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Posts posted by ryan

  1. Jararaca talks alot of shit about kiling wheil i was boxed.....asked him for pvp he would he keeps shit talking caling me noob as i will shwo You.....

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    lol hes gona log now...as u can read...also still bragging about me down in a box..and still not answering my request for a pvp

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    this is the pvp....we go at it for 5 secs he paras me then RUNS OFF.....WHILE talking shit :P

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    He's talking shit but NOT accepting my pvp..

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    Now this is one is just plain OUTRIGHT FuNNy..LOL lol at jararaca type..hes on a roll dodnt u think?


    Well jararaca pvp or not?



  2. well like the title says...kabal go learn how to fight man Look at these.......


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    Now here shes GHing while being invised....

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    Heres 1 wheres shes running with tower...

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    another runing with tower...lol its geting funny....this time im actually laughing at my pc...

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    lol another 1 wheres she is GHing about to be invised by teamspeak(another ares)


    ok when i just read my post and i cant click on the ss to make them biggger....due to my lack of pc knowledge....lol any1 could tell me how?

  3. but he is PROUD OFF DOING THAT SHIT, i bet that he wount win a pvp agains magicjoker =/

    when did i say i was proud of that?...i NEVER said i was proud of that.....dont misquote me....i know it was wrong and thats y i PERSONALLY GAVE MAJICJOKER 1 OF MY ZEMS...we talked in whisper and we setled it ...we r no longer mad at each other.....so i have a lot of respect for u Facu...and ur too good to be in any other guild...so <3 ya all in damnation im gone...

  4. UMM b4 u get all frisky.....when u wispered me and called me noob i said i would GIVE u a ZEM outa MY wh...so wat i did was NOT wrong...maybe a lil cheap...but NOT wrong...u was done wif duel and i congrats u but it was me and u ALONE in ib ...u havin low hp....+ Borrequita wisped me and told me to kill u if he kills borrequita and get the zem...so i was only doing a favor ...and i WILL GIVE U A DAMN ZEM since u didnt get that 1 ...just wisp me in game... :blink:


    im so mean =]]