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Posts posted by Shylar

  1. I was about to get a screenshot about them talking about it, I brought it up, they muted me and sent me to BI (Which Disconnects me) or they disconnected me so I wouldn't get a screenshot, I was so close to pushing it


    Hunter is a dirty GM


    I thought this game was fair till I seen all that..


    Haha, wow


    I am going back to SPORE




    Just because he is an old man doesn't mean shit..


    I was talking to his son and his son even said "My dad is Hunter[GM], that is how I got all this stuff"




    I wish I would have SS'ed that awhile back..


    I thought Hunter was cool, until all this shit went down..


  2. Ice Golems, hunting .. Mass Frost Spawn.. (Mage yells for me to kill this Anti-Magic Frost..


    I zerk and kill it and he loots the berk..then exchanges it in a trade window bragging about it


    I say "Hey I killed that.." and he says he will help me level..he gets me a few levels and then dies by an Elvine, then says never to ask for his help again, and never talk to him


    So he has my berk, and I received about..20 minutes of help




  3. I suppose this is a good way to go down, I know like none of you care and all but I thought about it a lot last night


    So I made the decision to quit.


    Thanks all the nice people for helping me out and talking to me


    Thanks to the other players as well, helping with something... (Making me laugh, thieving, talking trash)


    I did talk some trash , but it was for those players who needed it..


    Well, I will stay on forums most likely because I like forums, they are fun..


    Kk, merry christmas


    Grats on whoever won



  4. Heh my first EK was the other way. I a low lvld war just got his long sword skill 100% training in Clay Golems. Suddenly " Bang " Blizzard hits me. Fast PFM on, and start to hit him. The next moment he just dies ony getting 2 crits from me. And like u my heart beated like an animal for the next few minutes. So mages look out for low lvld wars, they may kill ur asses


    Nice kill! :D



    Well, I am a noob and all but I want everybody (IF YOU CAN REMEMBER)


    How your first EK went down..


    Now now now now now, I got my first EK like 10 minutes ago, I was so ecstatic I fell out of my chair and a stone golem almost killed me!




    Here is how it went down...


    Well I am killing Stone Golems in Promise Land completely minding my own buisness when I hear footsteps near by and nobody in sight! I un-equip my shield and press CTRL + 4 and click on Detect Invisibility, that is when I seen it..a a feirce warrior running towards me, I was sooo scared (Like always) as I press F2 (Energy Strike) and move my cursor to his huge muscular body and left click...


    This is when it happened, everything in-game and in real life faded away as I seen his body hit the ground with a hard smack and a little ding-a-ling noise sounded on my speakers, I let out a big "OMFG!!!!!" that woke my parents, as I pretty much fell out of my chair.


    As I sit there just staring at my screen as I loot the body and get a Large Revitializing Potion, Full-Helm (M) and 336 gold, I space out for a minute, so happy I thought I was going to die!




    I come back to notice I am getting gang banged by about 3 Stone Golems with 40 hp left, and yelp!


    I get away, kill them and recall...go directly to the Magic Shop and buy the spell Celebrate Light


    Run my happy little self to the Aresden Shop and happily waste 60 Large Mana Potions draining my mana casting Celebrate Light atleast 9000 times.


    And now here I am, on forums telling you are awesome first EK Experience!


    If you can remember yours, please tell us here!


    I love you all!




  6. Name the best Helbreath drop you ever got and if it is different...the best Nemesis drop you ever got.

    What was it?

    What dropped it?

    Did you keep it or trade it?


    What would be your dream drop




    Zemstone of Sacrifice

    Stone Golem

    Traded it for a MS0 EXP20 Wand!


    ESW or Berzerk Wand MS20


    Yes, I am a noob :\

  7. Oh I like HB Nemesis a bunches! It is indeed the best (in my experience and from others) I love the community and the GM's and stuff, they are so nice and helpful and stuff




    Maybe one day I can help out a lot of people like them, I already started helping a couple newbies by giving them my old equipments

