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Posts posted by Iowa




    62 on today.......

    Olympia players are playing here until Cleroth is forced to wipe... When it is... population will go back to 15



    he has been talking about this wipe for over a year. He's busy playing LoL, he doesnt give a shit abt olympia, there will never be a wipe on that server


    Yet olympia is still more populated than here... wonder why lol.... the olympia community is learning that they will need to migrate from the server so donations stop pouring in over there and will force cleroth to wipe to regain its numbers.



    He's waiting for ppl to leave so he can close it without ppl crying. Get over it.






    Corrupted hero set, Lasts 30 days, costs 20 eks.



    20 eks is alot, Ive been playing for the past 9 and only got 6 eks.


    This is actually kinda good fix....


    Like you "rent" the hero set by EKs...not really lame considering ur loosing this eks for your perm hero set...


    Quest system can deal this already.



    yea, and keep ppl playing because they need to pay for renting that hero set.


    Active EKs = Active Hero.

    not bad.


    not saying we are going to do it.


    maybe they can have some kind of "paper hero effect" have some more white.



    Make the corrupted hero set dyed a different color, so ppl know its a rental




    Corrupted hero set, Lasts 30 days, costs 20 eks.



    20 eks is alot, Ive been playing for the past 9 and only got 6 eks.


    This is actually kinda good fix....


    Like you "rent" the hero set by EKs...not really lame considering ur loosing this eks for your perm hero set...


    Quest system can deal this already.



    yea, and keep ppl playing because they need to pay for renting that hero set.



    I don't think it's possible to get hero sets anymore. As said before, those amounts (hundreds of EK) were calibrated for a server with constantly hundreds of players online.

    The armor could still be gotten with EK, but much less, maybe 30 to 50 per item. Or, EK rate needs to be raised 5-10x.


    It is not possible to get hero sets on a server where 10-20 people play, and maybe a few of them are out gaining EK's every day.


    This is true. Fullhero set wasn't hard to obtain with hundreds of players. I wouldn't still make any big chances to it. Heroset is basically only end-game content Helbreath has and it should take time achieve! Only problem caused by FH's high EK requirements is laming.



    Laming and new-player abuse (laming). This was July 26th for Kakarot:


    26 Jul 2014 2:56 PM SirElvine (180) Kakarot (180)

    Middleland (235,134)


    26 Jul 2014 2:50 PM whiteangel (180) Kakarot (180)

    Middleland (221,102)


    26 Jul 2014 2:35 PM whiteangel (180) Kakarot (180)

    Aresden (158,201)


    26 Jul 2014 12:57 PM SirElvine (180) Kakarot (180)

    Aresden (112,99)


    26 Jul 2014 12:41 PM SirElvine (180) Kakarot (180)

    Middleland (61,311)


    26 Jul 2014 11:52 AM SirElvine (180) Kakarot (180)

    Middleland (197,239)


    26 Jul 2014 11:24 AM ilhl (180) Kakarot (180)

    Dungeon Lv2 (240,187)


    26 Jul 2014 7:27 AM SirElvine (180) Kakarot (180) Dungeon Lv2 (250,84)


    Player SirElvine (= ilhl, Amigato, TamingCat) is /pf and /tgt Kakarot over all maps 6 times in one day. This is laming folks.



    This is why the heroset should be got with contribution. Killing new players makes new players quit.






    The full hero set is for Full Heros! Want new set for quest? Send a suggestion for it.




    what is a hero?



    This question answers!


    A hero is someone who killed a lot of enemys in name of his nation.


    Need to kill enemys to become a hero, not make quests!


    Needs to be enemies online in order to kill. The ek calibration for full hero was meant to be for 500+ server lol.


    Make a


    new set for quest


    i know. But no pupulation still not a good reason to give EK Hero set to Contrib Heros!


    quest set, basicly a "Contrib Hero" is posible. with different advantages maybe.


    But that still will not resolve low population.






    It will resolve me not having a hero set, which i desperately need. I only have 96 eks, ive been playing sense the d4 quest days. I had FH on nem2, so Im not the issue.

    To resolve the population we need everyone to spam our link on reddit, fb, all theyre forums. Or get this game on steam somehow