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Everything posted by letrita

  1. letrita

    Angels Fps Problem :(

    desactivating your graphic card DOES work, the only thing u have to do in order not to get that direct x7 thing is RESTART your computer. another thing ive heard around that might help u with the angel problem is that you can change the angel sprite by anotherone (that looks like a bat) and in that way it doesnt lower your fps. i haven't tried this one, so i cant tell u much about it.
  2. letrita


    creo que no existe mas, yo la tenia puesta y se me cambio a matar beholders
  3. letrita

    Sever Status

    new quests are not cool.. i mean, there are quests to be done in BF and ares does never have bf =( why the fat guy from city hall is so mean to us
  4. letrita


    una pregunta, este era el update del que se venia hablando desde hace tanto tiempo?
  5. letrita

    Pvp Event

    Yes, but at 6 pm. pew pew i want ice storm manual
  6. letrita

    Lag Y Delay

    con este tipo de topics y estos tipos de comentarios insignificantes no van a conseguir que aumente la ppl. bien ahi reviviendo el post, maestro ninja
  7. letrita

    Lag Y Delay

    JAJA, no se quien era gallego al final :P reinstala el windows, no hagas mas cagadas entonces xD suerte!
  8. letrita

    Lag Y Delay

    hessian, si se te congela la pantalla puede deberse al sobrecalientamiento de la pc.. vos sos de espana, no? por ahi antes no te pasaba por que hacia frio, pero ahora que empieza a hacer calor se sobrecalienta mas facil la computadora. a mi me pasaba asi, aca en verano se me freezeaba maaal. :P
  9. letrita

    Otra Ideita

    hunt de black dragon: esta bueno para q vean q hay actividad de guuild >>> Shala Un agite en IB con mucha gente: >>> Shala Una Hunt en BF: >>> Bachelet Y una Hunt de TW:>>> Bachelet Este es medio mixto, esta bueno:>>>> Jelou ! fijate q te sirve, hay mas de agites y asi del guild, podriamos hacer una seccion mas especifica tmb q se yo, q te parece? edite con nombres
  10. letrita

    Remove Dk Set

    wars would be awfully overpowered against mages in that case..
  11. letrita

    Magic Gems

    its all about luck, ive never failed a saphire/ruby magic diamond crafting myself.. but it is said that it is hard to get diamonds (im still getting cool diamond wares so far) so getting the diamonds being hard, might add difficulty to the hole process and in consequence raise its value.
  12. letrita

    Forum Event- Design A Weapon

    Strip Bow Same damage than Direct bow with slightly higher hp Same str to use. when activated it strips naked the person that has been hit (u better use safe on this one :P) it drops from TW only and its purple, cause thats how i roll =D
  13. letrita

    Becoming Popular Online....

    Lag+1 i have some mp low items w, just pm me and ill give them to you if u need them.
  14. letrita

    Flood Control

    can flood controll be changed to 1 minute of waiting?? its soooooo anoying
  15. letrita

    Welcome Myth[GM]

    wc bro, and good luck.
  16. letrita

    Possible Server Merge?

    this is not happening anyways :(
  17. i believe all this is being included in the new update allready :)
  18. letrita

    Possible Server Merge?

    not if arg players still keep their chars and items... maybe just the ones who just started would leave.
  19. letrita

    Possible Server Merge?

    Like it or not, he has a point. as an arg player i can tell u guys i would rather merge servers than keep on playing with 30-40 users on.. its true, lag sucks, delay sucks, but playing by yourself sux the most. anyways its been said by farjat that this isn't going to happen, but who knows, he might reconsider it because of the current situation (4 months all ready with 50 players online). yet, rumors that a big update is on the way has been heard all around, this might revive arg server, but again, who knows..
  20. I've seen this "only english" rule implemented in various other servers and it seems this rule has worked out just fine in other communities. Once again I'd like to state that I don't have any hard feelings against people who do not speak english, I just think that in international forums international language should be used, which in this case seems to be english i understand ur anoyed. but the most spoken language in this forum is english, and spanish.. so u cant help it to see it leak throughout the forum. anyways i agree with what somebody said that if the thread has been started in english it should stay in that way, unless it has been started in english, and translated to spanish, or viceversa
  21. letrita

    You're Addicted To Helbreath When...

    cuando un amigo te hace el aguante con una minita decimos que la tiene que "tankear" onda.. yo voy con la rubia, vos tankeame la gorda. :P
  22. letrita

    Forum Event- Design A Weapon

    Lo de la invisibilidad me parece re pedorro... Mi aporte: Hagan algun arma que saque SP... otro que recupere HP (como un arquito loco que hay en el Ragnarok) Uno que chupe MP del que recibe el da~o y se lo pase al que hace el da~o. Activado o no. Pero invisibilidad? Dale... Por que no hacemos uno que te tire DC? Lo activas y lo desconectas a cualquiera... hahahhahah yo creo q tengo una wand de lag a veces, cada vez que quiero castear se me prende :lol:
  23. letrita

    Forum Event- Design A Weapon

    Chala wand, te da el mass magic faso spell que lo tiras en agite y de repente son todos de la misma city y ya nadie quiere pegarse, si no tirarse ahi a mirar que loco como se mueven los ice golems por ib a los 20 min te tepea a shop para ir a comprar carnes por que pega el bajon.
  24. letrita

    Forum Event- Design A Weapon

    lol? feeling like stealing my idea, dont u ruutu? -------------------------- Apr 10 2010, 02:34 PM Post #13 letrita Ettin Group: Members Posts: 747 Joined: 25-August 09 Member No.: 16,527 Warn: (10%) BerserkHammer Light blue colour (same as berserk wand) with the shape of a regular hammer, it might shine as well Damage its the same that a regular ancient hammer hp 42 or + (good hp). same stripping. here's the catch, its a single handed weapon and CAN be used with shields! hope you like it! ps:of course its a very rare drop. :)
  25. even though you may have a litle advantage when casting, when u get lagged with ur mage can be the end for u, a war might last longer :D .. besides, aiming spells like zerk/amp or para is rlly hard when getting delay, since u have to shoot it waay ahead of the other player. so having delay its not good at all :P you can always have a free try of it logging at arg server :)