allways... i play neme 1 and i CUT casting, here i dont.. simple.. and i have better conection, better pc than before
  18. Sengirs

    Happy Birthday Farjat

    ya se pero ya paso ayer o antes de ayer, no estube durmiendo enc asa, en lod e 1 amigo xq si no no me levanto temprano para estudiar, igual la semana q viene me pego una vuelta x tuc asa a molestar un rato avisale al virgo y tomamos un fernando o unas chelas... y chuky esta en los esteros y yo no tenia tu telefono Gil. ya fue nos juntamos despues. nah.. soy malisimo.. recien leo q me avisaste =( pero organicemos para otra ocacion bolu, te mando mi cel y msn x PM calu
  19. Sengirs

    I Am Back.... Sort Of

    Hi oceaneagle, i remember u from Nemesis 1.. wb!! Carpincho here =).. find me in game if you need anything
  20. Sengirs

    Happy Birthday Farjat

    feliz Cumple CALU!!! que la pases de 10 chamigo, no te empedes demasiado =)
  21. Sengirs

    Pa Shields

    i ask the same question to farjat yesterday, i dont know if pa has been change only on armors but shields still the same like before OR fi pa shields has been changed too... but he never answer =(
  22. Sengirs

    All Read This Post

    LOL he thinks unbanning one person will balance a whole game.. and i dont think this person will come back with 10 more ppl... if he like to play create another char... also the "oldies" as u say.. and most of them are playing in Aresden now..
  23. Sengirs

    Server Will Be Up Shortly

    really? i dont think so Calu please explain to me how its suposed to work the pa on shield, because i dont understand, its with a % of hits or allways defend with that pa Me podes expilcar como funciona el pa en los shields calu, xq no entiendo bien, osea funciona de acuerdo a un % igual q las armor o funciona siemrpe, a eso voy.. Gracias y disculpa la molestia
  24. Sengirs

    So Fine

  25. Sengirs

    Server Will Be Up Shortly

    i hope he can fix it soon =(