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Posts posted by Iowa

  1. The Msheild should require like 100int or 100mag to use. A war does not need a msheild if he is parad. It's too overpowered. With the amazingly high pa on dk and a tower, pa is overpowered as it is. Only a mag needs a msheild, it's just overpowered if a war uses it. A war can tank 5-6 wars ez with a msheild, without a problem. it makes para completely useless, and makes blizz even more overpowered. A good war shouldn't need a msheild to tank phys dmg. It takes the fun out of game paraing a war and critting -24s on him with a bbh and dm5 and rodd.

  2. Ahh this topic again, good to see even after a long break HB is still HB.


    This is part of the reason I took a break my DK14 war, did garbage dmg. vs. mages or wars w/ DK armor.

    Personally I feel DK armor is the worst thing to ever happen in HB but heh cant beat them Join them.


    Started a New BBH war last night, also a Plate Mage and a pure Mage.




    Even a bbh will crit -24's Vs a chain mage with a tower and a msheild. Why in the world is the pa so damn high? Any noob that goes to CH get's a 60% pa set? Who's bad idea was that?

  3. The other thing you have to think about, is if we turn the endurance way down. BBH warriors become super powerful with their already high stripping %%.



    I would say keep the endu were it is. The bbh already strips dk armor often. The def and pa of the dk armor should only be a little better then the knight armor. It's not all PA on armor. Everyone on this server has super high life. Vita mages can tank blizz's all day long

  4. You are thinking in a 1:1 situation which is not what on the daily game happens.



    on 1:1 wars will always have the advantage, if ur a mage your dk set will strip sooner or later and para+dm5+rod+bbh+3+18 crits without chain, its the end for you, no mater how many hp pots u can chug. if you are patient and take your time to hit and dodge paras, you should be okay, remember that mages can only attack u in that way (99% of the mages don't use party on pvps, therefore cant blizz in a short distance)


    in my experience, its just time what you need to defeat a mage.


    Not every war uses a bbh. And a war shouldn't have to rely on stripping alone to win a duel. Mages have too much Pa and life. Even with a bbh there is no way to get a mage to use 40 pots b4 you get blizzed to death.

  5. I personally dont like having a group of ppl to kill a mage player. I mean, you get very good items dm5+rod+bbh+3 or better and you still cant make it to kill a 50 dex mage using msshield+ tower and 100% shield and with only 15 seconds paralize its way too hard. But that mage can kill you without anything but blue pots and blizz, not mentioning that they get dk+15+ romg and more items and you go to see the faeries. The damage is bad only for warrriors. :( . Dk set on mages shouldnt have same def/ endurance as warriors dk set.

    Maybe lowering it a bit more so warriors could strip a lil bit faster to mages.



    This guy knows what I'm talking about. HP pots are way to overpowered. There's way too much PA on dk set. Tower shield + Msheild is just plain retarded. Mages have WAY WAY to much life on this server to justify the outrages pa you can get on this server. The dk set needs less PA nuff said.

  6. Ya the damage sucks on this server. And everyone has super high life, so you have to para a mage 3-5 times with a team of people to kill a good mage, it's retarded. It's not supposed to be this hard to down a person. The PA is so overpowered in this server you have to raid with an army to kill anyone before they safe or recall.

  7. PA on dk set and MA sets are ridiculously overpowered. To get any kills raiding it takes like ten guys to take down one dude. With the high life on this server the over powered PA from DK sets and MA sets make it way to hard to kill anyone. DK armor is supposed to be only a little better then Knight armor, it's not supposed to be this overpowered. Were is the fun on critting a mage with -24s when the mage has 700 life and 40 hp pots. The way it is now it takes an army to take down one good guy. And to balance the reduced PA on the DK set, the effects of MA should be turned down. The way it is now some people are just un killable. It takes like 30 minuets and 10 people to kill a war with a good ma set. Turning down PA and MA would balance the server and make it funner, and more balanced. I think everyone will agree with me on this one, and it is a highly discussed topic. If there is going to be one change on the server PLEASE make it lower pa on dk set, and lower effects of MA Also turn down the amount of life pots heal.

  8. What I want to see done with food is temporary raised regen rates on MP and HP (depending on the food).


    If it's balanced correctly, it'd work well. You chug a uni meat, get like 1.5x mana regen for 5 mins. That'd be interesting.



    They can't change the server too much. Part of the appeal of this server is that it's good o'l fashion helbreathe.

  9. well, infact a wipe usually brings alot of new players, i have two good examples: nemesis arg, HB poland.


    nemesis arg still gathers over 300 players as far as i know, mostly cause of the fresh start, cant argue with that.


    HB poland gathered over 200 players in daytime, every day i was online there. mostly because of the fresh start.


    same might happen to the INT side, ofcourse those who would lose FH, lots of really good items wouldn't like it, but lets face it people, which do you rather keep, your items and a player base of 50-100, or possible 200+ active players and a fresh start? i'd go for the fresh start..




    Youre totally missing an important fact.


    Its not because its a fresh start. Most players despise item wipes and its usually a quick way to kill a server.


    The reason why HB Poland and HB Arg are successful is they are appealing to a key HB market. HB Arg appeals to the South Americans which didnt like being second best to America's ping and HB Poland appeals to pretty much everyone in Europe. These servers have attracted people for ONE key reason, PING, not a fresh start.


    You have to realise, an item wipe is a ONE WAY street. You cannot reverse it. It is much easier to try everything else first which can be done quickly, easily and can be reversed if need be than do an item wipe which is permanent.


    Put it this way, an item wipe is a Nuke. You use it when everything else has failed. Its not a first strike weapon.


    I think we are going to have to start "fruiting the server". Adding new, small things which will attract players. Lets start adding some new smaller spells. Lets improve some items. Make Black Shadow Sword drop as a statted item, improve some of the pre v3 items so they compare to BBH. How about having bows drop as statted items? Lets take out DK Armor and have new armors, lets say at lvl 160 and have something else at lvl 180, DK is far to overpowered.


    Its not bad to add small new things.




    The black shadow sword dropping is a fantastic idea. Also stated wizard hats and caps should drop. And I think when create a manufactured item that is 100%+ it should have a chance to spawn with stats. So there would be a purpose to work your *censored* off getting manu up. I think the max stats should be 250

  10. If there is a reset that's the end of the server. Nothing is wrong with the server, it just needs time to come back to life. This is a good reliable server, it just needs time to bounce back. I'd say take barracks exp down or make it so you can only lvl to like lvl 110 or something. And maby make ESW and BSW manuals a little more common.

  11. The barracks should be set to normal exp. If the barracks was set back to normal people could still lvl there or PL. people dont take this server serious with the barracks exp so high, and the easy skill % on permanent plants. People shouldn't just be 180, it should take time to get 180, and the promise land is easy enough to lvl without the really high exp barracks.