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Posts posted by ryan

  1. im for lowering the def on dk set just a lil, but all this about ppl being immortal and taking 2 hours of pvp war vs war, is for the most part bullshit, i got half a FH set on my war syko witha dk+15 and almost all my eks were from pvp and none lasted 2hours.(pvped ALOT) war vs war with a no shield rule doest last long if u know what ur doing.


    point is, like king said. i killed ppl just fine dk set or no dk set.

  2. umm. ima 130 str 50 mag so im counting on the dk+15. but as far the dk set. i think it should still be there, but the end lowered a little.




    no poll... i want to hear what u guys think about dk Sets as ppl already 180.


    Are they balanced?

    I also know theres ppl training to 130 str only this question is more focus on maybe we should take defence a little down but making comparison with the other options u have, like statted items. I like the idea of statted items having more value in game and ppl not so inmortal.

    This is not an announcement of changing something, we just thinking "between all".






    DK sets please :D 130str is a matter of choice, sure you wont die, but you wont get hero set anytime soon either ^_^

    not if u know how to use one IRONCLAD!!!!!>.< =p

  3. One thing I request though, can we PLEASE get rid of the snow? I'm dropping 30-40 FPS every time I run out of wh. :o


    I know its possible to switch the rain with snow, so if you and farjat know how, Sexy, could you do it please? ^_^

    yes pliz get rid of the snow, it murders my fps. i run like 90-120 without it and go down to 20 in it. ALmost every1 has an FPS problem in the snow.

  4. well i agree with the map exp adjustment. im all for it, and think its a great idea, but just not as low as u stated khel. ive talked to many ppl and7/10 are pro exp raise. if u look at all the excitement around the forums and on the game , you can clearly see that most ppl are very happy and enjoy exp25.



  5. oh yes once the word gets out nemesis will be flooded once again.


    thnx farjat and sexy, for considering this. now all get on msn and tell any1 u ever knew or has ever played hb that nemesis went back to expx25.


    only one problem though,me and many more are having a snow problem, it decreases the FPS tremendously. lets just hope that doesnt become a deterrent for ppl coming back.




    this is great =]]]]]

  6. The reason few people played when the server was 140 was because the exp was too low. Now as a 180 server the exp should be like original Nemesis levels. How many people have the time to

    spend all day leveling?

    totaly agree with this.

    ppl are going to get 180 anyway. not many but ppl will get there. then that few will be dominate over all others. My theory is the faster ppl get to 180 to effectivly hunt/pvp/raid, the more ppl wil come play this server and the funner it will be. + u dont have to spend ALL day lvling just to have fun on a hb server, cause i dont know about u all but i only have about 2-3 hours maximum a day to play.


    but thnx for the update farjat and sexy. u worked hard and should now go drink a nice big long island ice tea and celebrate. =]]

  7. I swear some characters have more luck then others. the old Guardian did NOTHING but hunt for like 2 years and she barely got anything worth having. The on the other hand some ppl just start the server and go hunting like 3 times and rack up with all kinda shit. Example. Aria. starts the server. within a week has a full hp/mp set she found and me and her went hunting for like 15 minutes and a Critical BH droped for me. And I'v hunted etts for ever and nothing ever drops. Im not a big fan of luck, but some people just seem to get items more then other people from hunting.

  8. its been about 3 weeks since u last filled us in about this update, I, and im SURE others would just like to know how the up*spam* is coming, and about when it will be done. I know your working on it but could u just talk to us a little about it pliz. thanks