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Posts posted by Szklana

  1. Maybe add something to guilds so that ppl will motivate to play in groups and spent time hunting for Guild. Like i dunno, higher drop rate for all Veteran members? It could cost contri + gold. This way this will mobilize guilds to start hunting for gold/contri - more ppl active also this will allow nonguild ppl to be actually needed by guilds so the nonguild ppl will not leave server bored cuz of solo style.


    Increase almost each pit monsters amount by 2-3, come on ACC d2 5 ccs... same with other pits.. that aint promoting a team hunting.. team hunting = more fun and activity.



    Make BBH then 300 str so u will guys swing really slow, how about that? BBH will be the best weapon once the sets are in, why? cuz all mr/dr sets will go down in 2-3 minutes of pvp... Warriors always at the beginning were loosing to mages, but once they get mr sets it flips 360 degrees.


    Removing MIM just shows how much u want your build be the best, lets maybe also add 50% that BBH crit instant kills target?

    2-3 min? Non DK set remove from 5th hit... I carrying 2 Chains couse of that.. 20 hits the chain is 500/100.. also knight removed to fast.. mage are in disadvantage...


    its too easy to be 180, so think with dk set ON... witn dk chain +mshield mages are almost inmortal


    Mage a mage and go on then, u dont even know how bows stun, few minutes ago i saw 7 wars bowing 1 war down... all with DK sets.


    And 213, i did not mean DK set, i typed there dr/mr ... please read all what i write, not just the things u can argue with.

  3. Make BBH then 300 str so u will guys swing really slow, how about that? BBH will be the best weapon once the sets are in, why? cuz all mr/dr sets will go down in 2-3 minutes of pvp... Warriors always at the beginning were loosing to mages, but once they get mr sets it flips 360 degrees.


    Removing MIM just shows how much u want your build be the best, lets maybe also add 50% that BBH crit instant kills target?

  4. wrong timezone... you canged then wrong timezone guild.. Respekt same timezone I play..


    Alka with consideration, ask who played yesterday what opinion they have (reference last Sade) about and make conclusion, no ofence. Maybe at this timezone more aresden on, who knows I dont have the stadistics, but its was ownage with no chance to nothing only to bite the dust on any map.

    Yep, thats how smaller guilds / single player feels in aresden when most of players are online.

  5. Wrigly, you played Olympia did you not? So there was no MiM there in magic shop, and mages were completely fine. So your argument is void. Be more constructive rather then throwing out blasphemy.

    Sorry for double posting but i just saw this post.


    Your argument is more void then hes. On Olympia dr sets worked like a charm and bbh was not having huge strip and endu dest. so please do not try to use fail argument that Olympia did not had MIM in shop.


    On Olympia mages had increased SP regens, MP minimal regens, a dr set 49+= with 50 dex worked really great and lots of warriors could not have BBH and shitloads of VIT!