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Posts posted by KILOo

  1. yes runners are ez to solo :P


    but im starting to see is its more about items then char.

    i was just wondering since back in the day on

    hbUSA i could solo a demon on my 172 BBH zerk war pretty easily


    while here, ive gone through 35 hp pots and died and the demon still alive.

    That's funny cause this server bugs me out..Before At lvl 165 on usa...5 monthes of grindin lol..those lvls sucked..but i had dm3 ogre ring n SBH+3..that was it and i could solo demons maybe chug 1 pot...Also all the way up to like lvl 160 ww/ogre pit was hard to train in kinda get owned...In usa I was training in ogere pit at lvl 90...Just some thought's...I dont get it here...

  2. This is just an idea


    this is to the owners of a great helbreath server


    if you guys would lower the prices of name changes, server changes i would think more people would use those options.

    like world of warcraft a character transfer is 15 dollars maybe u guys make it 30 on here but not like what you are doing now 100 dollars to 250 for using these options its a bit much.


    so maybe lower it and more people will use it, everyone will benefit from this on the long run



    100%'s not like it costs them money to do a char xfer or even if it was 1 dollar there makin money...and i know barely anyone pays what they ask...if you guys lowered the prices more people would do it no questions about it..therefore youd make more money no doubt...30$ sounds reasonable but even 50$ aint sure 3x as many peiople would do it.

  3. Hmmm unluckyist thing i can think of is being a total retard and selling my mass items for $$$$ in hbusa. But check this out..LUCKIEST thing======Well 1 day im being my normal lazy self hanging out in front of wh, when this noob post's "Whats earth shock wave manual worth??" Every1 replies were like "1 slime" things like that but for some reason i felt this noob was being serious So i did what any compitent hb player would do and later traded sharp warX rep7+blood sword+1 zem for ESW...there were only 3 active esw mages at this time after 6 years of hbusa..just imagine how that feels :D...roflmfao...He said he got it from clay golem in farm..thats insane luck...Alot of people were really mad for awhile but fu*k em...Got alot of nice items for it..gbh..zwand ms20..xring.xblade.180 mage..180 baxe hp77..AWSOME mp set..alot of sh!t lol...WHICH i sold for $$ and made around 2500 just a nice lil HB story for all of you...I was Cam^ron and -Twista- in usa got esw from Mary-Miner :D bye



    EDIT: Actual ingame unluckiest thing = Losing food game for x rap and anc Gis hp21 in gg pit on friends char, in same day between 2 people!!!!!!worst day of my life..i was lvl 160+ noob best items was blood sword and ie sword and ogre ring lol