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Everything posted by asalampo

  1. asalampo

    Mage Tips

    1. Pretend corpse skill - is it usable skill for mage? 2. Which spells are "must have" for mage? (There are many spells in wizard tower, but i prefer to buy only most importand to avoid a mess in spellbook) 3. Is there any sense to defend myself with tower shield without 100% shield skill (I'm a vit mage - no 50 dex) 4. Which spells do dmg and freeze through pfm? 5. Are there any simple/fast ways for doing alchemy (collecting monster parts)? 6. How much ms10 neck cost here? (I found this 3-months old topic: Ms12/ms14 Necks - is it up to date?) Thanks a lot for help.
  2. asalampo

    Files Modification

    Is it allowed to use: 1. Another look for pgp/spgp and inv potion? (for example pgp: inv potion: ) 2. Loud footsteps sound? 3. Cutted trees? (no decided in rules - is it up to date?) Thanks for help (nice to see GM opinions).
  3. asalampo

    Code Of Honour

    1. Someone attack me and I don't want (don't have time, mood, etc.) to fight - don't even try fighting him/her - just run away safe/shop/wh/recall etc. Is it lame? 2. Player lost connection during fight, then log in few second later. I'm not giving him a brake and para/blizz/crit/box etc. Is it lame? 3. I'm fighting 1v1 but I can't kill my opponent - so I call friends/guildmates/citizens for help. Is it lame? And overall, how should we play to make happy both side (except giving free EKs of course)? Thanks for yours opinions and tips!