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Everything posted by letrita

  1. letrita

    Argentina Birthday Event

    can't attend tomorrow.. cant u do it on 2 sepparate days so i cane get to be in at least one of the events?
  2. letrita

    Happy Birthday Argentina Event

    jajaja, viste la bandera de "garce trae alfajores" no me puedo parar de reir todabia
  3. letrita

    Item Event

    u rock hunter :)
  4. letrita

    Hmhm What Do U Think?

    congratz bro, THIS is using your head (and items, hehe)
  5. letrita

    Item Event Week 5-23-5-30

    nice event hunter, you always come to us with something new :lol: hope u can do this event in nemearg as well :)
  6. letrita

    Medusa Sword

    yeah, screw blizzard and bbh+5, who wants them anyways
  7. letrita

    Recall Delay

    lol, getting recalled in your face sucks, but its part of the game. put up or shut up.
  8. letrita


    quise decir que me parece que lo sacaron como a las sades del juev/sabado por que andaba con bugs
  9. letrita


    estaba bugeado, al igual q las sades del jueves y sabado..
  10. letrita

    Dk Great Sword !

    hagan que brille y que no jodan mas plz :lol: pd: el hp era bueno al menos, elgua?
  11. letrita

    Dk Great Sword !

    +15 debe viajar bien, es verdad, estaria bueno q brille onda dk sword+15
  12. letrita

    Anti-bumper :o

    che, pero yo hago una pregunta desde mi ignorancia codera, no se puede hacer algo para que cuando te bumpeas no te tire la tipica "trabadita" que todos conocemos.. onda que en vez de bumpearte te desvie directamente a un cuadrado de al lado o algo asi por que cuando te pasa, es una cagada el bump.. ya se q es parte del juego y todo, pero el efecto de rebotar, que se te trabe todo y el "AUCH!" quedan horribles visualmente.
  13. letrita

    Anti-bumper :o

    habria que testearlo
  14. letrita

    Pvp For Rep Event

    Working on it now. :P no slate activations allowed either, if u dont't say it you will have 10 ppl with hp slates on xD
  15. letrita

    Otra Ideita

    lo que necesito es la rapier
  16. letrita

    Otra Ideita

    muy buena farjat, esto le va venir bien al server pd:me das mi dk set de vuelta plz??
  17. letrita

    Using Merien On Shields.....

    i think endurance and dr, are related in someway.. i remember white saying something about this not long ago, i cant recall what was it...
  18. letrita

    Using Merien On Shields.....

    as long as you want untill you fail the upgrade and your shield and merien is lost.
  19. letrita


    pew pew pew
  20. letrita

    Nemesis: Design An Accessory Contest

    coloured pieces of cloth that are added to chars of a same guild, they can be of diffferent colours, and can be placed in diferent places.. for example Guild A has a red stripe of cloth tied to their right arm to recognise themselves in big fights (capes and boots can be easily copied) Guild B has a light blue and white (since they are argentinians xD) piece of cloth tied to their left foot. GuildMasters can choose the location, and design of this items when they create the guild, and they are automatically asigned to everybody that joins their guild. they cant be dropped, unequipped nor traded, as soon as you are banned/leave your guild, this token is removed from you. it adds +1 Defence it should be small, not like a flag tied up around your body xD hope you got my idea, its harder to explain in english :P
  21. letrita

    Issues With Update

    is bss drop working now?
  22. letrita


    allow GiS+2 and BSS+2 manufacture may encourage ppl to do them hoping to get pro weapons +2 +5 laser gun pew pew pew
  23. letrita

    Otra Vez La Burra Al Trigo

    pew pew
  24. letrita


    esas porquerias hacen algo?? yo las tenia juntando polvo en wh, ahora me las voy a chugear todas juntas :P
  25. letrita

    Angels Fps Problem :(

    it does skip, but trust me, you get used to it, and your fps are WAY higher.. and about those sprites... i think they are legal but you might want to send a ticket to check