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Everything posted by 151

  1. 151

    Pulling Issue.

    Well the reason im posting this topic was because of the situation today between White and Aki. Im happy to see that GM's are trying to solve the pulling issue by banning people who pull but i dont think its right to ban someone for a first offence of what you "think" was a pull. I have never seen Aki pull or have any su*censored*ion of pulling. This past week hes been complaining about lag in chat alot and has dced probably over 50 times on hunts. So the reason im posting this is because i do not think his 1 week ban was fair to him. I also have a pretty bad connection because i run off a wireless router. Sometimes my connections will randomly lose connectivity to my router in which case it makes my character "look" like i pulled. My point is there is no way of knowing that he actually pulled and that if he has done this plenty of times before then i would suspect it was pulling. But this was his first time ever being a so called puller. Note: i am not Aki, i am just a person from his same town. Just defending people who have bad connections to the server "Argentinians and Maylasians will know what im talking about because they dc alot due to connections to the server. Thanks and sorry if i posted this in the wrong forum.
  2. 151

    Pulling Issue.

    ramz this isnt just about aki. I just used that as an example on how people cannot know for sure if a person has pulled or not. i would consider your post a flame if anything. I was just stating i dont think it was fair for Aki or anyone else who gets banned on a first offence of being a so called puller with no proof. It happens to everyone if not 90%+ atleast.