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Posts posted by Dsquared

  1. ettin pits shouldnt exist...


    if there would be an ettin pit , then they should change their drops (like they did with igs)

    and mayb put it in abaddon map, in the center

    What changed with ig's drops?But about centr of abby map it is good idea :)


    Before we changed drops, IGs could drop IE Neck+RoAM. Now they just drop IP+RoGM.

    Tnx for info,but i didn t see any GM's opinion or desicion about ettins pit...

  2. Troll pit & Giant Frog Pits are located in Middleland map.


    Giant-Crayfish are located in the noob dungeon (accessed from farms)

    Guys where is reason to locate Giant crayfish pit in n00b dungeon,but troll pit in ml?!I think if change them will be most better! ;)

  3. Hello all,i selling now some items.



    ms16+rogm+mp84 leather+42 berk+35 hose(m)




    Abh+sbh+1 hp35+dm5+rodr



    I m selling following items aswell:

    hp35 wings(w)

    hp49 berk(w)

    hp70 iron

    efreet neck

    dex+8 ang


  4. I remember one situation,when i hard hunting etts at river,killing about 700-800 per week and didn t get any drop.And one of those days when i hunting i very lagging and kill one of the etts,got lag and had dc,before ett body dissapear.And when i log back i saw that one player jumt to something red one place where i kill this ett.It was Svafnir.I just said:"Wait man!" And he ask me it was urs?I said-yes.And he gave me back efreet neck-my first drop from 3 weeks of hard hunt.

    I can tell just one thing: don t matter are u pr0 player or not.Don t matter how many rares and sets u have.Just 1 thing is matter-are u a man or not.I respect Amon,really respect.


    I really sorry for my english and hope that u will understand me correct <_<

  5. +10 = 55 majs

    +11 = 65

    +12 = 76

    +13 = 88

    +14 = 101

    +15 = 115

    +16 = 130

    +17 = 146

    +18 = 163

    +19 = 181

    +20 = 200

    If we will follow this rule it will be 1318!majs from +10 to+20!And if u need about 40 mins for each maj=878 play hours......After 878 hours on any pit u will be crazy!!!! :D :D I m agree with Kat that we need any extra reason for making ang +20 :wub: