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Posts posted by PureEnergy

  1. looking for gold items? go to cyc pit in d2 their is ridiculous amounts of wands and swords just laying there some even have some nice stats ! but people just dont pick them up I have found a couple of hp 56 wands just laying in cyc pits its really worthwhile to go there!


    looking for fast exp? cycs is also the best place to go in d2 however they are boring but it really is the fastest way to go.


    if your a warr only train LS till lvl 170 then start training axe and hammer when you hit 180 ull have both 100% 5 lvls per 100% I figured this out when I was lvling my chr but you have to stick with cycs for this. I got 100% in one day of each so hammer one day and axe the next just because axe may seem crappy its really good vs most large monsters specially the +1 bx that you can buy from the BS.


    dex isnt always everything I would rather perfer vit over dex mostly for the fact of DK armour makes up for it and it makes a huge difference with DK armour just dont try to pvp any 180 chr until you are 180 you may get close but their DK armour just makes that huge difference. remb recalling to save your life because your much lower then the lvl 180 trying to kill you is not being a wimp its called being smart and gives you a chance to train somewheres esle.


    Ogres their another great place to train as long as you bring freinds to help you otherwise its a slow lvling experience, try and bring at least 3 friends with you so a total of 4, however 3 can do it fine also but that extra 1 person is nice to have.



    ever find yourself bored and sitting in wh? dont, as much as it is fun to sit there and talk with friends and it is a part of HB it will make you get bored of the game and not want to play always try and organize something heck even WW's anything or go to DeathValley ( i forget what DV is in ares ) but just get off your wh sitting self and get out and do something ull enjoy the game much more

  2. this is why my war with 182 str, 173 dex, 200 vit, 32 int works so well because of DK armour but im sure if the other warrs had reg armour it would prob still be the same as we both have the same chances.


    when I was trying to lvl I always got attacked by warrs with DK armour and I had knight armour I still tried when I was 170ish even in the 160's but I still lost either way because my stats were fully fixed yet and my armour wasn't as strong as theirs so I couldnt do the same dmg as they were with the same weapon.



    like I said max lvl 140 was the funnest time for me heck even when it was 110 or so I stayed at lvl 70 ish ( i forget my actual lvl ) in hb int for duegeon raiding and dualing around that area and I sure as heck miss my fencer from those times first lvl 70ish that could solo a ogre! lol

  3. they did the 180 max because people were bored, to be honest with you I liked it max of 140 this way you had to play together with other players to hunt, train, raid and everything esle. DK Armour is over powered Blizz well I never had an issue with Blizz all of my warr chrs have plenty of vit that I end up using all of their mana before I am dead and thats when I strike......sometimes other times I just plain become stupid and use all of my crits before hand

  4. its hb korea and has been out for ages on them and is probably changed now. we havent received the paks for these yet or esle we would of been using them. those pictures are probably about 8 to 10 years old now or so.







    sorry HB MOG was able to get these map files when hb int first went P2P somehow mog got those files and they were played on for a short amount of time. these church and city hall which is actually a guild hall entrance were in ML