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Posts posted by TheDude

  1. servers *censored*ed due to everyone just buying items buts its up to the GM staff and they already said no. so thats fine i just figured il throw it out there and maybe if enough people say Yeah wipe and such they may take that into a Possible. But it all Boils down to the Admins of nemesis and there out for the players with not wiping everyother day which i understand of owning my own server.

  2. Yeah im a old player not going to mention who cause im not liked. But i would be willing to come back to a Newly Wiped server. i think it would bring alot of players back and from other servers due to there Corruptness and nothing out there worth it. Please comment Yes or No thanks

  3. ok u say the balance of the game look how many RoD and RoGM there are i nthe server due to Dragons now the servers going to be flooded with Ogres rings/demon and will soon be worth a zem for one due to hcs droping alot and crap just a input no need to flame me

  4. Dear Santa[GM]


    My first name is Billiam


    I live in the city East Moline of in the state of Illinois.


    That's in United States , but I am sure you knew that!!


    So far this year I have been: Very good beside i got pulled over for speeding but who doesnt .


    Santa, could you please do your best to bring me a The Devastator.


    P.S. Santa, here are some MORE things I want to tell you!!


    i left u 5 cookies and some chocolate milk in City Hall so climb down the Chimey and get what is Rightfully yours.


    My Chara name is Achaean