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Everything posted by locobans

  1. locobans

    [guia] Aumentar Fps.

    Best choise! Me pase a Windows 7 y baje los ultimos drivers para mi tarjeta INTEL G45/43 Express Chipset pero todavia no me saca la opcion...tengo un panel pero no me salen las opciones y por el dxdiag Que crees? :sleep: Yo tengo placa de video, ahi ya no se que podes hacer? invertir en una? :P Si a ver en cuanto me sale una USB a ver... B)
  2. locobans

    [guia] Aumentar Fps.

    Best choise! Me pase a Windows 7 y baje los ultimos drivers para mi tarjeta INTEL G45/43 Express Chipset pero todavia no me saca la opcion...tengo un panel pero no me salen las opciones y por el dxdiag Que crees? :sleep:
  3. locobans

    Nemesis Int

    Idem. Im playing Arg at the moment. When everyone comes back to int... ill come back too. We all have awesome chars + sets here... At Nem Arg... we r all crying for gold... not everyone has gold to repair or buy a knight plate mail... who wants to play like that? :S I do :wub: And guess 300+ other people too ^_^
  4. locobans

    Nemesis Int

    I started playing hbarg don't mind delay or ping issues 300+ users on is really fun to play. ~Locobans
  5. locobans

    Me Gustaria Una Respuesta Concreta De Pq No Ai Medu !

    Exacto ;) Menos quejas y mas agradecimientos :)
  6. locobans

    [guia] Aumentar Fps.

    Ya me estoy bajando el Windows 7. Alta porqueria el Vista. No lo queria cambiar por la garantia pero bueno nada mas le queda un mes :) Gracias
  7. locobans

    [guia] Aumentar Fps.

    Fijate... Lo corro con compatibilidad para Windows XP y tambien intente para Windows 2000 y me sigue igual.... :sleep: No se de las demas opciones...
  8. locobans

    [guia] Aumentar Fps.

    Proba en las propiedades del cliente y poniendo compatibilidad con Win2000/XP, de lo contrario te recomiendo que pongas Windows 7 o en su defecto Windows XP! Gracias ahi cuando llegue a la casa te dejo saber que tal. Sin embargo cuando intento cambiar la acceleracion por el DXDIAG no me salen las opciones simplemente dice ACTIVADO(ENABLED) pero no hay forma de sacarlo :sleep: ~Locobans
  9. locobans

    [guia] Aumentar Fps.

    Ya ni se que hacer...tengo una SONY VAIO PC All In One con windows vista x64bit... Sin embargo la tarjeta que tengo es INTEL G45 Express (no nVidia)...he intentado bajar los nuevos drivers para ver si me deja desabilitar la acceleracion pero cuando me voy a la pagina de Intel no me los deja instalar diciendome que los drivers que tiene la pc son customizados para este tipo de PC y otros drivers no funcionarian correctamente... A mi no me importa los FPS pero es que mientras no veo a nadie en la pantalla juego de maravilla inmediatamente veo a alguien empieza a lagear y el delay....:( A ver si alguien aca me puede echar una mano :) ~Locobans
  10. locobans

    [guia] Aumentar Fps.

    Nada de nada para Windows Vista :(
  11. locobans

    [guia] Aumentar Fps.

    Deberain hacer este post STICKY.
  12. locobans

    Helbreath Nemesis Expansion.

    I just noticed that we have a lot of VISTA users including me, therefore a lot of us get little laggy when angels come around. I suggest you guys install windows XP. I still don't mind the expansion...it's good to take risks :)
  13. locobans

    Client Virus?

    Hello, Let's keep it simple just wanted to ask if it's only me or the client has sometime of virus.... Maybe prolly cause is compressed or something but anyways guys let me know. Thanks, Pic:
  14. locobans

    Client Virus?

    I'm sorry been away from computers for a while now... :sleep: that used to be a pretty good anti virus...which one you would recommend?
  15. locobans

    Africans Guild Please Reply

    Noisy :lol:
  16. locobans

    Mailing/message System

    Hello, I was thinking that a mailing/offline messages system could be implemented. This new system will save character's messages that are left while character's OFFLINE, so when he logs in (just as the welcome pop up) a pop up will show up saying how many new messages and blah blah the character has. Also it could be saved for xx amount of time then automatically delete... or players can delete messages too...so it don't get FULL. What you guys think? ;)
  17. locobans


    Welcome! hope you enojy your stay!
  18. locobans


    Hey guys I found this on old topics...why not add Scan magic only to work on NPC... Pretty useful for hunts to see how much HP a BOSS has left. It could be high int/mp requirements so only mages will access it. Old topic: http://helbreathnemesis.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=16690
  19. locobans

    Dk15's Chap 2 =]

    That's what I got... :unsure:
  20. locobans

    Dk15's Chap 2 =]

    MasterRapier damage sucks! Crit+7 will make more damage than master.
  21. locobans

    What To Do After Getting Hero Set?

    Don't make everything hero now...lolz
  22. locobans

    A Welcome To Our Chinese Friends Players

    I saw erm... wbckorea talkin crazy lol so he must be one.
  23. locobans

    Helbreath Nemesis - The Portal

    Good looking White.
  24. locobans

    A Welcome To Our Chinese Friends Players

    its from one of those strat games like empire earth or some such thing i forget, it was voice commands or some bullshit 1=yes 2=no 2-13=no i dont think so Earth of Empire ;) Age of Empire 2. Yah Yah...i knew i was close lolzzz