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Posts posted by ryan

  1. lol idk, redemption has alot of skill idividually, but fighting 5v5 u'd have to know ur roll and play it out, but the ppl listed in the poll for redemption know how eathother play pretty well so i would say redemption would win, on the other hand survivors played with eatchother ALOT, so they could read eachothers minds.. what they lack in skill they gain in teamwork,,i fought some survivors. and SOME were just plain shit in 1v1 but were extrodinary in a team=p.. redemption would still win.. Redemption FTW

  2. i dont mind the exp that much , but i would like it to be a little higher, like x5 , i agree with khel though, that dude always thinks up the weirdest yet genius shit...increasing drop rate and exp by a little would IMO bring more players to nemesis.

  3. lmfao, i agree with doom, sorry nuts but really all i ever here from u anymore on forums is insulting ppl, no more nice nuts as it used to be, idk things change.


    lol i dont see you on~ how about you read all the old bullshit they posted about me before you take sides rayne ( nm just fixed thought was rayne but just ryan, dun really care m8 you ben ares and dooms little lover boy neway), thought i knew you better then that, what can i expect though i dont live on the forums and every time i get on i here people crying and throwing my name in shit, so cry me a river they get nothing done by crying and my insults are to them for insulting my name in the first place.


    So yeah in that case things change, stupid kids come along and i dont hafta show respect to everyone, especally doushbags who wouldnt even give me marz and mike a chance to help ares when it was needed, so who cares what any of you 3 hafta say, i dont see you doing nething in game and all i see on forums is crying and name throwing :lol:

    "dun really care m8 you ben ares and dooms little lover boy neway"


    lol dude this is quite funny, Me nor doom has played in a very long time, besides the fact that i would log onto my elv Cyko to say hi to some of damnation, other then that i dont play. so now im dooms little lover boy? well u can go suc a c0ck, thats all u are is a little punk, who gets his pleasure by insulting


    giggs i <3 ya but srry this had to be on ur topic

  4. the good damnation days..i would cut off an arm to have some of them times back lolz, always loved raiding with ezekiel donnie fonzie, and Jimjones(btw eze, u need to get another MR set and let me use it =p)

  5. ' date='Jun 29 2007, 06:37 AM' post='190394']



    You are always welcome to post on this forum. You are a helpful, productive member who doesn't take cheap oppprtunities to bash, is fair, level headed and knows how to express a thought without it being insulting or offensive to someone else.

    totaly agree