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Posts posted by Hikari

  1. You should probably create a BS item map, say PL. Kind of hard to control, but it?d be kind of cool to keep rares/stated items out of scene just for one map.


    This way new players could still enjoy some pvp while they gather items. As they progress and acquire more items, they can use them somewhere else.


    Just give them the chance of having a fair fight.



    Maybe even bringing back the ND (noob dungeon). Roll back to the time when the entrance was in town instead of farm. Increase the lvl to 140- or 160 179 (maybe even trough a couple of pits in), and as I said before, dont allow rares, because then they might have to face ND raiders, or PL raiders (item whores) which are impossible for them to kill.


    I think that if you keep tuning this idea, you can get something really nice for new players. New thoughts keep comming to my mind such as, an entrance to ML mines from the ND, or a link to D2. Just helping new players to get faster to some places, say stone golem pit at d2, while enemies from the other town, have to run as hell to get to the sg pit in d2. Maybe modifying the maps could help.


    I remember when I used to play hb int (the original) I used to love the noob dungeon because I could have fun in there, get quick to the other town, mine etc etc.


    Just a thought


    If they made a map where u couldnt use rares it would just start killing pvm action... After all I see HB in 3 parts that should be in balance... Hunting (pvm) fighting other players (pvp) and leveling your character and its skills.



    1) Dedicated Pits - I suggest dedicated pits for different creatures. Hunting for me is one of the most enjoyable aspects of the game, new pits for creatures like unicorns and Liches, which are rarely hunted, would certainly rekindle my interest! There is alot of redundant space in dungeon level 3 just waiting to be exploited ^_^


    2) Fishing - Giving the game an extra dimension might not be a bad idea. Imagine being able to fish for rares and stated items? There have always been rumours that excalibur+2 could be fished from water, how bout making it a reality?!


    I like the 1st idea, even tho it doesnt necessarily have to be those pits... and adding new pits would also bring some more pvp action.


    The 2nd idea is great also, but I see that part in a bigger scale. I think skills like manufacturing or mining has lost their usefullness because of high exp rate... Who needs manu armors when u can have dk, or who needs to mine for money since u can get tons of it from anywhere... Not to mention fishing or farming, theyre pretty useless.


    I said only 1 map. You would probably get tired after a while and would like to raid the enemy town, pits in TOH and fight people in IB, drucnian city, etc etc. For that you still need the items.


  2. You should probably create a BS item map, say PL. Kind of hard to control, but it?d be kind of cool to keep rares/stated items out of scene just for one map.


    This way new players could still enjoy some pvp while they gather items. As they progress and acquire more items, they can use them somewhere else.


    Just give them the chance of having a fair fight.



    Maybe even bringing back the ND (noob dungeon). Roll back to the time when the entrance was in town instead of farm. Increase the lvl to 140- or 160 179 (maybe even trough a couple of pits in), and as I said before, dont allow rares, because then they might have to face ND raiders, or PL raiders (item whores) which are impossible for them to kill.


    I think that if you keep tuning this idea, you can get something really nice for new players. New thoughts keep comming to my mind such as, an entrance to ML mines from the ND, or a link to D2. Just helping new players to get faster to some places, say stone golem pit at d2, while enemies from the other town, have to run as hell to get to the sg pit in d2. Maybe modifying the maps could help.


    I remember when I used to play hb int (the original) I used to love the noob dungeon because I could have fun in there, get quick to the other town, mine etc etc.


    Just a thought

  3. Te comento que hice eso y no me funcion?.


    pero yo no lo digo porque necesito fps, yo necesito que me deje de lagear cuando veo gente. Es algo muy raro. Si estoy corriendo yo solo anda barbaro, pero empiezo a ver gente o muchos monstruos y empiezael Network traffic lag.... Realmente no creo que este ligado con mi conexion xqe el ping me da 10ms y tengo fiber 3mb viviendo en capital, asi que debe ser otra cosa extra?a

  4. Hello!


    Here are som new spell ideas.



    Halos can be seen by everyone (just like angels).

    A player can't have both protective spells and halos at the same time.

    The halo appears over the head of the player targeted by the halo.


    Minor Halos (obtained at mage tower)


    Minor HP Halo (red)

    +10% Max Hp

    Lasts for 1 min


    Minor MP Halo (blue)

    +10% Max Mana

    Lasts for 1 min


    Minor SP Halo (green)

    +10% Max Stamina

    Lasts for 1 min


    Minor Hit Halo (purple)

    +20 hitrating

    Lasts for 40 sek


    Minor Brutal Halo (orange)

    +3 physical and magical dmg.

    Lasts for 40 sek


    Major Halos (obtained from manuals)


    Major HP Halo (glowing red)

    +20% Max Hp +10% hp regen

    Lasts for 1 min


    Major MP Halo (glowing blue)

    +20% Max Mana + 10% mp regen

    Lasts for 1 min


    Major SP Halo (glowing green)

    +20% Max Stamina +10% sp regen

    Lasts for 1 min


    Major Hit Halo (glowing purple)

    +40 hitrating

    Lasts for 40 sek


    Major Brutal Halo (glowing orange)

    +6 physical and magical dmg.

    Lasts for 40 sek


    True Sight Halo (glowing white)

    Player is able to se oposing factions protective spells.

    Lasts for 1 min


    Other spells


    Deadly Poison

    When deadly poison is cast on a player, that player needs to be cured within 1 min.

    If the player fail to cast cure or eat a green pot then health will be reduced down to 1 when 1 min is up.

    When the spell is trigered, all players one tile around the infected player will be

    poisoned and will need to be cured aswell (chain reaction).


    Charm Monster

    A charmed monster will be in your control for 1 min (just like a summon).

    If the monsters health drops below 50% then control is lost.

    A monster with health below 50% can't be charmed.


    The suggestions are just for fun.

    If you like or dislike, feel free to comment. :)


    I do like the idea of the halos, altough I think the only useful would be the hitting prob and damage halo. Most likely used during 1 v 1 fights


    I dont like the poison and charm monster idea.


    Then i?d probably be very important to determine how much int is required for each spell, meaning... will a zerk war be able to cast this spells with the regular 59 int? or will he need 65 points or something like that

  5. era una cuestion de cantidad, si hubieran habido la misma cantidad de wars que de magos, la historia probablemnte hubiera sido distinta. Sin pfm, cuando empezo el evento esos blizz se llevaron un monton de personas.

  6. Hola queria saber si los usuarios con 2 o 4 cores en su micro pueden cambiar la afinidad (elegir con cuantos micros opera) el HB.


    Aca en la pagina del HB USA http://www.helbreathusa.com/faq18.php hay un par de tips para mejorar la performance del hb, y quero ver si de casualidad alguna de estas cosas me arregla el lag que tengo cada vez qe hay agite.


    Yo desde mi maquina no puedo cambiar la afinidad para el hb pero si para otros programas, asi qe no se si eso es algo qe se puede corregir desde la programacion.

  7. Yo creo qe deberiamos demandar a Simantech por que nos hiso adictos a esto y ahora no lo podemos dejar, y despues vamos por farjat que hiso este server y nos trajo devuelta al vicio!!!!! si funciono con las tabacaleras por que no con el hb? ajjajajaj no bueno dejando el delirio de lado....


    Por mi parte cada vez que me engancho juego menos y los intervalos en los que me engancho se van alargando cada vez mas. Por ejemplo, hace como 1 a?o y medio o 2 que no jugaba hb, y jugue 3 dias a este server pero no me enganche. Digamos que la paja que es hacerse un personaje nuevo me vencio y prefiero qe asi sea.