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Posts posted by Iowa

  1. Ppl is right this cuz no 1 fights too much ppl enter and say "fights ? , ares ? elvs ? " no 1 answer cuz all are farming with that new skilz and olders too look at this i really moved of town for propose a new type of fights and give a little more fun to this server and only get 2 or 3 fighters on ares no more no 1 help no 1 do nothing (at least on my hours to play same as all argens) i say a lot of times some changes dislike me like a lot of ppl think like me but this change will be in the top 5 of worst changes ever made.


    I fight all the time, this server has a great quest system, and hero should have been done with quests and contribution anyways. Now with 20 ppl on the hero cannot be about eks anymore.

  2. From what we tested, a baxe takes 2 endurance a hit off a tower shield, and a tower shield starts stripping at around 300 endurance. So that takes over 200 swings for a tower shield to strip once, which isnt practical in today's pvps.


    Instead would be be possible for a baxe to have "20% chance to ignore targets shield", where a baxe would have a 20% chance to hit a player as if he's not wearing a shield when he has one equipped. Or "20% chance to ignore targets pa". I know hb coding is really difficult, if its possible to do this I think it would really help.

  3. Looking for an anc baxe


    Items we got for trade


    anc hammer


    PSN hammer rep+1


    Hp63 waraxe crit


    Agile baxe hp21


    Agile bh hp21+3




    Crit 5 BH


    crit 10 hp21 GS


    Crit 3 targe


    mr63 Wood


    strong wings hp21 W


    Strong leather hp21 W


    leather mp14 M


    Strong mr42 hose M


    Light mr21 berk M


    Strong plate mr21 M


    Strong horns mr28 M


    PM or post or /to Raid or /to Ray-Ban in game

  4. ok, ppl don't play nemesis because tower shield required 40 str and blizzard frozen whit pfm


    Did you even read the op? Looks like you didn't



    The tower shield str increase is a great idea. Why would the heaviest shield be 40 str LOL. How about some diversity