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About razorza

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  1. razorza

    New To Helbreath

    Thanks, must've missed the Guides subforum but should be good to go now :D
  2. razorza

    New To Helbreath

    Thanks for the advice guys, I'm gonna start reading Tricker's Helbreath Manual and see what I can get out of it :). As for exploration... well I'll guess I'll just have to get on with it and explore ;). Thanks again Oh and Moha... we're planning to play Mages, never really enjoyed the warrior side of things :)
  3. razorza

    New To Helbreath

    Hey guys I normally wouldn't come to a forum asking for help... but it's a last resort as I can't find ANY material on the net. My friend and I want to start playing Helbreath but are completely and utterly confused. We've both played UO so we understand the whole skill system, but for example we have no idea where to train shields. (Well I think I do, in Barracks, but I can't seem to find any teleport back out of town :P). We're not asking anyone to hand out anything here, we'd prefer to earn our characters, but we would like a bit of help regarding HOW to play. Maybe a website with labelled maps to help us, or a very newbie guide (most of the guides on the main Nemesis site don't work). Anyways, thanks in advance