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Everything posted by MEskaly

  1. MEskaly

    Server Dc Continuosly

    actualy .. what knny saying is that today 12 pm server time ... the server almost crash .. u couldnt connect or .. u connect 2 steps and down again ... for like 40 min ... thank u
  2. MEskaly

    Halloween Event

    updated my first post. also i know that its too hard, thats y i said closest to objective. Means if no1 gets demon parts, first 1 to get all skel bones win. :P I have dd parts =D connect later
  3. MEskaly

    Halloween Event

    YEY!!! now its better!
  4. MEskaly


    does manu really give more defense???? I thought it only gave endurance! Manu 200% plate +2 has 10080 endu... and yes .. have more def then DK plate ... but has less PA.. but anyway .. Now i know white, that gms known about the manu issue .. u guys know that something has to change to worth raise the skill ... cause I can tell, if manu can be use only for bbh .. isint WORTH IT! I just cant use any other item cause the weapons and armors are statted in server aready .. so whats the point? I would apreciate if u can answer my question at the beginner & Quastion section =D I dont wanna be a pain in the #%#$%.. sorry Thank you
  5. MEskaly

    Halloween Event

    LOL ... SOON I JOIN TO SPREAD BLOOD! BTW I geting some stuff ami!=D
  6. MEskaly


    THERE u go .. thats a start!! thank you white... btw could u plz try answer my question at beginner & question section plz? =D
  7. MEskaly

    Halloween Event

    awsome idea ami... but i guess the first task is very hard to do it cause dd?s wont drop leather . eye etc.. easily .. actualy a long time I dont see dd .. uni parts... BUT AGAIN... awsome for the server thank you!
  8. MEskaly


    Seriously ... we need changes in manu skills.. ppl are asking for statted bbh .. if that happens .. its the end for all enfforts... Juss make safe+2 bbh would something aready... any gm can answer?
  9. MEskaly

    Next Patch 5.22 Features

    Stated bbh its not a good idea ... first for manuers like me .. would be just a end for all enfforts till now... Majestics would be nice if we can trade for EKS (cause fh with 500+ eks ... what to do now...) the rest of it.. I can agree
  10. MEskaly


    U are right about it... it has some increase chance to up the manu item ... and the dice damage is litle bit higher .. in a resume that was what white said... but that doesent mean nothing ... make a manu bbh 200% +4 its freaking rare... (still) We need more encourage .. benefits on this .. My opinion!
  11. MEskaly


    There gonna be any update for Manufacture skill? It will change anything? thank you
  12. MEskaly


    if they can answer.. let they answer. Dont came here juss to be rude about the situation ... I have read the topics about upgrade .. and for me isint clearly about manu ... I know there is some speculation about .. i just wanna know by white or who else knows, what are the plains ... I, as a manuer, want to make the staff remember that is a very hard skill and never changed to be better for those who want to try... Ppl are concern about currency ingame .. manuers and miners, if supported, would change completly this issue.. juss for example .. So if u dont wanna help.. just dont Fu%#$% up! ok?? who is mad?? thank you
  13. MEskaly


    PLZ BACK TP THE TOPIC!!! TKS Bro i am fine .. how about u?? BTW... we cant do BOWS for example ... and manu weapons (good ones) would be fair if safe to +2 A BSS or a BBH
  14. MEskaly

    Manufacturing Bars

    Hello, I think White can answer that, I noticed that there is some momments ingame that i can make 4 or 5 100% bars with like 200-300 nuggets. Another momments can do a 100% bar with 300 nuggets. There is special momments (time) ingame that increase my chances? Second Question: All minerals have same chance to do a 100% bar? Even gold bar and mithral bar? Third Question: Why I cannot make a higher % in ultra bars or gold bars using 100% bars to do it? Example: To make a ultra coal bar I need: Super Coal(randonly %) + Super Coal(randonly %) + Iron = ultra coal (randonly %) If i get ... Super Coal (100%) + Super Coal (100%) + iron = Ultra Coal ( randonly % ... and generaly is low tham 60%) Wouldnt make sence if I can got higher bars with higher % completation on it? thank you...
  15. MEskaly


    Get the following: Hb server files Hg source Client source C++ compiler (msvc 6.0) works well. Getvsome basic c++ prpgramming knowledge, google is good. Learn the lops, operators, and arrays well. Hb code uses all of this. The rest is up to your own luck, and iq, and now that this forum isup, just ask here. I trust our community will respond fairly. Some one just landed a mass confusion spell on me. LOL!!!
  16. MEskaly

    Just To Say Hi

    Nice to see u belv... hope u back soon btw... foe every buddy with good intention know that admired wasent promoting any kind of game ... he was just telling why not playing and how busy he is ... be yourself....dont use the others name to denigrate anyone image...
  17. MEskaly

    Forum Contest 1

    HAHAHA! u got fark nudle! Helbreath Nemesis is SO ADDICTIVE that a crack user would die playing all at once!
  18. MEskaly

    About Drop Rate.

    this aready have been told in another topics... try read begginner topic. U will found lot stuff about that
  19. I think u wrong ... ppl came to help your guys to clean abby .. so its fair to be a food game after the hunt .. Its shame recall and wait for ppl came to you ask about food game ... that means .. for me ... that u runway and is specting that those ppl juss forget about what happens...
  20. MEskaly

    (Sunday, After Held) Hammer Time

    Hunter u on for today?!
  21. agreee... ares start when was like 20min 15 min to abby get unsummoned and the hp was nothing under 70k ... so everybody quit trying and start mess around..
  22. in other words... shit happens
  23. disagree ... best day is today unfair... I mean sundays after held is the best day to do it
  24. disagree ... best day is today