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Everything posted by letrita

  1. letrita

    Kill Pk Ppl

    it would be awesome if being crim would give you something extra... for example. anti-hero elvine/aresden set maybe it could be like hero set but with less dmg/hp bonus.. and easier to take. or it could have more damage and hp than regular hero set but you would need like 50 pks to get each part.. and if you get killed by anyone your pk count goes back to 0 and you have to start killing ppl all over.
  2. letrita

    Server Lag..

    farjat is downloading porn, don't bother :lol:
  3. letrita


    there's no way that you can really mean that no ping = big ping.. seriously, just as elgua said, aiming para without lag is as easy as cliking an orc. the only "advantage" of having a high ping might be that people can't cut your casting easily, and it's not that good 'cause in that moment your HP goes from 600 to 100 in one un-cut spell
  4. ill say just split in 2 the exchange window and allow multitrade of 8 sounds nice...but anyways there should be a way to make it even bigger...ofc i know it must be freakin hard to code, but in some trades there are like 15 items included (when we trade rares/sets) so we need lots of slots while trading items...anyways 8 slots is still nice :D no actually is the same. But more than 8 is already too much only 1/100 trades will be more than 8... White can code anything. U just need to pull his Ego up! GET NEW CLIENT 5.32.002 for testserver please./ great job! wish i had hb installed in my pc to play the testserver.. but i think i'm better off this way :D anyways, im going to keep helping nemesis comunity from my possition, and of course, keep spamming this beautiful forum B)
  5. For next update, please, PLEASE, enlarge exchange window for more items to be traded at the same moment.. it's about time.
  6. letrita


    this is not true, you just miss the insert key when trying to chug your *censored* off ^_^
  7. letrita


    add recording programs to the client + setable hotkey to activate it. most of the times you know when someone is going to pull (boxed or being badly owned) so you can turn it on when you suspect it might happen. most of the pullers do it more than once, so its a matter of time before anyone tapes it.. and by making it a client thing, more than one person can film it. Bonus track: - more great action filmed! i win, best solution ever.. alcohol makes me so smart, im great, i know it.
  8. letrita


    que lloron, aprende a maar sin dejarlos chugear... ese es el ninja style
  9. letrita

    Crusade Bug Fixed !

    te la hago simple hoy me puse en la city a cagarme a bifes con bichos y pjs y apenas desp de q me pegaban tiraba recall y me iva. anoche desp del fix no andaba asi. no se q cambio de ayer para hoy. es mas hoy se escapo con recall un ares q estaba lize mientras le pegaban con una sb ojo que por ahi el ping te vende humo.. dale 2 segundos de margen de error por lo menos.
  10. letrita

    Very Frustrating

    Maybe they could just place the stones, zems and necks straight into your bag.. Or you want the upgraded items at once instead?
  11. letrita

    Roll Back

    sory, coudn't let my mind not-close, didn't read shit, pbbly bad idea anyways peace
  12. letrita

    Suggestion For Event

    We can't do thatone without Hunter[GM], and currently our famous and much loved Hunter[GM] is very very very sick :( my thoughts are with him and we all hope to see him again soon ! i think it would be great a 3 vs 3 players team fight. BUT without you choosing your team.. i mean, random teams! so you can get to fight with someone you don't know.. someone of the other city, agains't your guildies, with somebody you don't like... who knows :P!
  13. letrita

    Plz Plz Plz

    since siemtech (hb developers) closed any update made by anyone is to be considered "fruity" isn't it like that? i really don't know much about the history behind the game, and how it worked out, so i might be wrong.
  14. letrita

    Bugs Bugs Bugs

    no more crusades nor heldenians cause i?m not playing.. thats the truth guys... sry
  15. letrita


    sounds to me like you got owned, sry pal, you should never lend hero items unless you are shure you can get them back anytime.
  16. letrita

    Bumps And Massive Lag?

    hm, ye, perhaps... I just got intel i7 2,67 GhZ hyper-threading processor (Octo core in OS - Quad core in hardware) with 3 GB DDR3 tri-channel technology ram (not that much ram, but it's DDR3 and tri-channel technology that makes it better) and running under windows 7 with a 60 mbit internet connection. i have a girlfriend :lol: that's nice for you ^_^ I've heard in many games people got lagg recently after Japan basically "shut down" or lost networking points... So it's possible that lagg comes due to that as internet doesn't always take straight routes to its destination. that makes sence, you should check the rout on your network connection (i remember there was a way of seeing this somewhere) it probably goes through japan.
  17. letrita

    Bumps And Massive Lag?

    hm, ye, perhaps... I just got intel i7 2,67 GhZ hyper-threading processor (Octo core in OS - Quad core in hardware) with 3 GB DDR3 tri-channel technology ram (not that much ram, but it's DDR3 and tri-channel technology that makes it better) and running under windows 7 with a 60 mbit internet connection. i have a girlfriend :lol:
  18. letrita


    que pais generoso
  19. letrita

    Happy Birthday

    Hachis... No te hagas el pelotudo... /rep- Nekro hahahaha lo mandaba al frente hahaaha Feliz Cumple David... 3ra vez q te lo digo: espero q este a?o aprendas a no hacerte el lindo y usar bien el casco... PELOTUDO! O SEA el CASCO en LA de ARRIBA y en LA de ABAJO jajajaj tarrrrrrrrdeeeeeee
  20. letrita

    Bumps And Massive Lag?

    40 mb? omfg i have 2 mb and wifi =(
  21. letrita

    Im Out

    nooo, mira lo spammer que es este chabon que es "dummy" algun dia voy a llegar a eso on: mucho no te conoci juli, pero una pena que te hayas decidido ir! de todas formas el hb nunca se deja por completo, siempre queda algun item en tu interior que no dropeas.. es como andar por la vida con un zem para que no se te caiga el vicio cuando te mata un tw en la calle.
  22. letrita

    Pa Shields

    You're playing with the wrong guy u know. Take a little vacation, i told u before, u started to piss me off. own3d
  23. letrita

    Plz Plz Plz

    this is nemesis not legion, we have our own good ideas around here :P
  24. letrita

    Pa Shields

    PA is too high generally in this server....that doesn't go for shields....but for DK armor as well. And the health points here are smaller i always thought that AB should break shields as well..
  25. letrita


    own3d :ph34r: on topic: remember Lb only uses 32 int or something like that, so it can't be the sickest spell in the game with those requirements.. i still believe that there shouldn't be such a huge gap between blizzard and the other spells.