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Posts posted by Admired

  1. Hello all haven't seen you all in awhile. GoDie soon i will return promise, Just i been really busy as a Admin on ICCup. for their starcraft / warcraft servers. gots over 6000 ppl on daily , lots of work :-) But i'll stop by when i can. To the rest of ya, hope ya having fun :-) miss ya

  2. AmonAmarth i'll be coming back , so dont worry your daddy will soon be back :-)


    nice, got addicted to that WoW update stuff? xD


    LOL i havent played WoW since i began playing HB again , but my wife plays WoW so i will play also to help her. But i will be here to :-) with new patch to hb you know i have to check it out

  3. Ohh I still owe you a pvp Belv :wub:


    I think belv dont log any more becouse of that :D


    You think wrong sadly, i havent logged cause i took my kids to Disney World for a month. Figured what better to do with 14,000 doallars then to treat my kids to a enjoyment they will never forget


    And yes Svafnir you do owe me a pvp that i will cash in on when i return :-)

  4. Hello, though about an idea for server "Power Necks" listen up :


    Neck of Fire - Add an additional damage for fire spells as Mass Fire Strike


    Neck of Lighting - Add an additional damage for lighting spells as Lighting Strike\Mass Magic Missle\Energy Strike.


    Neck of Earth - Add an additional damage for earth spells as Earth Worm Strike\Earth Shock Wave


    Neck of Ice - mages are already over power :)


    well.... ??




  5. Topic title says it all. I hate chasing a ek and soon i hit


    they cast Recall. You para they recall. Its almost pointless , a mage with 50 dex can recall


    every single time if your not out ek'ing with a group. soon you hit him he recalls. Even HB int had a 10 sec


    delay after taking damage that you could use recall , recall scroll . So Give it some thought please

  6. i got to agree with solini on this one. i mean imo it should be able to reach a higher dmg then the Z Wand itself. As the Z wand after obtaining needs no effort to get damage boost. But the Klon Items u have to put a effort into getting the damage up. Which = more time and more dedication. So given the time and effort thats needed to get its damage up, shouldn't it be a more powerful item(s).

  7. I wouldn't mind a Fire/Lightning elemental wand, I agree that I think Blizz is enough.


    But still, a very interesting idea.


    How much bonus? 5%? 10%? 15%? 20%? How much MS? Only MS20? MS10 and MS20?


    yes But fire elemental wand??? i say give to GoDie lol with HellFire :wub:

  8. la idea es que se pueda ver el tiempo de raid time que te queda, creo q seria muy util


    yo pense que el comando sea /raidtime o nose, digan otro





    alguno q lo pase a ingles! :D


    Very Good Idea would be very useful, the many times i hate being forced >.<

  9. it would be a idea to use PL as a place to hunt. max it to 180 lvl. Change Clay Golem into say Stalker Spawn. Stone Golem into Uni Spawn, etc. and u can make a portal or something in town that will tp you directly to PL. Dunno just a idea

  10. Put some drop in some map near a portal. Make 6 portals and let the ppl o chose. 5 are fake portals (and maybe dead portals, like tw pit or something like that) and 1 makes go to arena to fight for the prize.

    Whatever enter in the portal figths and win some stone or zems. or anything u want o give to the winner.


    Its Lucky pvp Event jeje.


    Then ppl will just wait till someone finds the right one and announce to guild or town unless hunter can make it a area that when u enter you cant talk right away .. But then theres always ventrilo :-(

  11. ' date='May 22 2010, 12:56 PM' post='320115']

    kill them before they log...if they take dmg, log out stops


    nothing wrong with the way it is now


    Poison works wonders! There's other things you can do as well, but I'll let you guys figure them out.


    ya its called Spike field

  12. Well here is my opinion. If your gonna take the mage ability to protect himself from warriors. Then should do the same in return. Such as making pfm and amp require more int . I mean thats like saying mage no survival vs a war but the war can have amp and the mage is just a free ek. So sure take the mages m.sheild and tower away, but in then take the pfm and amp from the warrior. Making them both rely on fellow town mates to assist them. A Mage without tower and mshield is dead if para'ed by a warrior, but to allow them to have amp and pfm against a mage is just a tad bit unfair dont ya think? So sum it up, keep the m.sheild / tower to the warriors and the pfm and amp to the mages

  13. Helbreath Nemesis Community,


    I enjoyed playing with many of you. You know who you are, I think. Thanks for the hunts and fighting against elvine with me.


    So why am I quitting?


    Just in case you care enough to read:

    I actually believe Jesus rose from the dead. My life is about serving God, and I can do that better if I give up video games. So I am doing that. To be honest, I actually liked my life better when I took a four year break from video games.


    By the way . . . There really is overwhelming proof—both historical and empirical—that Jesus really did rise from the dead. If you are interested in talking feel free to respond to this post or PM me. I’ll be on the forum for at least a week.



    Koreef- warrior of Aresden

    Comrade- battle mage of Aresden

    Arkaenon- magician of Aresden


    P.S. If you want to get in touch with me. Don't try here. I think this will be my last time on the forum. Instead, find me on EDIT


    Medic- I need to get a hold of you, so I can give you all my accounts.



    Good Luck to you hope all turns out great for you in your future